
SFD Comedy Show - People Laughing For A Good Cause

Fire Dept. Holds Comedy Show to Restore Original Fire Engine

By Seth Wallach

This past Saturday, the Smithtown Center for the Performing Arts was the site for laughs, as Smithtown residents flocked in to support a good cause. 

The Smithtown Fire Department, along with Bulldog Restoration presented their highly anticipated Adult Comedy Show.  Tickets were $45, and all proceeds from the sold out event went to the restoration of an original Smithtown fire engine circa 1935.    

The truck, originally owned by the Smithtown Fire Department, was repurchased in 2011. Owned by the Melville Fire Dept. since 1959, Smithtown FD jumped at the chance to get back one of their original engines when the opportunity arose two years ago. Legally, Melville could not give the antique truck away. However, they were more than willing to sell it to Smithtown — for the low low price of $1. 

The truck is set to receive a full restoration, including an all-new engine and paint job. Bulldog Restoration, the working arm of the Smithtown FD’s restoration committee will be responsible for the entire restoration process. They hope to have the truck ready for action by 2014, so that it can be shown off to “anybody and everybody”, according to current restoration chairmen Jack Harford. 

“This truck represents the past, present, and future of Smithtown Fire Department,” Harford said. “The labor of love, and the love of the truck means everything to us.” 

Guests attending the fundraiser were treated to complementary refreshments, including beer, soda, and a variety of wines available for sampling.  

One of the event’s highlights took place even before the comics hit the stage. Performer Michael Wind, a resident of nearby Hauppauge, entertained the crowd with some classic hits from the 1940’s and 50’s. Sampling songs from such greats as Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin, Wind’s performance had the crowd snapping and singing along from the opening bar. What made the performance even more impressive is that Wind is only 21 years of age. “I’ve always loved the Rat Pack, especially Sinatra,” Wind said. After learning his first Sinatra song at age 6, Wind first began performing live in 2005. 

Following Wind’s performance, the evening’s main event would feature six comedians, mostly hailing from the New York City/Long Island area. Rob Ryan started off the show, and instantly brought the house down with his bold, in-your-face brand of humor.  This theme was echoed by the evening’s next performer, introduced by Ryan as “the crazy man” Johnny Rizzo. Rizzo, a veteran of the comedy circuit kept the good vibes going with an act so eccentric his jokes were only rivaled by his seemingly endless catalogue of facial expressions.  The first half of the show concluded with a solid set from Joe Starr. Starr who has appeared in a number of film and television spots, joked about some of Long Island’s most unpronounceable destinations (i.e. Shinnecock, Patchogue). 

On the other side of intermission, Brian Cichocki took to the stage to be followed by Marvin Bell and finally John Joseph. Each comic holding their own, and exiting to raucous applause. Joseph even played the audience out with a hilarious original tune on guitar. 

“It’s Crazy, these guys are absolutely great!” Audience member Gary Singleton said. 

“Very good! [Johnny Rizzo] had everything!” Judy Weisman added. 

Fireman Joe Palazzo was responsible for much of the fundraiser’s planning and ticket sales. He was extremely pleased by the terrific turnout. 

“It’s great for the community, and its even better for the seniors that are here at the fire department who have dedicated their lives to Smithtown.”  Palazzo said.  “It’s great to continue to have something like this antique in our community for the future.”

He looks forward to seeing the restored fire engine back on the road in 2014.



Editorial - Suffolk County The New Soviet Union ?

Suffolk County - The New Soviet Union?

According to a November 17th Newsday article, “Suffolk lawmakers seek to end fees on not-guilty traffic tickets”. People who have a traffic ticket dismissed are currently required to pay an administrative fee to cover the costs of administering the ticket. 

In one case (according to Newsday) a person was given a ticket for driving and not having insurance, he provided proof of insurance at Suffolk’s Traffic & Parking Violations Bureau, and the ticket was dismissed. What remained was a $50 administrative fee. Again, according to the article this is routine. Administrative fees of $30 or $50 are levied on almost every ticket regardless of outcome. Innocent and guilty alike must pay up.

This reminds me of a story told by a friend of mine who emigrated from the Soviet Union. Explaining how the Soviet government operated he told a story of a relative who was taken by the Soviet authorities for questioning. Consequently, he was unjustly charged with a crime and sentenced to death by a firing squad. The family, poor and now fatherless, received a bill from the Soviet Government for the “administrative” cost of executing the man. 

The Suffolk County Traffic Violations Bureau opened in April and it provided Suffolk County a much needed “new” revenue stream. The same for the red-light cameras (projected revenue from red-light cameras is $18 million with $5 million from processing fees.)

