A United Independent Front - Vecchio, McCarthy And Nowick Endorse Each Other
Wednesday, August 14, 2013 at 7:34AM

Maureen Rossi

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Close to fifty Smithtown residents, community leaders and members of the press battled Tuesday’s mid-day downpour as they scrambled towards the Watermill for a press conference called by Supervisor Vecchio.  The Supervisor took the podium with Councilman Thomas McCarthy and Legislator Lynne Nowick at his side.

“We are here for a significant announcement having to do with the lady next me,” said Vecchio.

 “My presence here reflects many weeks of soul searching, listening to merchants, the civics and the citizens; the same issues are arising over and over again and people are upset”, lamented Nowick. Choosing her words carefully, Nowick, expressed the sentiment that the recent division on the town board erodes public trust.  She added that she has grown tired of hearing about how Smithtown has to be fixed.  “Many of my colleagues in the legislature often comment, you are so lucky to represent such a lovely town”, which she attributed to the hard work of her father, (former Councilman) Eugene Cannataro and Paul Fitzpatrick (former Town Supervisor), Assemblyman Mike Fitzpatrick’s father.

Nowick said she plans on being an independent voice on the Town Board.  Independent was the word of the day as all three elected officials emphasized the word throughout the press conference.  

click on photo to enlargeMcCarthy stated that Nowick, with her eighteen years of public service, brings a great deal to the table.   “We have three people here with integrity, open minds and our own voices,” he explained.  He said the threesome won’t always see eye to eye on every issue and they have no plans whatsoever to vote as a block.

Vecchio spoke of his disdain for the recent political literature disparaging Smithtown and he spoke of his love of the town and its natural splendors.   “I’ve always been a champion of open space, we deserve to breathe clean air and we have 22 parks, 3 wonderful beaches, all maintained to the highest degree.”   Nowick concurred saying, “That’s how we came together, the sense that we stood for the same things.”

All three are united in their opposition to the proposed development across from St. Johnland Nursing Home in Kings Park, “The Uplands” .  Vecchio noted that one doesn’t have to be an environmentalist or a genius to know that developing in the middle of residential areas is not appropriate.  “One doesn’t’ need an environment impact study to know it’s wrong and improper and shouldn’t happen,” he added.  His comments were met with a robust round of applause from the audience.

Referring to the Uplands, “It’s a bucolic property, it’s not the place – no one here is opposed to assisted living but 200 units and only 26 slated for assisted living, that’s not assisted living, it’s maximizing profit”, declared Vecchio.   He added that the two-hundred units are slated for condominiums and will sell in the 800K range.

The Fort Salonga Civic Association was represented by Paul Graf stating “a good idea deserves our support and this is an idea that is a good idea”. Graf reaffirmed the organization’s neutrality in the election and stated “Fort Salonga Association recognizes that zoning is everything and to construct two hundred units on a possible twenty acres is ridiculous and we applaud Mr. Vecchio and his partners today for taking the position that this development should not stand.”

Linda Henninger, a member of the Kings Park Civic Association and Kings Park Neighbors Association released the following statement on behalf of both organizations: 

“We were glad to hear Supervisor Vecchio and Councilman McCarthy reaffirm their positions on the Uplands and we were excited to learn that Legislator Nowick also sees the truth about this project – it is not right for the proposed location. A massive 50 foot high facility with an underground parking garage has no place in a residential area and would set a negative precedent for every residential neighborhood in the Town of Smithtown.” 

With “independent” the key word at the conference it was clear that this was not a love fest. Vecchio, Nowick and McCarthy came together after each did some soul searching and some strategizing finding a path they hope will lead to victory in the primary. 

Article originally appeared on Smithtown Matters - Online Local News about Smithtown, Kings Park, St James, Nesconset, Commack, Hauppauge, Ft. Salonga (https://www.smithtownmatters.com/).
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