By Brandon Fried
Brandon Fried in trainingI have run 3 5k distance races so far and I wanted to do another. My dad and Grandpa signed up for the Entenmann’s Great South Bay 1/2 Marathon and there was also a 5k, so I found my next race!
I had been training up at the Smithtown West high school track. Just a few weeks ago I ran the Cow Harbor 2k race. There were a lot of big hills!
I woke up early on race morning and was grumpy because I was VERY tired. I ateBrandon at Smithtown West HS track two pieces of a bagel and drank water. We got to the Bayshore Marina and I looked out at the Great South Bay and saw lots of boats, including ferries. I also saw the bridge to Fire Island and a light house on the other side. It was not really cold, it felt good because it was a little breeze. We ran along the with a view of the bay for a little bit, then left the marina and ran along lots of houses. Then we ran down the main street in town and saw lots of stores.
I kept running but stayed at the same pace. I was passing some people here and there. Some of them were slowing down because they were tired. I sped up a little, passed 3 more people and crossed the finish line!
I came in 137th out of 334 people of all ages that ran this race today! My pace was 10:19 and it feels exciting that I ran so far and so fast; even faster than a lot of grownups.
I think I may want to run this race again next year. Now I’m going to keep training for the Turkey Trot. I’m going to ask my dad if there are any other races we should sign up for soon.
- Brandon, 10, Co-Creator/Blogger