





Smithtown Author Returning To Book Revue


Jeb Ladouceur Will Introduce His New Novel at the Famed Bookstore Apr. 28

Author Jeb Ladouceur

For the tenth time in as many years, Smithtown’s favorite novelist has been invited to appear at Book Revue in Huntington. The renowned bookstore at New York Avenue and Main Street (Rte. 25-A) will be the site of Jeb Ladouceur’s book signing for THE QUANTUM SYNDROME on April 28.

Mr. Ladouceur leads all authors in trips to the Book Revue podium, and he is in good company. Other noted writers who have spoken about and signed their books at the huge store include Tom Clancy, Hillary Clinton, Bill O’Reilly, and J.K. Rowling. In addition, Long Islanders, Nelson DeMille, Susan Isaacs, Alan King, and Jodi Picoult have shared the Book Revue microphone one or more times during their highly successful careers. 

According to the author’s long-time publicist, Debbie Lange Fifer, THE QUANTUM SYNDROME is patterned on the Atlanta Child Murders of the early 80s, but is set in present day Suffolk County. Most readers over the age of fifty, Ms. Fifer notes, will recall that in a two-year period between the summer of 1979 and spring of 1981, twenty-two children ranging in age from 8 to 16, were murdered in the Atlanta area…most were victims of asphyxiation. Finally, some 21 months after the first child had been strangled, a 23-year-old man, Wayne Williams, was arrested, tried, and convicted in the deaths of two adult Atlanta-area males. Like fifteen of the murdered children, both young men had been choked to death.

Williams was also considered responsible for 17 of the 22 child killings in Atlanta.

Though steadfastly professing his innocence, Wayne Williams received two life sentences for murder, and the matter of the notorious Atlanta Child Killings was said to have been settled.

But some of Mr. Ladouceur’s local acquaintances in law enforcement…and specifically, members of the Suffolk County Homicide Squad (to whom THE QUANTUM SYNDROME is dedicated)…had serious misgivings. A few of them saw a ‘rush to judgment’ in Atlanta, and consequently, as early as the mid-80’s, Jeb Ladouceur’s book began to take shape, if only in his nimble imagination.


“It is not my intention to re-visit the Atlanta Child Murders case in this fictional story,” says Mr. Ladouceur. “That sort of thing is not the novelist’s job, in my view.” He also points out that neither does his new book question the guilt of Wayne Williams. “I cite this background,” Ladouceur claims, “…only to answer my readers, whose first question at hundreds of book signings invariably is, ‘How in the world do you come up with these strange ideas for your novels?’”

The Smithtown novelist is shown introducing his Well-received ninth novel “Harvest” in 2014

The much-anticipated Book Revue event is free, and will begin at 7:30 PM. The author will speak for 20 minutes, after which he will answer questions from the audience. As is his practice, Ladouceur will introduce all writers in attendance, and will be pleased to personalize copies of his latest work for anyone who requests it. … Photos by Debbie Lange Fifer


Editorial - Special (Boring) Election On Tuesday, March 31

On Tuesday, March 31, 2015 a small group of voters in the 12th Legislative District will go to the polls. They will decide who will fill John Kennedy’s vacant seat.  Those who go to the polls or send in an absentee ballot will have a choice between two women, Leslie Kennedy and Deborah Monaco.  Neither one of them has ever held an elected position. Both women are political beings, Deborah a long time employee of the Suffolk County Board of Elections and Leslie, legislative aide to and wife of the district’s former Legislator, John Kennedy. John Kennedy gave up his legislative seat after being  elected to the position of Suffolk County Comptroller in November. 

Only one woman, Leslie, has been campaigning for the position. Deborah did not actively seek the nomination nor the legislative position.  Deborah Monaco is a long shot, political people will tell you she has little or no chance to win. Leslie Kennedy is the huge favorite to win the election and to fill the seat on the legislature that her husband vacated. 

It is not unusual for a person to seek a seat vacated by their spouse. It happens more often than you think, although usually when a spouse is deceased. In the U.S. Congress seats filled by spouses have been called  “widow’s seats”.  

Through gerrymandering the 12th LD is predominantly a Republican District. It would be very hard for a Democrat to win in the 12th LD and so it is no surprise that Deborah has not been actively campaigning for the almost $100,000 + benefits position. There is also no surprise that Leslie would want the position that comes with a great salary and benefits, a constituency that she is already familiar with having served as her husband’s legislative aide, she has name recognition and there is a large Republican voter registration. Seems like a slam dunk for Leslie.

What is troubling, is that without discussion, without debates, without campaign literature, without knowing what the candidates priorities are voters will go to the polls and pull a lever.  I would have liked to have heard a discussion about the economic challenges the County is experiencing. There should have been a discussion about the candidates position on the the police contracts, pension costs that we have encumbered our children and grandchildren with. I would like to have heard a discussion about mental health programs that could have a positive effect in reducing our incarceration rates.  What about violence against women, children, parents. We didn’t hear any of this and it is to the detriment of the voters that we did not have discussion.

Kudos to the woman who is elected to fill John Kennedy’s remaining term. November will bring about another election for a full two-year term and you will be able to run as the incumbent. I sincerely hope you will be prepared to tell the voters how you are going to address the many challenges facing Suffolk County. 

