Amy's Perspective - Watermill Caterers' Proposal A Four Story Hotel
Friday, March 16, 2018 at 11:16AM

By Amy Fortunato 

The proposed special exception required by the Watermill Caterers to build a 4 story hotel is a risky construction gamble that threatens to comprehensively change the quality of life in Smithtown.  This project sets a new height precedence with the potential to completely alter the town’s character and negatively impact property values.  The Watermill is well known as a favorite venue of the Smithtown Republican party, just check the website!  The special exception exceeds the current code regulation in Smithtown for 2 story buildings.   This height code ensures a limitation to overbuilding and over-development in our town.    (Smithtown’s town code is 2.5 height restriction for residential or business or a 35 ft. limitation.)

As candidates for Town Supervisor and Town Council, Ed Wehrheim, Lynn Nowick, Tom McCarthy and Tom Lohman all campaigned for transparency along with the promise to complete  adopt a Comprehensive Master Plan for Smithtown’s future.  It seems that our elected town officials are moving ahead without fulfilling either of those campaign promises.  Each candidate referred to a commitment to transparency and the value of a Comprehensive Master Plan.  These campaign promises are not being considered when outside a contractor with huge construction projects have recently been presented for special exception and concession rather than defend current height restriction in Smithtown.   

The proposed special exception to permit the Watermill Caterers to build a four (4) story hotel has caused concern on the two Smithtown social media groups where I posted a response to the proposal.  There were more than 200 replies to my post for responses from Smithtown residents.  I posted some basic information about the special exception proposed.   Almost immediately after posting, the comments appeared.  The posts described the various concerns with traffic, environmental impact to sensitive land, impact to the nearby neighborhood homes, height issue – 4 story precedence, parking limitation, and the lack of available space for the proposed hotel.  Some comments mentioned disappointment that the 2 pm hearing time is problematic because many residents were not able to attend.

My purpose for posting on social media was to simply check the climate of the Smithtown community’s response to the proposed 4 story hotel.  Smithtown tax paying residents are invested in their property values and quality of life.  The precedence set by approving a special permit to allow the construction of a 4 story hotel would support future approvals of special permits.  Smithtown’s elected officials need to know the concerns.  The prevailing consensus from our town’s community is serious apprehension.  The negative impact to our environment and quality of life is threatened by this special exception.  A town-wide survey would clarify Smithtown’s residents’ concerns and aspirations.   

Amy Fortunato is a Smithtown resident who ran on the Democratic line for Smithtown Town Council in 2017.

Article originally appeared on Smithtown Matters - Online Local News about Smithtown, Kings Park, St James, Nesconset, Commack, Hauppauge, Ft. Salonga (
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