Verizon Employees Walk Picket Line At Verizon Bldg. On Maple Ave.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011 at 1:57AM

Drivers beeping their horns in a sign of solidarity with striking Verizon workers. Picketing workers walking, carrying signs and chanting, “What do we want? A contract.  When do we want it? Now.”    This was the scene Tuesday morning at the Verizon Building on Maple Avenue in Smithtown. 

What do the striking Verizon employees really want? According to those walking the picket line, “We want a contract that doesn’t strip away our benefits.” Glen Pinkava, a twenty-five year employee of Verizon and CWA member stated,  “Verizon is demanding a change in our absentee policy, they intend to reduce the number of sick days for employees, they want to change our medical policy and family medical leave. All this at a time when the company is making more money than ever.”

According to a Verizon statement labeled Issues Accuracy the claim that Verizon is “Gutting” Healthcare is false  - “Verizon’s healthcare proposal ensures that its employee benefits remain near the top of those offered by comparable companies. The company is proposing that union workers begin contributing as little as $100 a month to their healthcare premiums.  These contributions are similar to those made by the company’s 135,000 Non-union employees.”

The strikers see this as a fight for the middle class workers across the country.  With the company making billions of dollars and executive compensation as much as $55,000 a day (according to the strikers),  it is unreasonable and unfair for the company to ask for givebacks.  Union leader Vincent Kavanagh is angry at the way Verizon is handling its employees whom he credits with building the company. “Verizon is making a lot of money.  This is not a case like the auto industry.  If Verizon were in jeopardy there is not a person here today, who would not willingly negotiate a give back to keep the company operational.  This is about Wisconsin tactics, outsourcing, using non union workers and UNION BUSTING.  We are the first major contract to be negotiated, if we give in all the companies negotiating contracts will use our contract as an example.  We are fighting for all American workers.”

Again, Verizon says not so. “Like every business, Verizon must adjust its workforce depending upon the needs of the business. Fortunately, Verizon has not had significant layoffs in any one area. The overwhelming number of union employees who’ve left the company over the past three years have departed through normal attrition, the spin-off of certain Verizon wireline assets and/or a generous enhanced buyout offer.”

The union workers picketing in front of Verizon were adamant that they were not going to give in to what they see as corporate greed.  They do not want to spend the summer in front of Verizon they would much rather be back at work. But, as one striker said,  “someone has to stand up to big corporations and someone has to speak out on behalf of American workers.” So they will continue to walk, carry signs and chant. 

Article originally appeared on Smithtown Matters - Online Local News about Smithtown, Kings Park, St James, Nesconset, Commack, Hauppauge, Ft. Salonga (
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