





Suffolk Closeup - "Any War In Space Would Be The One And Only" 


By Karl Grossman

A while back Newsday ran a story with the headline “Trump’s ‘space force’ could offer opportunity for LI firms, officials say.” The article began: “Space is emerging as a potential battlefield and a potential opportunity for Long Island companies, an Air Force official is expected to tell a gathering of aerospace and defense contractors.”

It said “Col. Shawn Barnes, assistant vice commander of U.S. Air Force Space Command, is scheduled to address a meeting of ADDAPT, a trade organization that advocates for Long Island defense and aerospace companies” and “according to an advance copy of a presentation” the Trump administration’s upcoming defense budget “’marks a shift to a [space] war-fighting posture.’” This “represents an opportunity for Long Island defense and aerospace companies.” The article also quoted ADDAPT chairman Robert Botticellli saying: “Long Island’s defense and aerospace firms can help America win the war in space by providing parts and supplies.’

Indeed, Long Island aerospace companies could make money in the move now underway by the United States to turn space into an arena of war.

But this should not be supported—despite the bucks.

In December, President Trump signed the National Defense Authorization Act for 2020 (NDAA) establishing a U.S. Space Force as the sixth branch of U.S. armed forces. This flies in the face of the Outer Space Treaty of 1967 designating space as a global commons to be used for peaceful purposes. The treaty was put together by the U.S., former Soviet Union, and U.K. and since has been ratified by most nations on Earth. 

Craig Eisendrath, as a U.S. State Department officer involved in its creation, explained to me that “we sought to de-weaponize space before it got weaponized…to keep war out of space.”

The treaty bars the placement of weapons of mass destruction including nuclear weapons in space. The Trump administration and the U.S. military have been claiming a Space Force is needed because China and Russia are moving militarily into space. But Russia and China—and our neighbor Canada—have been leaders for decades in seeking to expand the Outer Space Treaty to prohibit the deployment of any weapons in space through a Prevention of Arms Race in Outer Space (PAROS) treaty. However, the U.S.—under both Republican and Democratic administrations—has opposed the PAROS treaty and effectively vetoed it at the UN. (I’ve been at the UN to see nation after nation vote yes, and the U.S. ambassador vote no.)

Journalistically, I’ve been investigating space becoming a war zone since President Reagan’s “Star Wars” scheme of the 1980s. This has included authoring a book Weapons in Space and writing and presenting several TV documentaries including Nukes in Space: The Nuclearizaton and Weaponization of the Heavens. Nuclear power and space weapons are intimately connected. The “Star Wars” program was based on orbiting battle platforms with onboard hypervelocity guns, particle beams and laser weapons energized by onboard nuclear reactors. As declared General James Abrahamson, the “Star Wars” commander, “without  reactors in orbit” there would need to be “a long, long” extension cord going “down to the surface of the Earth” bringing up power for the high-energy space weaponry.

President Trump has been saying that it is “not enough to merely have an American presence in space. We must have American dominance in space.”

Although China and Russia have for decades been seeking passage of the PAROS treaty, with a U.S. Space Force and the U.S. seeking “dominance in space,” they will respond in kind. Other countries will follow. If and when conflict erupts, it will be at expense of many, many lives on Earth.

As U.S. astronaut Edgar Mitchell, the sixth man to walk on the moon, said at a protest against space weaponization at Cape Kennedy organized by the Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space, “Any war in space would be the one and only…Activity on Earth below would immediately shut down.” The myriad of systems on Earth “all hooked up to satellites, would be lost. Modern society would go dark.”

China is now saying the Space Force and the U.S. “pursuing the weaponization of outer space” is a “direct threat” to peace and the “U.S. actions are a serious violation of the international consensus on the peaceful uses of outer space.” Instead of space becoming “a new battlefield,” nations must “work together to maintain lasting peace and tranquility in outer space”

Russia last week said U.S. space weaponization would be “an irreversible blow” to peace.

Increasing profits for Long Island aerospace companies—and aerospace companies nationally —are not worth bringing war up to the heavens, a development of profound historic proportions.

Karl Grossman is a veteran investigative reporter and columnist, the winner of numerous awards for his work and a member of the L.I. Journalism Hall of Fame. He is a professor of journalism at SUNY/College at Old Westbury and the author of six books. 

Democratic Candidates Say Lee Zeldin's Record Is Bad News For LI

There was a unified message at Tuesday’s CD #1 Congressional Candidates Forum, that message was Lee Zeldin’s record is so bad for Long Island that he has got to go.