It seems that our County Legislators have found a new way to budget. Not a tax, it’s an administrative fee. They are allowed to pursue this type of shenanigan when; 1. Voters don’t see jeopardy for themselves. Someone violated the law they should pay mentality. 2. Government officials do not fully disclose the implications of legislation to the public. 3. Government officials don’t fully explore the impact of the legislation. If it sounds good and no one is speaking up in opposition than just do it. 4. The public puts too much trust and power in the hands of  legislators. 

Suffolk County’s Traffic & Parking Violations Bureau may be a good thing for the County. Red-light cameras may be a good thing. Making huge amounts of money from the person who has a brake light out, or doesn’t have a seat belt on or doesn’t have their identification with them is wrong and it should be unacceptable. The county must amend the legislation that allows administrative fees on dismissed tickets. The County should issue refunds of administrative fees to those who had their tickets dismissed. 

But it needs to go further. Someone needs to explain how the legislation passed through the Legislature and County Executive’s office with the “unintended” consequences of ripping off constituents. The administrative fees generated by the Traffic & Violations Bureau should not exceed the cost of expenses to run the program. Budgeting thru administrative fees is not only no way to budget but it is demoralizing to constituents and undermining trust in our  County legislators. 

Someone needs to say “no” to penalizing people for living for on Long Island. 



News of Long Ago - "The Dark Side of Stanford White"

News of Long Ago by Bradley Harris, Smithtown Historian

I have been writing about the descendants of Judge John Lawrence Smith and the impact that they have had upon Smithtown’s history.  I have been tracing the story of Bessie Smith, the Judge’s youngest daughter who married Stanford White.  Last week’s article was about Stanford White who became New York City’s leading architect and most famous citizen.  This article deals with his illicit affair with Evelyn Nesbit and the tragic consequences that resulted.

“The dark side of Stanford White….”

“By the end of the nineteenth century, Stanford White was New York’s most famous citizen” and he had become ”the city’s leading architect.”  Turn of the century newspapers regarded “the activities of Stanford White as ‘good copy’” and were constantly reporting his comings and goings.  “All accounts agreed on his generosity – his donations of designs for monuments, his open-handed loans to artists, his care for the unfortunate, and all reports made clear his energy seemed to provide an almost inexhaustible reservoir which served him in both work and play.  That he loved to play was never questioned – he adored beautiful girls and extravagant parties, and there were many parties.  White played host constantly for his friends, and his parties were often spectacular.”  Some of his parties were private affairs held in “White’s tower” atop Madison Square Garden.  (Michael Macdonald Mooney, Evelyn Nesbit and Stanford White, Love and Death in the Gilded Age, William Murrow and Company, Inc., New York, 1976, p. 27-31.)

To these parties, White invited a “glittering list of the wealthy and powerful, the talented and successful.  Stanny’s ‘celebrities’ were the ranking artists mixed with the important figures from both Broadway and Fifth Avenue” and White “was very cautious about” publicizing these private parties.  “The food was always sent over from the exclusive Manhattan Club” and “the waiters had their instructions to leave food in the kitchenette” and “they were never permitted to see the guests.  Stanny passed the champagne himself, and there were always showgirls to help.”  Many of these showgirls came from the cast of ‘Floradora’ which was playing in the Casino Theater conveniently located next to White’s tower.  And it was in the spring of 1901 that Evelyn Nesbit joined the cast of the musical and it was on stage that Stanford White first saw her.  (Michael Macdonald Mooney, Evelyn Nesbit and Stanford White, Love and Death in the Gilded Age,  opt. cit., p. 54.)

From the moment he laid eyes on Evelyn Nesbit in the cast of “Floradora,” Stanford White decided he had to possess this stunningly beautiful girl and he carefully plotted how to do just that. Evelyn Nesbit had come to New York City with her mother in the spring of 1900.  Mrs. Nesbit “desperately tried to get work as a clothes designer and then as a seamstress, but weeks went by in her futile search.”  Evelyn then convinced her mother to let her seek work as an artist’s model and her natural beauty immediately secured her employment.  She became a fashion model and photographs of Evelyn wearing “hats, gowns, shoes, stockings and sport frocks” appeared in the fashion pages of the  Sunday World and Sunday American.   Almost overnight , Evelyn’s image as a “beautiful model” showed up in magazines and newspapers.   It wasn’t long before a theatrical agent approached the Nesbits suggesting that Evelyn think about appearing on stage.  The agent arranged a meeting with the producers of “Floradora” and as the summer began, Evelyn joined the cast as a Spanish Dancer.  And it was in this role that Stanford White saw her on the stage of the Casino Theater and immediately decided to see more of her.  (Michael Macdonald Mooney, Evelyn Nesbit and Stanford White, Love and Death in the Gilded Age, William Murrow and Company, Inc., New York, 1976, p. 27-31.)

