A Question of Ethics At Smithtown Town Hall
Wednesday, August 11, 2010 at 10:22AM
By Erica Jackson

It was just three years ago that an ethical debate broke out in Smithtown Town Hall when a tenured councilman accused a fellow councilwoman of using town resources for political gain.  Now, it seems the tables are turned: That same councilman’s ethics came into question last week when an e-mail invitation to his summer fundraiser on Wednesday, July 28, 2010, listed the town council office as a number to call to make a reservation.
The use of the town council office phone line and its secretary is in direct violation of section 30-10 of the town’s ethics code, which reads, “No town officer or employee shall use or permit the use of town property (including land, vehicles, equipment, materials and any other property) for personal convenience or profit, except when such use is available to town citizens generally or is provided as a matter of town policy.”
When asked about the use of the phone number Councilman Wehrheim told SmithtownMatters.com that it was an error on the part of the Kings Park Chamber of Commerce, which he says originated the e-mail.  “It wasn’t me that sent it out,” said Wehrheim.  “All of my political stuff is done from home and apparently they must have gotten the invite and just put the message out to all their members and inadvertently put the wrong number.”
However, despite the “error” as Wehrheim says it was, the town council’s secretary fielded at least two phone calls regarding the fundraiser.  On Wednesday morning, two people associated with SmithtownMatters.com anonymously called the council office to inquire about the fundraiser and both were told the cost was $85 and that tickets were being sold at the door.
“He is a hypocrite,” said former Councilwoman Joanne Gray. “Not only is the use of the town’s phone number for his fundraiser unethical, but it’s against the law. It seems Mr. Wehrheim has a short term memory when it comes to going after someone who was totally innocent of ethics charges brought against her.”
In 2007 Wehrheim sent a letter to the town’s Board of Ethics questioning Gray’s decision to place a campaign magnet in town-paid letters she sent to town residents informing them about the availability of state-owned boating slips.  In the end, she maintained her innocence, but was fined and ordered by a Supreme Court judge to pay $3,500.
Regarding Wehrheim, Smithtown Republican Chairman Bill Ellis said that though he doesn’t know all the facts, he trusts, “It was an error and nothing else.”
Edward Maher, the Smithtown Democratic chairman believes that if it is in fact a mistake, a correction should have been sent out or at the least, Councilman Wehrheim should put out a press release saying an error was made.  However, Maher said if it wasn’t in error, the use of the town’s phone line should be investigated.  He said, “That would be a violation of the law and absolutely a problem.”
SmithtownMatters.com did attempt to contact the Kings Park Chamber of Commerce, leaving multiple messages, however no calls were returned as of press time.  Nor were calls returned by the volunteer members of the town’s board of ethics. 
Presently, there are only two members sitting on the board of ethics, Tracy Epstein and Patrick O’Leary. The third seat is vacant and waiting to be filled by the town board.
Update on Monday, August 9, 2010 at 11:16PM by Registered Commenter.

Kings Park Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Dee Grasso has contacted SmithtownMatters.com in an effort to set the record straight and clear Smithtown Councilman Ed Wehrheim’s name of any wrong doing.  Stating that she made a mistake Grasso said “I shouldn’t have sent anything out.  It was a big mistake on my part.” According to Grasso, she intended on e-mailing an invitation to the chamber’s August BBQ using her personal e-mail, but mixed up the event with Wehrheim’s.  She said, “It became a huge screw up and I have apologized up and down.  I am not trying to hurt anybody and I will make sure I get the right information in the future. “

The e-mail, as reported by SmithtowMatters.com advised recipients to contact the Smithtown Town Council’s phone number for reservations and additional information for Councilman Wehrheim’s July 28 fundraiser. By law, the council’s number cannot be used for political events. Councilman Wehrheim has denied any wrong doing. 

Article originally appeared on Smithtown Matters - Online Local News about Smithtown, Kings Park, St James, Nesconset, Commack, Hauppauge, Ft. Salonga (https://www.smithtownmatters.com/).
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