Editorial - Supervisor Vecchio Show Us The Money
Friday, July 4, 2014 at 10:19PM

As expected there has been some outrage over Supervisor Vecchio’s proposal to eliminate two elected positions (Receiver of Taxes and Town Clerk) and to replace them with appointed department heads.  Supervisor Vecchio has acknowledged that some people would see his proposal as a political move eliminating the positions of two people who didn’t support him in his reelection campaign in November. The reaction from those most impacted by the proposal was as swift as it was vitriolic.

The battles at Town Hall are legendary and not unique to this board. Over the years the players have changed, but the two constants have been Vecchio and the fact that Smithtown politics is tough and not for the faint of heart. Machiavelli could probably learn a thing or two from our long-term supervisor.

Politics aside, it is worth noting that the Supervisor’s proposal does not affect the current term of the Town Clerk or Receiver of Taxes. Presumably legislation, if approved by voters in November of 2014, would become effective at the end of the term of office which for Receiver of Taxes would be 2015 and Town Clerk in 2017. 

The Supervisor’s proposal, whether it is political or purely economical, is irrelevant at this point as Pandora’s Box has been opened exposing to voters and taxpayers that recommendations for streamlining government exist. The New York State Commission on Local Government Efficiency and Competitiveness is one of the many organizations identifying how we can make government more efficient, responsible and cost effective. U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara is proposing to take the pensions of those elected who violate their positions, NYPRG advocates for transparency in campaigns, good government organizations are calling for an end to cross endorsements, Suffolk County Executive Steve Bellone is pushing for the consolidation of positions at the county level, Legislator Lindsay has called for removing the automatic salary increase for Suffolk County legislators.  All of these proposals have the potential to save taxpayers money and to restore trust in government.

Proposals to reduce the tax burden need to be examined, and if warranted, deserve the support of the public. Push back from political people should not be enough to squelch proposals that could bring relief for residents.  This cannot be about Deanna Varrichio or Vincent Puleo, it is about efficiency and economy in government to best serve its people.

Supervisor Vecchio has incredible political acumen; he has been on the job for thirty-six years and is well aware of the reaction his proposal would evoke from partisan political people. He also knows that these are tough economic times for Smithtown residents who are paying high taxes at the same time they are feeling that their quality of life is declining. He is willing to put his proposal before the voter in a public referendum. A smart move from a man with decades of experience.  

As Tom Cruise said in the movie Jerry Maguire “Show me the money”.  Supervisor Vecchio, you’ve got our attention, now tell us how we save money.


Article originally appeared on Smithtown Matters - Online Local News about Smithtown, Kings Park, St James, Nesconset, Commack, Hauppauge, Ft. Salonga (https://www.smithtownmatters.com/).
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