In August of 1901, Stanford White arranged to meet Evelyn Nesbit for lunch.  He had Edna Goodrich, one of the voluptuous girls in the Floradora sexette, invite Evelyn to lunch to meet with “some of Edna’s ‘society’ friends.”  After gaining her mother’s permission, 16 year old Evelyn accompanied Edna in a hansom cab that whisked them up Broadway to “West Twenty-fourth Street and stopped at an address in the loft district.”  (Michael Macdonald Mooney, Evelyn Nesbit and Stanford White, Love and Death in the Gilded Age,  opt. cit., p. 44.)

It seemed like an odd place for lunch with Edna’s society friends, but when they arrived, Edna ushered Evelyn in the door and up “several flights of stairs to the top landing.”  At the top of the stairs, “a tall, redheaded man was waiting for them.  He had a big smile, boomed a cheery hello, and introduced himself as Stanford White.”  Stanford then ushered the two women into a “breathtaking room” that had been decorated in “different shades of red” with “heavy red velvet curtains that shut out all daylight.”  The room was lit by indirect lighting that cast a soft light throughout.  “There were tapestries and fine paintings on the walls, and Evelyn was startled by an exquisite nude, lit by one of the hidden lights from overhead.”  In the middle of the room was an antique Italian “table set for four.”  Clearly the surroundings had been designed to provide an intimate setting for lunch. (Michael Macdonald Mooney,  Evelyn Nesbit and Stanford White, Love and Death in the Gilded Age, opt. cit., pp. 44-45.)

Edna took her hat off, sat down, and immediately made herself  “at home.”  Evelyn joined her, trying “to act as nonchalant as Edna was.”  Almost immediately a second man “came up the stairs” and joined them.  He was introduced as Mr. Reginald Ronalds and “he was very cheery and full of little jokes, but Evelyn thought he was disappointingly old and not a bit handsome like Mr. White.”  Mr. White served his guests lunch from a portable cabinet that had been delivered by Delmonico’s.  “The food was delicious and there was champagne on ice in a bucket.”  Evelyn told them that she had never tasted champagne and “they said she should have no more than one glass. Everyone laughed a lot at nothing at all.  Both men fussed over her, and their admiration, their frank gazes, made her feel grown up.”  The luncheon came to an abrupt end when Mr. Ronalds, a stockbroker, said he had to return to his office.  (Michael Macdonald Mooney,  Evelyn Nesbit and Stanford White, Love and Death in the Gilded Age, opt. cit., pp. 45-46.)

When they were alone, Mr. White took the two ladies up stairs that led to a large open studio that occupied the top two floors of the building.  “Busts, paintings, drawings were lying about, and there were etchings of nudes on the walls.  At one end there was a gorgeous swing hanging from the ceiling on red velvet ropes, with green smilax wound around the ropes and trailing down from its red velvet seat.”  Mr. White suggested that Evelyn try the swing out, and she immediately did so, swinging higher and higher each time.  “Mr. White gave her extra pushes to help her fly” and Evelyn laughed with delight on every swing through the loft.  (Michael Macdonald Mooney,  Evelyn Nesbit and Stanford White, Love and Death in the Gilded Age, opt. cit., p. 46.)

When the party broke up, and the girls were getting ready to leave, Stanford White suggested to Evelyn that she “should visit his dentist” to fix a front tooth that “needed professional attention.”  White said to Evelyn, “It’s your only defect, and it spoils your smile.”  Then they were back in the hansom cab and taken home by Mr. White’s chauffeur.  Upon returning to the dingy boardinghouse where Evelyn lived with her mother, “Evelyn told her mother that Mr. White was a handsome, charming, splendid man, thoughtful and kind, a brilliant conversationalist, and that he had an extraordinary magnetism.”  Within a few days, a letter came from Mr. White asking Mrs. Nesbit’s permission for Evelyn to come to lunch again saying he would send a hansom cab to pick her up. (Michael Macdonald Mooney,  Evelyn Nesbit and Stanford White, Love and Death in the Gilded Age, opt. cit., p. 47.)

