





Kings Park's Maddie Canonico Receives Presidential Volunteer Service Award 

 Majority Leader Flanagan Welcomes Presidential Volunteer Service Award Winner To Office

Maddie Canonico with NYS Senator John FlanaganSenate Majority Leader John Flanagan (2nd Senate District) recently had the honor of welcoming young Maddie Canonico of Kings Park to his Smithtown office to present her with the Presidential Volunteer Service Award. Maddie received the honor in recognition of her over 80 hours of volunteer service at the Sweetbriar Nature Center where she helped care for birds, bunnies, chinchillas and other animals.

The federal award was created to recognize the valuable contributions that volunteers make and to inspire others to engage in volunteer service.

“Congratulations to Maddie on her great work for a great organization and for receiving this impressive award.  I thank her for allowing me to be part of this special event and for her volunteer work.  She is a great example for all of her classmates, friends and our community,” stated Senator Flanagan.


Ed Wehrheim And Lisa Inzerillo Top Vote Getters In Republican Primary

With all 92 Smithtown Districts reporting in, Republican voters have chosen Edward Wehrheim and Lisa Inzerillo to represent them in November’s Town Council race.

Ed Wehrheim Lisa InzerilloEdward Wehrheim 1,673 votes  (40.49 %)   Lisa Inzerillo 1,292 votes (31.27%) and Robert Creighton 1,149 (27.81%)  There were 17 write-in votes. Absentee ballots have not yet been counted.



Voters in today’s Republican primary have two incumbents Edward Wehrheim and Robert Creighton and one challenger Lisa Inzerillo to chose from. Today’s vote will see the two highest vote getters move on to the November election for Smithtown Town Council.  

The primary has been particularly hard fought giving the Democrats a lot of ammunition for the November election. But this is not November, it is a primary and it is September, so Republican voters need to think about what they want in a Town Council member. 

The literature that has been mailed to primary voters is pretty telling. Creighton and Wehrheim are a team. Inzerillo is on her own but has the support of Patrick Vecchio. Apparently, mounting a challenge makes you a persona non grata, unwelcome, villainized and labeled an insurgent. The Republicans have a long history of insurgency, Mr. Creighton ousting Ms. Grey and challenging Patrick Vecchio for Supervisor. Legislator Rob Trotta won a primary for his right to run on the Republican line for his seat in the Suffolk County Legislature. Mr. Wehrheim has been in a primary in every election.

Since there have been no debates voters need to think about the records of the candidates.

Challenger Lisa Inzerillo has lived in Smithtown since 2002. She is married and has three children. Lisa has a BA degree in Marketing and Advertising which she received from St. Johns University.  She owns a small business and is a community activist, and has been a Republican since registering to vote. Lisa spent much of her life in Queens before moving to Kings Park. The kitchen table at her home is where the Old Northport and Lawrence Roads Task Force was created, of which she is a founding member. 

The Task Force was created to answer the very real issues families living near Lawrence Rd and Old Northport Rd. were forced to deal with. Illegal activities that were creating health and quality of life problems for real people. The problems were created and festered for many years. No one in government seemed able to control the illegal mining, dumping, storage etc.. The task force and other community groups worked together forcing Smithtown to deal with the problems. They never let up and they were not shy with their criticism of the Town and its elected officials. When asked if she would be a loyal follower of Supervisor Vecchio’s, Lisa makes it clear how much respect she has for him; however, she quickly points out that she has stood up to him before and apparently it worked.

Robert Creighton has served on the Smithtown Town Board since 2008. Bob Creighton is a life long resident of Smithtown. He is married and has adult children and grandchildren. Mr. Creighton served in the US Armed Forces and has a long career in law enforcement serving a brief stint as Suffolk County Police Commissioner. After retiring from the police force Mr. Creighton went into security consulting operating his own security company. Mr. Creighton was a registered Conservative before changing his party affiliation in 2012. 

Mr. Creighton ran for office in 2007 to bring peace and civility to the Smithtown Town Board. It hasn’t been easy. Mr. Creighton looked for ways to improve the appearance of the Town and to raise tax revenue. Mr. Creighton made it his mission to rid the town of blighted commercial areas. The abandoned gas station on the corner of Harned Rd. and Jericho has transformed into a thriving gas station and convenience store, but it was controversial and heavily contested by many. The issue was divisive.  Mr. Creighton has proposed storing storm damaged motor vehicles in Smithtown to generate revenue for the town.  He was seen as a supporter of the a catering facility at Whisper Vineyard on Edgewood Avenue in Smithtown and as a supporter of the Uplands project ( four story progressive single family/ sr/ assisted living housing development) on a pristine privately owned property in Kings Park. Both are very controversial projects. More recent proposals include installing commissioners to oversee the activities of town departments and a proposal creating a $9 minimum wage for town employees.

Edward Wehrheim first joined the Town Board in 2003. Ed was appointed to fill the seat of Mike Fitzpatrick who was elected to the NY State Assembly. Mr. Wehrheim retired as director of the parks department, the department he worked for in his youth and after returning from his military service.  Mr. Wehrheim is a lifelong resident of Kings Park and served in the US Navy during Viet Nam. He is married and has two children. 

Mr. Wehrheim, once considered Supervisor Vecchio’s right hand, has separated himself from the Supervisor and has been working with Councilman Creighton to establish a $9 minimum wage for town employees. He along with Creighton support the idea of commissioners to oversee town departments. He supports redevelopment of blighted sites seeing it as an opportunity to both improve the appearance of the town and to raise tax revenue. Mr. Wehrheim supports the recent Suffolk County IDA proposal to offer tax relief for the company purchasing Siena Village. Over the years Mr. Wehrheim has been involved with projects that include the renovation at the Smith Haven Mall, Shop Rite in Commack, Assisted Living Facility on 25 A in Smithtown as well as the future sports complex in Kings Park.


Nowick Tables Minimum Wage Proposal For The Second Time

With a 3-2 vote, Town Board members Nowick, McCarthy and Vecchio table a resolution calling for a $9 an hour minimum wage for town employees. The request to table the resolution was made by  Councilwoman Lynne Nowick at Tuesday’s Town Board meeting.  Ms. Nowick justified her position by saying she wanted to look over the 2016 budget before voting, “This does not mean that I am against this, I just want to look at the budget which is not due for another 30 days, I believe.” Said Nowick. Mr. Creighton has previously expressed his belief that presenting the resolution in advance of the budget allows the Supervisor to provide for the additional cost in the 2016 budget.

After the meeting Councilmen Creighton and Wehrheim expressed their surprise at the Councilwoman’s tabling of the resolution. “There was no mention of tabling the minimum wage resolution prior this meeting.” Said Councilman Wehrheim.

Councilman Creighton’s resolution is for a $9 an hour minimum wage. Town employees are typically paid above the proposed $9 an hour but seasonal employees, depending on the department, may start at $8.50.  According to Councilman Creighton if approved the cost associated with the minimum wage hike would be $23,000 per year. In NYS the minimum wage is set at $8.75 per hour but does not apply to public employees. 



No Permit No Liquor Sales - Frederick Fox Arrested At Long Beach Pavillion  

Suffolk County Police have confirmed that Smithtown resident Frederick Fox, 46, was arrested at the Long Beach Pavillon in Smithtown last evening.  According to a Suffolk County Police spokesperson Mr. Fox was operating a concession stand and selling liquor even though his permit to do so had been revoked. Smithtown Public Safety made the arrest and Mr. Fox was then turned over to Suffolk County Police. No additional information is available at this time.