Sunday, August 5, 2012 at 11:01PM


And so America’s Freedom of Religion ends…not with a bang, but with a whimper  Our first amendment Religious Liberty has been broached but not with blood in the streets, troops tearing religious symbols from churches and citizens murdered for their faith as was done in England, France, Germany and most recently in Egypt.

This unprecedented, unconstitutional denial of the right of Americans to practice their conscience in their community came with the Aug 1st, 2012, imposition of the new healthcare law’s HHS mandate which imposes this administration’s ideology over the conscience rights of all Americans.

As of Aug 1, all private employers must bend to this administration’s dictate to provide contraception, sterilization and abortion inducing drugs as part of their employees’ insurance. The religious beliefs of those employers are grievously denied in a way not imagined in the 220 years our 1st amendment has protected Freedom of Religion.

The deception that this is necessary to the health of women is a thinly veiled distraction.  Americans know that contraception and abortion is readily available at free clinics all over the country or for a few dollars from a local provider.

If this crime against our right of conscience is allowed to stand, which religious principle will be the next to fall to satisfy the ambitions of powerful politicians?  On Aug.1, 2013, will our Catholic schools, hospitals and charities close their doors to avoid violating the consciences of all Catholics involved? Or, will Americans reclaim their Religious Liberty and vote out any politician who supported this new healthcare law with its HHS mandate telling us how much of our faith we are allowed to practice?  Very soon, on Nov. 6, we will know.

by Barbara Samuells     

Catholics for Freedom of Religion






Article originally appeared on Smithtown Matters - Online Local News about Smithtown, Kings Park, St James, Nesconset, Commack, Hauppauge, Ft. Salonga (
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