Rocking The Political Boat- Conservative Society For Action
Monday, July 19, 2010 at 8:36PM
By Erica Jackson
One evening last September two friends, Stephan Flanagan and Conrad Schabauer were sitting chatting as friends do. The topic of politics came up and the pair quickly realized that they shared the same view: that the country is in dire straights and it’s not only because of President Barack Obama, but also because of local officials.  They decided to do something about it.
“We listened to what our President had to say,” said Flanagan.  “It scared the hell out of us; big government, socialized medicine.  All destructive to our economy and way of life.”
Almost the next day, Stephen Flanagan and Conrad Schabauer formed the grassroots Conservative Society for Action (CSA). Along with it a website, calling for action from others who share their same opinion. 
“We went to the Internet with our message,” said Flanagan, “We published articles and issued press releases to generate membership.”
As membership grew the “freedom fighters,” as they refer to themselves, took their message to the streets. They consistently put themselves in the public eye, holding rallies, knocking on the office doors of their representatives and making trips to Albany and Washington to voice their opinions.  They also frequently appear at governmental meetings in large numbers.
Most recently, CSA members teamed up with the Suffolk County 9-12 Tea Party Patriots, a political organization that shares similar views with CSA, to attend Congressman Tim Bishop’s Town Hall Meeting. At the June meeting, nearly 100 participants questioned the Congressman on his voting record and chanted, “Silent No More.”
Congressman Bishop (D-1st District), said Flanagan, is just one of many officials who are working against their constituents by supporting policies such as bailouts, socialized health care and taxes that are detrimental to small businesses.  “They are the reason we are in a recession,” said Flanagan. “Our local representatives don’t get it.  This is the worst economy in my lifetime and our officials are taking actions to increase spending.  Are they stupid? Or are they sinister?”
Congressman Bishop says the answer is opposite.  In a statement to, he said, “My job is to continue to work hard and fight for Smithtown residents.  Whether it is the office hours I recently held at Smithtown town Hall or my work to help the Kings Park VFW, I will continue to conduct myself with respect for all the people I represent and with the utmost regard for civility.  How others choose to conduct themselves and exercise their First Amendment rights is up to them.”
It does seem, however, that the actions CSA has taken is working to their benefit.  Today, the CSA touts some 4,500 members from all over the country.  All support a belief that “the legitimate role of government, as defined in the Declaration of Independence, is to secure the life, liberty and property of its citizens. All other governmental activities tend to diminish freedom and hamper progress. The growth of government must be fought relentlessly.”
“What we want,” said Flanagan, “is to throw the bums out of office.”  He continued, “We don’t believe our representatives are doing a good job. Our recourse in the American system of politics is to throw them out of office.”
While the organization has no intent on becoming an independent political party and putting up its own candidates, it is, said Flanagan supporting candidates that share their views.
“We want someone who believes in smaller government, small taxation, supports business, supports jobs and less regulation,” said Flanagan, “We want candidates that are willing to say ‘no’ to bigger government and someone who has the guts to go up there and say, ‘stop the bleeding.’”
Flanagan says he sees these qualities in several candidates looking to get elected this November, including John Gomez, a Republican, Conservative candidate for the second Congressional District. That seat is currently held by Democrat Steve Israel.
The CSA is also looking to support Lee Zeldin, a Republican who is looking to run against 3rd Senate District Senator Brian Foley, who is a Democrat. 
In addition, the CSA is looking to support a candidate against Bishop, but not sure who yet.  Flanagan says it with either be Republican George Demos or Christopher Nixon Cox, also a Republican.
To support these candidates,the CSA urges its members to get involved in the election process by infiltrating their local Republican, Democrat, Conservative organizations and working to become committeemen, who are instrumental in the election process.
The CSA is also, said Flanagan dedicated to educational awareness. “Awareness is so important.  We want the party leadership and elected officials to know we are watching. We urge our members to go to meetings and hearings  and listen and comment and if our elected officials act in a way that is inexplicable, we will make sure the electorate is aware and it will be taken into account on election day.”
Getting out there and making their presence known has garnered national attention, not just for CSA members, but the entire tea party movement. As reported in the Washington Post last week, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) denounced the tea party movement, saying it had “racist elements” within it.  
Flanagan called the statements made by the NAACP “ridiculous” and said, “this is proof positive that they don’t have support on the issues and they have to resort to name calling.  They are saying we are racist to try and get us off message.”
The CSA’s message is clear said Flanagan and the group's members will stick to it, “throw the bums out of office."
For more information on CSA, visit
Article originally appeared on Smithtown Matters - Online Local News about Smithtown, Kings Park, St James, Nesconset, Commack, Hauppauge, Ft. Salonga (
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