Smithtown Mourns Lt. Christopher Raguso
Saturday, April 7, 2018 at 2:12PM

Farewell Lt. Christopher Raguso

A Family Man, An American Hero, F.D.N.Y.  

Maureen Rossi 

Lt. Christopher Raguso (Photo the warmth of the mid-day sun, several thousand residents, firefighters from around the country as well as various law enforcement agencies lined the streets of Commack and Kings Park on Saturday March 31st to honor the extraordinary life of Lt. Christopher Raguso who died in a helicopter crash on March 15 while serving as a member of the NY Air National Guard in Iraq. 

His wife and their two *children were surrounded by family and close friends as they rode in a F.D.N.Y. truck at the beginning of the procession.

Lt. Christopher Raguso was a member of the F.D.N.Y.; Ladder 113, Engine 249 in addition to being a member of the New York Air National Guard.  He was also a volunteer firefighter with the Commack Fire Department.

Known as a guy who gave it all, regardless of what he was doing, Raguso leaves behind scores who loved him and respected him.

Young participant in the Lt. Christopher Raguso processionHis firefighter brethren came out in vast numbers with helicopters flying above the procession catching the enormity of the sea of blue which turned out to be an Ocean for Raguso and his family.   It was the second F.D.N.Y. funeral of the week and some the men of the F.D.N.Y. wore it on their fatigued faces with tears rolling down their faces as Raguso’s coffin went by.         

Commack and Kings Park were adorned in American flags and yellow ribbons for their local hero and in support of his family.  The 11:30 a.m. mass at St. Joseph’s was filled to capacity. Store fronts served as water stations and coffee stations for mourners. Tents were filled with food for the firefighters. Roads were closed.  Only firefighters were permitted on Old Dock Road.  Parking was a challange, many members of the community walked from their homes to pay their respect.

The enormous procession began at the Commack Fire Department when it rolled into Kings Park, there was a terribly sad silence.  Eerie at times, minus the bark of a dog, the sound of a baby crying. The crowd waited and waited to see the motorcade as it slowly rolled through the streets of Kings Park.

Young and old came out – people were on rooftops filming – a news station filmed the entire procession from their copter and donated the video coverage to the F.D.N.Y. where they have a dozen plus videos on YOUTUBE: Search Funeral Raguso, the coverage is extremely well done.

Thirty-nine motorcyles were part of the motorcade representing the F.D.N.Y. riding organizations.  

Store fronts served as water stations and coffee stations for mourners. Tents were filled with food for the firefighters. Road were closed.  Only firefighters were permitted on Old Dock Road.  Parking was a challange many members of the community walked from their homes.

New York City Mayor Bill deBlasio and New York City Fire Chief Daniel Negri attended the funeral services said by Fr. Sean as well as other dignitaries from around the Island. Speakers lined the streets near St. Joseph’s so mourners could hear the mass. 

A town came together and pulled off a huge event that involved local county, state and New York City officials.  Tony Tanzi is President of the Kings Park Chamber.  He said he has never been more proud to be part of this town; he said when one of us is down, we are known for all coming together.  

He wanted to thank everyone for their time, donations and complex coordination efforts: 

“I surely hope I have not failed to mention everyone.  It was an impressive coordination - every day during the planning people just gave their all,” said Tanzi.  

To Help the Raguso family who have two children under the age of 7 please see below message:

According to the FDNY Foundation, “Donations in Lt. Raguso’s honor can be made to the Scholarship Fund to Benefit the Children of FDNY Lieutenant Christopher Raguso by clicking here and selecting the fund in the drop down menu.” LINK:

* correction - the article originally stated Lt. Raguso and his wife had four children they have two children.


Article originally appeared on Smithtown Matters - Online Local News about Smithtown, Kings Park, St James, Nesconset, Commack, Hauppauge, Ft. Salonga (
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