On stage looking to challenge Zeldin from the Democratic line in November was Nancy Goroff, Perry Gershon, Bridget Fleming and Greg Fischer. The forum, hosted by the Smithtown Democratic Action Committee, was moderated by its chairperson Jan Singer.  

Over 100 people attended the forum held at the First Presbyterian Church of Smithtown. Attendees were provided  with unfettered access to candidates who answered questions asked by Ms. Singer before they mingled with the audience making their case for election.

Former congressional candidate Dave Calone opened the meeting by speaking about the importance of working together to elect a Democrat. “The whole country knows what we have known for some time, that Lee Zeldin is not just Donald Trump’s apprentice, he is his accomplice. He is his accomplice in covering up the lies, he is his accomplice in bringing to the American people a feeling that we are not in this together. He is his accomplice when it comes to covering up his abuse of power. And now the whole country knows about Lee Zeldin and they are  watching us. They want us to unseat Lee Zeldin. ‘We get what we work for not what we wish for’.”

The four candidates committed to supporting the Democratic nominee in November. They were unanimous in their support for health care supporting a public option for health care, eliminating surprise medical health care costs and the need to address suicide and mental health issues.

While issues took front and center the sense that Lee Zeldin is not only not representing the needs and concerns of CD #1 voters but rather hurting constituents.

Bridget Fleming called Zeldin out for not forcefully fighting for Tom Suozzi and Peter King’s plan to amend the SALT tax legislation which would raise the cap from $10,000 to $20,000. According to the candidate this would have helped the middle class on Long Island who are feeling the pinch from Trump’s policies. “Lee Zeldin should have been a loud voice in fighting to keep the Army Corp of Engineers and their equipment here on Long Island rather than moving them to Florida near Mar A Lago.”

They questioned Zeldin’s commitment to Veterans. Saying that despite the tremendous number of veterans in CD 1 and the many issues they face in health care, mental health care, women’s veteran services and problems at the VA Hospital in Northport, he willingly gave up his position on the Veterans Committee preferring to use his time defending Trump.  

Perry Gershon said the country is at a crossroad and cannot afford another four years of Donald Trump and Lee Zeldin, who put their interests before ours.  He claims Lee Zeldin is being silent on issues hurting constituents but is  Donald Trump’s #1 proponent for expunging impeachment from records. “That’s not being a congressman. There are real issues including the Army Corp of Engineers relocating dredging equipment from Long Island to Mar a Lago and Lee Zeldin is saying nothing. Stony Brook Hospital is losing $21.2 million in federal funding and Lee Zeldin is silent.”  

Nancy Goroff sees climate change as a significant issue for Long Island. Goroff, a scientist, emphasized science, facts and collaboration as the keys to finding a solution and devising a plan for dealing with it. She is not a single issue candidate.She pointed out that while Lee Zeldin is defending Trump, he is ignoring the people in CD #1 who are hurting economically. She pointed to the cost of student debt, not only for students but for parents, many of whom are seniors who took loans for their kids. 

A question on gun violence showed that all the candidates support background checks and all commended NYS for its gun policies. Greg Fischer gave the most comprehnsive answer to the gun violence question. Greg’s position included background checks but also included requiring gun owners to have insurance, opposing any federal law that would force states to have reciprocity, marking ammunition and supporting biometric technology to make weapons safer.



SUFFOLK CLOSEUP - What can be done in Suffolk to counter rising sea levels? 


By Karl Grossman

 The Suffolk County Legislature last week unanimously passed a measure establishing a Coastal Resiliency and Sea Level Rise Task Force. It would be composed of 21 members—some from the county government, a member from each of Suffolk’s ten towns and state and federal government representatives, among others.

Legislator Al Krupski, a Cutchogue Democrat, who introduced the measure with Rudy Sunderman, a Shirley Republican, said “we immediately need to get together” on the important issue.

The bill begins by noting that “sea level rise has led to accelerated coastal erosion worldwide and is of particular concern to Long Island, with threats of destruction to Suffolk County’s 980 miles of coastline….One of the county’s main draws to tourism is its many beaches and waterfront properties, which would be ruined by coastal erosion if these environmental changes are not addressed.”

Meanwhile, “without any policies in place on the county-level, many local municipalities are struggling to combat the accelerated erosion and sea level rise.”

“A task force should be created,” it states, “to develop regional coastal resiliency policies to assist municipalities when making decisions that could affect Suffolk’s coastline in the future.”

Although waters surrounding Long Island rose by four inches in the past 40 years, if climate change continues as it has been going, the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation projects that in the next 40 years a rise by 11 to 30 inches can be expected. 

