Smithtown Dems Hit The Ground Running With New Town Leader Patty Stoddard
Tuesday, October 18, 2022 at 1:46PM

At a packed organizational meeting on October 6, 2022, Smithtown Democratic Committeeperson, former candidate for Town Council, and active union leader Patty Stoddard was voted the Chairperson of the Smithtown Democratic Committee. Stoddard ran unopposed and the vote was unanimous. 

Smithtown Democrats new town leader Patty StoddardStoddard thanked her colleagues and outgoing, current, and incoming board members, including former Chairperson Ed Maher, who will continue as Treasurer for the committee, for their contributions, and she highlighted the work of the committee. 

“So many of you participate in our county-wide Roe v. Wade phone bank, helping to make thousands upon thousands of phone calls mobilizing voters in the fight to protect women’s rights, by making sure that good democrats get elected here in Suffolk. You know what they say - Smithtown Shows Up!” Stoddard told the committee. 

Sign carried at the October Women’s Reproductive Rights Rally in Pt. Jeff Sta.The Supreme Court, in its Dobbs decision first leaked in May, ended a woman’s right to an abortion federally. “In the aftermath of the right-wing Supreme Court overturning half a century of precedent, stripping women across the country of their right to make their own medical decisions, Smithtown Democrats have been spearheading efforts to make sure that our neighbors understand how important this election is for women across the country,” Stoddard said. “The next stop for these anti-choice Republicans is a federal ban on abortion. Our committee will work like hell to make sure that doesn’t happen.” 

Stoddard is a retired teacher of the Smithtown School District, has been a member of New York State United Teachers (NYSUT) since 1974, and has served many active years as a Union Representative and Executive Committee Treasurer for her local, Smithtown Teachers Association. She spent nearly 20 years on the Smithtown Teacher Center Policy Board, as a Parent Rep., Teacher, and eventually Chairperson, providing professional development for teachers. Upon her retirement in 2015, Stoddard joined the Smithtown Schools Retirees’ Association (SSRA) where she currently serves as President. Stoddard is on the Executive Board of the New York State Alliance of Retired Americans (NYSARA) Long Island Chapter which provides a way for retired union members and others to make their voices heard on issues important to them. Stoddard is also a former candidate for Town Council in 2017. 

“I am thrilled to see our organization growing by the day, attracting new members from our community and creating a Smithtown Young Democrats group,” Stoddard said. “I’m proud to say that we are hitting the ground running, with no time to lose.”


Article originally appeared on Smithtown Matters - Online Local News about Smithtown, Kings Park, St James, Nesconset, Commack, Hauppauge, Ft. Salonga (
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