Editorial - Republican Primary Tuesday, September 10 - Bring It On!
Thursday, September 5, 2013 at 12:13PM

Have an opinion on the Republican primary next Tuesday? If you don’t and you live anywhere in Smithtown Township that might just put you in the minority. It seems everywhere I go people are talking about one of the three primaries coming up on September 10. 

If you haven’t been paying attention here’s the scorecard - there are three Republicans seeking a place on the Republican line for Suffolk County Legislator in the 13th Legislative District. The candidates are (alphabetically):  Paul Hennings, Mario Mattera, and Robert Trotta. The three men are seeking the seat currently held by Lynne C. Nowick, who due to term limits, is ineligible to run for another term.

Ms. Nowick, after serving for 12 years in the Suffolk County legislature, is seeking a seat on Smithtown’s Town Board. Ms. Nowick, the only female in the Smithtown Republican Primary, is facing two incumbents: Councilman McCarthy and Councilman Malloy.

Lastly, the Smithtown branch of the “Grand Ole Party” is seeing a primary for Town Supervisor.  Smithtown’s 36-year incumbent, Patrick Vecchio, is being challenged by a recent convert to the Republican “Party” Robert Creighton. This primary has been a fiercely fought competition with no one holding back. It seems that everyone in Smithtown has an opinion and very few people have wavered in their support of their chosen candidate.

Mr. Creighton’s challenge is about bringing change and “we can be better”. Mr. Vecchio’s platform is about “quality of life.” Both men are passionate and articulate in their belief that they are best suited to lead Smithtown in 2014.  Both men were gracious in taking time from their schedules to be interviewed by Smithtown Matters. 

What struck me most about the interviews was that these two men are just about as different as two candidates can be.  This gives Republican voters a clear choice in the primary. Are the voters listening to what the candidates are saying? Have voters been paying attention to votes cast, comments made and alliances? 

Make no mistake, the two candidates have not hidden their plans for the future which is “our” future.

The question is whose vision for the future will primary voters go with?


Friday, Sept. 6th, Smithtown Matters will post the Vecchio and Creighton interviews.



Article originally appeared on Smithtown Matters - Online Local News about Smithtown, Kings Park, St James, Nesconset, Commack, Hauppauge, Ft. Salonga (https://www.smithtownmatters.com/).
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