This would be a threat to every low-lying parts of Suffolk—and there are many.

The task force would be chaired by the head of the legislature’s s Public Works, Transportation and Energy Committee. It would include the legislature’s presiding officer; the county executive; the county’s commissioner of public works, “one representative from each of the ten Suffolk County towns;” a representative from the state Department of Environmental Conservation and also one from the state’s Department of State (which has shoreline responsibilities). And it would include, too, a representative from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers; from Cornell Cooperative Extension of Suffolk County; from the Peconic Estuary Program; The Nature Conservancy; and the state Department of Transportation.

The task force “shall hold regular meetings”—at least ten times over the course of a 12-month period, and “issue a written report after a comprehensive study on the challenges facing the county with respect to sea level rise.”

This report would be submitted to each of the 18 members of the Suffolk County Legislature, the legislature’s clerk, and county executive “within one year of the effective date of this resolution, for review, consideration and appropriate action.”

What can be done in Suffolk to counter rising sea levels? 

“A mix” of actions will likely be urged, said Mr. Krupski, who has long experience with shoreline issues. He is a fourth-generation Suffolk farmer first elected in 1985 to the Southold Town Board of Trustees—which has jurisdiction over the town’s waterfront—and served on the board for 20 years, the last 14 as its president. He then became a town board member until being sworn in as a Suffolk legislator in 2013. 

In some areas, elevation of structures and roads would probably be recommended. In some areas, moving back from the shoreline would likely be outlined.

Places in Suffolk “are so different,” he said. Thus “we need local persons” to consider what can be done, why each Suffolk town will have a representative on the task force.

But needed as well are representatives from other levels of government and other entities. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, he said diplomatically, may not be “as flexible as local governments” in its approach to coastal matters. The Corps has long pushed for building hard structures along the shore. Still, it is critical that “we all work together,” said Mr. Krupski.

Further, the task force will consider what people in Suffolk affected by storms that cause flooding should do in the immediate time period after they hit. 

As to the main cause of climate change and consequent sea level rise, this will not be a target of this specific task force. But, said Mr. Krupski, for him it’s clear that it’s a “fossil fuel problem.” And Suffolk County, he said, must do its part in a transition from fossil fuels to green renewable energy technologies—led by solar and wind—power sources that do not emit greenhouse gases and cause global warming and sea level rise.


Karl Grossman is a veteran investigative reporter and columnist, the winner of numerous awards for his work and a member of the L.I. Journalism Hall of Fame. He is a professor of journalism at SUNY/College at Old Westbury and the author of six books. 


Theater Review: 'Joseph And The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat'

Theater Review: ‘Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat’
Produced by: Theatre Three – Port Jefferson
Reviewed by: Jeb Ladouceur 
It’s perhaps fair to say that most of us have, at one time or another, heard at least a passing reference to the Old Testament Biblical story of a boy named Joseph (no … not Mary’s husband … a much earlier Joseph). Furthermore, we might recall a few things that are said to have made this boy special: first, he was one of Jacob’s twelve sons … second, Joseph’s brothers were so envious of him that they sold him to a Gypsy-like group, and he wound up a slave in Egypt … and thirdly, the issue triggering this nasty treatment by the jealous brothers was Joseph’s ‘coat of many colors,’ symbolic of Jacob’s preference for the visionary youngster.

Also, it is probably sufficient for this review to point out that matters in Egypt ultimately became complicated for Joseph (who was an interpreter of dreams) and when his master’s wife made a pass at the fetching lad, things really hit the fan!

‘Joseph & the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat’ was the earliest Andrew Lloyd Webber - Tim Rice show ever performed on Broadway (it opened at the Royale Theatre in 1982) but it seemed, for a while, that the ‘big leagues’ dramatic debut would never take place at all. The musical, which failed to win a backer in 1966, had been staged in London, Brooklyn, Philadelphia … even Connecticut … and during that time, it was billed as a sort of follow-up, though not an actual sequel, to ‘Jesus Christ Superstar,’ which had been written by Lloyd Webber and Rice while they waited for lightning to strike with ‘Joseph.’

But strike it finally did, and subsequently ‘Joseph & the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat’ garnered a slew of Tony nominations before closing in September, 1983 after boasting a respectable 747 performances. Of course, we all know what happened then. Following boffo productions of ‘Cats,’ ‘Phantom of the Opera,’ ‘Evita,’ etc. The New York Timesappropriately saw fit to label Lloyd Webber, “…the most commercially successful composer in history”.