Residents deserve better than this boring non-issue election. Expect more of the same in November unless voters speak up and demand issue based elections.

Vote on Tuesday, March 31. The polls will open at 6am and remain open until 9pm. 



Probation Officer Trainees Save The Life Of Man Suffering Opiate Overdose 

The Suffolk County Police Benevolent Association commends the bravery and initiative of Probation Officers, Ferretti and Grasman. While these trainee officers have only been in the field for three weeks, they were able to navigate a high-risk, life and death situation. Their training and immediate response were key in saving the life of a man on the brink of death, due to what appeared to be an opiate overdose. 

Around noon on Thursday, March 26th, Probation Officer Trainees (POTs), Ferretti and Grasman stopped for lunch at a bagel store in a shopping center on the southeast corner of Route 112 and Horseblock Road. Prior to lunch, the two had been conducting home visits. As they were leaving the store, they noticed three individuals convening next to the building; one of the individuals was leaning against the building for support and looked unwell. POTs Ferretti and Grasman immediately took action, entered their vehicle, and drove to the location to investigate the wellbeing of the individual. As they approached, the individual was being lowered to the ground by his companions. Ferretti approached the group to assess the situation, while Grasman radioed the Police Department for rescue and assistance. The person at risk was foaming at the mouth, had a weak pulse, and was cyanotic. Grasman immediately retrieved her Narcan Kit from her field bag and gave it to Ferretti, who quickly and successfully administered the Narcan. The person responded to the treatment and was placed in recovery position until Suffolk County Police Rescue arrived. Thankfully the person, at risk of dying from an overdose, was responsive as he was placed into the ambulance. 

In the case of a drug overdose, it is vital that care is administered promptly. Despite the short amount of time that Officers Perretti and Grasman have been on the force, POTS they responded to a potentially fatal situation with confidence, taking the action necessary to save a man’s life. The Police Benevolent Association is proud to have Probation Officers of such caliber on the Force. 


Commack Students Opening Their Hearts Sharing Skills With Cambodian Women

Mailysa Wood and Caitlin Passaro

(click on photos to enlarge)

Commack HS students Mailysa Wood and Caitlin Passaro have been planning for two years to go to Cambodia in support of impoverished women and children. The two High school juniors will not be vacationing when they get to Siem Reap, Cambodia in August; they will be volunteering to train approximately 65 young women in swimming and self defense skills. Mailysa is a certified life guard and Caitlin is a 3rd degree black belt in Jiu Jitsu. They have been friends since meeting each other in third grade at Burr Rd. Intermediate school.  They are courageous, idealistic and smart as well as practical, reasonable and passionate. 

Caitlin has been fundraising for the Little Shelter Animal Rescue for years and Mailysa has assisted her. Both girls are members of the Commack Interact Club, an extension of the Commack-Kings Park Rotary Club run by community activist, Debbie Virga.  The Interact Club is dedicated to providing students the opportunity to do good works in and outside their community. The Cambodian trip is not a Rotary trip and it is not sponsored by any organization. The girls are doing this on their own after learning of the plight of young impoverished women in the Cambodian regio. Too often these become victims of rape and human trafficking and lack the swimming skills that might help them survive the flooding that occurs during the monsoon season. 

The girls have identified their goal as “teaching skills to empower people to help themselves and for them to pass on others.”

Doug Wood, Mailysa Wood and Caitlin Passaro They did not come up with this idea on their own.  Mailysa’s dad has traveled back and forth to Cambodia for years and has been involved in a not-for-profit organization that trains women to become beauty salon owners. Mailysa’s mom is from Vietnam, so the family has an intimate knowledge of the region. Not so with Caitlin’s family. Caitlin admitted they had to be convinced. She was able to convert her family by coming up with a detailed plan. 

The two girls wanted to bring gifts  to the young women they will be training. One of the things they learned was that there are few roads and the woman often go barefoot. They bought flip-flops at Old Navy and personalized them with material and ribbons they purchased with a generous donation from Commack teachers and administrators. For the swimming lessons they were able to  secure the use of a hotel swimming pool in Siem Reap at no cost.  They are looking for a location for the self-defense training.  

In addition to the expense of the 24-hour flight to Cambodia, there are other costsputting together the flip flops involved in bringing supplies (goggles, swim suits etc.) with them and they are fundraising to pay these costs.  Their goal is to raise $6000.  Caitlyn and Mailysa  have a fundraising page on Crowdrise called Project Safe Cambodia https://www.crowdrise.com/search/combined-results/project+safe+cambodia. They also plan to participate in a fundraiser with their Interact Club and are hopeful the club will choose their project as the beneficiary. A second fundraiser (dodgeball) is being planned with the NOKADO School of Self Defense in Kings Park.  A School where Caitlin has trained since she was a young child under John Olshlager. 

Two scheduled fundraisers and the crowdrise page should help them in their effort to help others. They cannot do it alone and they are hoping that people will want to be a part of Project Safe Cambodia.


Village Election Results

Village election results 

Village of the Branch - Voters were asked to vote for two trustee positions with two-year terms beginning April 1, 2015 ending March 31, 2017. Incumbents Michael Donnelly and Thomas Newman were unchallenged and easily won re election. Donnelly received 21 votes and Newman 14 votes.