Prostate Care Program at SBUMC Recognized 
Wednesday, August 4, 2010 at 11:11PM

Assemblyman Sweeney Cites Thousands of Screenings by Dr. Howard L. Adler and Staff

STONY BROOK, N.Y., August 4, 2010 – The Prostate Care Program at Stony Brook University Medical Center received a New Pictured, from left: Assemblyman Sweeney, Howard L. Adler, M.D., Prostate Care Program Medical Director, Arlene Shaw, R.N., Nursing Director, and Program staff.York State Proclamation from Assemblyman Robert K. Sweeney in recognition of the Program’s continuous prostate cancer screening efforts in Suffolk County. The 2010 Proclamation is the second one the SBUMC Program has received from Assemblyman Sweeney. The Program is now in its 15th year of partnership with the Assemblyman and the North Lindenhurst Fire Department. A written NY State Assembly Citation was presented to Howard L. Adler, M.D., Medical Director of the Program, Arlene Shaw, R.N., Nursing Director, and staff at a July 26 ceremony at the fire department.

The Citation reads, in part, that “The services provided by the Prostate Care Program at Stony Brook University Hospital have enabled many men to continue to lead healthy and productive lives through education, prevention and screening. Such service, which is truly the lifeblood of the community and the state, so often goes unrecognized, and unrewarded.”

The Prostate Care Program, part of the Department of Urology at SBUMC, has screened more than 15,000 men in Suffolk and Nassau Counties for the disease since the outreach program began approximately 16 years ago. The program has partnered with many organizations throughout the county to deliver the free screenings, including fire departments, police stations, churches, community centers, medical clinics and corporations. Each year at the North Lindenhurst Fire Department, hundreds of men are screened for early detection of prostate cancer by way of blood test and examination.

“Our program focuses on early detection, and this is a critical step that may help save many lives from being lost due to prostate cancer,” says Dr. Adler, who indicates that approximately 15 percent of those screened through the Program are recommended for a follow-up for abnormalities with PSA (prostate specific antigen) testing, prostate evaluation, or both.

September is National Prostate Cancer Awareness Month. Annual screening is recommended for all men age 40 and over.

Throughout September the SBUMC Program will continue to conduct prostate cancer education sessions and free prostate cancer screenings at many locations in Suffolk and Nassau Counties. During Prostate Cancer Awareness Week, from September 20 to September 23, free screenings will be available at the Stony Brook Urology Tech Park office in East Setauket.

To register for screening during Prostate Cancer Awareness Week, or for more information about the Prostate Care Program, call HealthConnect at (631) 444-4000.

Article originally appeared on Smithtown Matters - Online Local News about Smithtown, Kings Park, St James, Nesconset, Commack, Hauppauge, Ft. Salonga (
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