I have never considered it the drama critic’s proper function to spell out a play’s plot in detail; to do so, it seems to me, deprives actors and audiences alike of their respective right to surprise, and be surprised. Suffice it to say that Theatre Three, under the direction of Maestro Jeffrey Sanzel, has brought to the venerable 160-year-old mainstage in Port Jefferson, a cast so huge and worthy of the mesmerizing ‘Joseph’ account that collectively they simply take one’s breath away. Numbers alone don’t begin to tell the story, but I counted more than twenty featured players … and almost as many members of the impressive children’s choir!

Kudos to them all, but a special note of congratulations goes to C.J. Russo in the title role. There are some actors who seem born to lead their thespian colleagues by the sheer power of their surefooted onstage presense and projection. One such is Russo. He is well cast as ‘Joseph.’ Another sublimely blessed actor is the wonderful ‘Narrator,’ Sari Feldman. It is the Narrator, after all, who controls the pace of any live stage show where such a performer is required, as in ‘Our Town,’-(Stage Manager); ‘Henry V,’-(Chorus); ‘The Glass Menagerie’-(Tom Wingfield)…etc. Feldman handles this assignment about as well as any dramatic chronicler I’ve seen.

In the final analysis, it is the interpretation and rendering of the music that makes or breaks an ambitious lyrical production like this one. Accordingly, one would be remiss if failing to recognize Theatre Three Musical Director, Gregory Franz, and Choreographer, Jean P. Sorbera. From first to last they are in full command of ‘Joseph’s’ diverse, harmonious song styles that range from Country to Calypso. The toe-tapping score makes for pleasant listening, and all the numbers are equally easy on the eyes. 

‘Joseph & the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat’ is a colorful extravaganza not to be missed, so call the box office at 631 928-9100. This super-show runs thru March 21st.

Award-winning writer, Jeb Ladouceur is the author of a dozen novels, and his theater and book reviews appear in several major L.I. publications. His recent hit, THE GHOSTWRITERS, explores the bizarre relationship between the late Harper Lee and Truman Capote. Ladouceur’s topical thriller, THE SOUTHWICK INCIDENT, was introduced at the Smithtown Library on May 21st. The book involves a radicalized Yale student and his CIA pursuers. Mr. Ladouceur’s revealing website is www.JebsBooks.com



Campaign Finance Board Meets And Elects Smithtown Resident Chair

HAUPPAUGE, N.Y.  – The board tasked with creating a system to publicly fund campaigns for certain Suffolk County offices met on February 13 and elected Lisa Scott chairperson. 

Lisa Scott, president of the Suffolk County League of Women Voters, was elected to lead the three-member Suffolk County Campaign Finance Board, which also includes retired County Court Judge Jack Toomey and Adrian Fassett, president and chief executive officer of the Economic Opportunity Council of Suffolk, Inc. 

Lisa Scott, center, was elected to serve as chair of the Suffolk County Campaign Finance Board, which also includes Adrian Fassett, left, and Jack Toomey, right. “Now that all three members of the Suffolk County Campaign Finance Board have been appointed and our first meeting held, we will work diligently to ensure that our fellow citizens in Suffolk County and those wishing to be candidates for public office are served transparently, responsibly and fairly as we build the rules and staff required in the Suffolk County Charter Law,” Scott said. 

Scott, a Democrat, was appointed by the Suffolk County Legislature’s Majority Leader and Toomey, a Republican, was appointed by the legislature’s Minority Leader. Fassett, who is unaffiliated with any political party, was appointed by the County Executive. 

At their meeting the board members also discussed their next steps, including hiring an executive director, as they seek to make the system operational for the 2021 county legislature election. Under the new system, participating candidates running for a county legislator seat can receive up to $50,000 in 4-to-1 matching funds for small donations – $250 or less – from voters who live in the legislative district in which the candidate is running.

“Creating a program for public funding of elections from scratch is an important and historic undertaking, and I know the highly qualified and impressive people who make up this board are up for the task,” said Suffolk County Legislature Presiding Officer Rob Calarco, who sponsored the county legislation establishing a Fair Elections Matching Fund to provide for public campaign financing. “The Fair Elections Matching Fund will reduce the influence of big money interests in our politics by empowering small donors who actually live in our communities. This program will help make elections more competitive and elected officials more accountable to their constituents.”

Participating legislature candidates must agree to limit their total spending to $100,000 and not accept more than $1,500 from any individual. Starting in 2023, participating candidates running for County Executive could receive as much as $1 million and must limit their spending to $2 million. The funding comes from profits Suffolk OTB generates through the operation of Jake’s 58 video lottery terminals.