A Fish Rots From The Head - Carl Paladino
Wednesday, September 8, 2010 at 2:04PM

(BUFFALO, NY) - Buffalo businessman Carl Paladino, a Republican candidate for Governor of New York, today criticized Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver for refusing to tell New Yorkers how deeply he’s invested in companies doing business with the State.

“A fish rots from the head, and Sheldon Silver’s lack of disclosure leads by example,” Paladino said. “Sheldon Silver is hiding something and, because he won’t come clean, the rest of his colleagues are likely loaded with conflicts of interest, too.”

Silver’s stake in companies doing business with the State is a secret protected by New York’s farcical disclosure laws. Lawmakers are not required to release how many shares they own beyond noting their value is above $1,000.

“Our state government operates under comically loose ethics guidelines permitting behavior that would be grounds for immediate dismissal at any private sector company,” Paladino said. “Not in a Paladino Administration. I would propose, pass and sign an ethics law with teeth requiring every state legislator to reveal all side income and what they do to earn that money - not some legislators, all legislators.”

“As Governor I will immediately appoint a special prosecutor with subpoena power to investigate evidence of corruption in government - especially the Legislature,” Paladino said. “I will also work to pass eight-year term limits on all elected state officials, eliminating elected officials like Silver who just won’t go away.”

Carl Paladino, a successful Western New York real estate developer and attorney, is a Republican candidate for Governor of New York. He and Tom Ognibene, candidate for Lieutenant Governor, petitioned their way into the Republican Primary and canvassed to create a new Taxpayers ballot line.

Article originally appeared on Smithtown Matters - Online Local News about Smithtown, Kings Park, St James, Nesconset, Commack, Hauppauge, Ft. Salonga (https://www.smithtownmatters.com/).
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