Randy Altschuler - Temporary Tax Cuts Won't Work
Tuesday, July 20, 2010 at 9:46PM

Congress (NY-1), today called upon Congressman Tim Bishop to "let President Obama and Speaker Pelosi know that temporary tax cuts for small business won't work." Altschuler, a successful self made businessman and proven job creator, was referring to the Obama Administration's proposal to provide one year temporary tax cuts, such as the expensing of certain capital projects. Altschuler is the only candidate in the 1st C.D. race who has actually created private sector jobs; over 700 American jobs with 250 located in New York State.

Randy Altschuler said, "Tim Bishop needs to step-up and let President Obama and Speaker Pelosi know that temporary tax cuts for small businesses won't work when it comes to creating jobs and cutting unemployment. These cuts will be countered by the increased capital gains tax which takes effect on January 1, 2011. Tax hikes that will hit hardest on start-up companies and those businesses considering expansion and which are in need of capital for growth.

"Tim Bishop, Nancy Pelosi and President Obama have never been hands-on creators of private sector jobs. They've never made a payroll, paid for employees healthcare or grown businesses from the ground up. They've never felt the bite of the taxman or the sting of government regulation and red tape. What America needs is for Congress to stop tinkering with the tax code and institute permanent lower tax rates so that businesses can make the long term investments needed to expand and create jobs. We need a healthcare package based on private sector solutions and a common sense conservative approach to cutting onerous red tape and regulations. Congress and the federal government need to get out of the way and let America work."

Article originally appeared on Smithtown Matters - Online Local News about Smithtown, Kings Park, St James, Nesconset, Commack, Hauppauge, Ft. Salonga (https://www.smithtownmatters.com/).
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