This time, Elsie Ferguson, a young actress starring in The Strollers at the Knickerbocker Theater, came along.  Again they went to White’s apartment where they were again joined by another man, a Mr. Thomas Clarke, who was “a very famous dealer in Chinese porcelains and antiques.”  As far as Evelyn was concerned, Mr. Clarke who had white hair and walked with a cane, “was as old as Methuselah” and that pleased White who looked young in comparison.  “Once again after lunch, Mr. Clark said he had to leave, and Elsie, Evelyn, and Mr. White climbed the stairs to the big studio.  Once more Evelyn played with the red velvet swing.”  As the girls were leaving, Mr. White again asked about getting her chipped front tooth capped and told Evelyn he would contact her mother about having the work done.  (Michael Macdonald Mooney,  Evelyn Nesbit and Stanford White, Love and Death in the Gilded Age, opt. cit., p. 47.)

Several days later, a letter from Mr. White arrived requesting that Mrs. Nesbit come see him regarding Evelyn’s tooth, and that led to her visit to Stanford White in his office.  Mrs. Nesbit came away from this visit telling her daughter “that she found Mr. White utterly charming, and she soon sent Evelyn off to have her tooth fixed.”  A week later, Evelyn and Mrs. Nesbit “moved from the boardinghouse on Twenty-second Street to the Audubon Hotel” directly opposite Madison Square Garden “where ‘Floradora’ was playing” in the Casino Theater.  “Evelyn and her mother agreed that they were more comfortable at the Audubon than they had ever been.”   And it was Mr. White’s generosity that made the move possible.  (Michael Macdonald Mooney,  Evelyn Nesbit and Stanford White, Love and Death in the Gilded Age, opt. cit., pp. 47-48.)

Having worked his way into Mrs. Nesbit’s good graces, Stanford White laid siege on Evelyn’s heart.  He “sent flowers every day,” sent her a beautiful “English-tailored cloak in American beauty red,” and paid to have Evelyn’s brother Howard enrolled in Chester Military Academy outside Philadelphia, something for which Mrs. Nesbit was profoundly grateful since she was constantly fretting about her young son’s health and well-being.  When Mrs. Nesbit expressed a wish to visit her son, Stanford White was only too willing to pay the cost of the trip.  He even suggested that Mrs. Nesbitt take the time to visit her fiancée in Pittsburgh.  And when Mrs. Nesbit expressed her concerns about leaving Evelyn alone in New York City, “Mr. White assured her it would be quite safe for her to go; he promised to look after Evelyn in her absence.  Mr. White and Evelyn went together to see Mrs. Nesbit off on the train.” (Michael Macdonald Mooney,  Evelyn Nesbit and Stanford White, Love and Death in the Gilded Age, opt. cit., p. 48.)

Taking care of Evelyn was something that Mr. White zealously anticipated.  He had a Union Club cab pick her up each night after her performance and transport her to the Audubon Hotel across the street, making sure she got home safely.  Then Mr. White had his chauffeur “bring Evelyn to the offices of his firm, McKim, Meade and White, at 160 Fifth Avenue” where White gave her a grand tour of the office showing her where and how architectural drawings were made.  He even introduced her to Charles McKim, “his partner and dearest friend.”  (Michael Macdonald Mooney,  Evelyn Nesbit and Stanford White, Love and Death in the Gilded Age, opt. cit., p. 49.)

That same night, he had the driver of the Union Club cab bring Evelyn to meet him at the 24th Street apartment. “It was the first time she had gone there at night.”  Stanford White had set the table for supper, but this time “just for two.”  Stanford made sure she had several glasses of champagne.  After supper, he showed her throughout the apartment and led her to a “tiny little room, no more than 10’ square, its walls and ceiling all made of mirrors, even the floor was like glass.”  He sat her down on “an immense couch” and “left her there, returning in a moment, with a gorgeous yellow satin Japanese kimono embroidered with festoons of wisteria. While he went to get more champagne, she tried it on.”  (Michael Macdonald Mooney,  Evelyn Nesbit and Stanford White, Love and Death in the Gilded Age, opt. cit., p. 50.)

“They sat on the green velvet couch sipping more champagne, and Evelyn was thrilled by her own reflections and the sight of herself next to Stanny.”  They left the room and Stanford took her to “a bedroom in the back.”  The bedroom had been well prepared – “a log fire flickering in the fireplace,“ red velvet draperies carpeting the walls from ceiling to floor, “a four-poster bed draped with heavy velvet curtains,” and mirrors on the headboard, within the canopy, and on the wall.  Stanford got her to lie on the bed to play with buttons that controlled mood lighting within the room, and she blacked out.  That was all Evelyn recalled of events that night until she came to.  (Michael Macdonald Mooney,  Evelyn Nesbit and Stanford White, Love and Death in the Gilded Age, opt. cit., p. 50.)

  When Evelyn regained consciousness, “she started to cry.”  Stanny was lying there beside her, and he turned to her and petted her and kissed her, and said, ‘Don’t.  Please don’t. It’s all over.  Now you belong to me.’  He got up and put on a robe and gave her the yellow kimono, which had been tossed across the back of a chair.  He removed the telltale sheets and took her to an armchair and held her on his knees and soothed her, and she quieted.  He told her he would come to her again that afternoon,” but now in the wee hours of the morning, “he was going to drive her back to the Audubon” and he did just that. (Michael Macdonald Mooney,  Evelyn Nesbit and Stanford White, Love and Death in the Gilded Age, opt. cit., pp. 50-51.)

  “Evelyn would sometimes describe the night in the fall of 1901 ‘when she became a woman’ as a sweet dream, as if she were remembering a sixteen-year-old girl’s drama of a poor butterfly.  But there would be other occasions when she would recall that night somewhat differently.  It all depended on who her audience might be.  She would claim that a man nearly fifty had drugged her with champagne or with an opiate in the champagne, which had a bitter taste.  She would say she lost consciousness; that when she awoke and discovered she was no longer a virgin she began to scream.  She would say Stanny came over and asked her to please be quiet and not make so much noise, that he had said, ‘It’s all over; it is all over.’” (Michael Macdonald Mooney,  Evelyn Nesbit and Stanford White, Love and Death in the Gilded Age, opt. cit., pp. 50-51.)

But of course it wasn’t all over, it had just begun….


What’s Cookin’? - Smithtown - 8th Annual Taste of Smithtown 

What’s Cookin’?  -  Smithtown 

 By Nancy Vallarella

8th Annual Taste of Smithtown 

(click on photos to enlarge)

Smithtown Children’s FoundationSmithtown’s civic, business and youth organizations pooled resources to deliver an enormously successful event to benefit The Smithtown Children’s Foundation, Smithtown Food Pantry and Gift of Life.  

Howard Essenfeld of the Senior Resources of Long Island stated this morning that the final numbers were not in but he estimated over 250 people were in attendance and over $5,000 of donated gift certificates and products were raffled.  Even those who did not walk away with a raffle prize left the event with an attitude of gratitude for all the effort and generosity displayed during this annual charitable gathering at Mercedes-Benz in Saint James. 

Jason from Towers FlowersEarly bird arrivals included team Elegant Eating led by co-owners Myra Naseem and Neil Shumer to do what they do best - set up, deliver food that tastes as good as it looks and break down.  Joining them was Jason from Towers Flowers of Nesconset who brought beauty to the event with fall flowers and his warm friendly smile. Representing Costco-Nesconset, Joanne Frishland and Joanne Durso were busy bees setting up refreshments and delivering baskets of goodies for raffle. 

In addition to the numerous gift cards, products, services and entertainment events donated from businesses in and near Smithtown, the Krantz family provided a remarkable amount of electronic appliances. Nancy Buzzetta and Bill Riedel of Mercedes-Benz not only graciously open their doors to host the event but provided the cherry on top – a Mercedes SLS 197 convertible fueled by tiny feet!  To help grow those tiny feet – The Kings Park Farmer’s Market supplied a bountiful gift basket over flowing with fresh local vegetables and homemade jams.

Smithtown’s youth contributed to last night’s success.  Smithtown High SchoolSmithtown Rotary sponsored Interact Club  East Chamber Orchestra made an appearance and Smithtown Rotary sponsored Interact Club provided helping hands where needed.  They were outstanding as was Miss Miss Teen NY Nikki OrlandoTeen New York, Nikki Orlando

The food was only out shined by the number of owners and chefs taking the time out to meet the people within the community.  Liz Keschl of Perfecto Mundo in Commack came through in the eleventh hour providing her delicious Latin fusion fare and friendliness.  Ben Schor from Main Street Meats teased the crowd with some holiday goodness – honey baked spiral cut ham and spaetzle.  Neil Shumer of Elegant Eating rolled up his sleeves to plate up open faced Banh-Mi style short rib sandwiches and warm autumn bisque. 

Team Moe’s spiced things up and is repeating their commitment to community next Thursday, Nov 21 as they join forces with Smithtown High School EastTeam Moe’s Southwest Grill DECA for a fundraising event. Give General Manager, Tracey Wilgenkamp at Moe’s Southwest Grill a call for details 631-360-MOES. 

Edible Arrangements - Stony BrookMost colorful display goes to …Edible Arrangements of Stony Brook.  While on the topic of displays… Florie’s Finales, Sweet Lucille’s, Crum Belle’s and Macayla Michaels Desserts tempted all of us into breaking our diets. They all succeeded.  

If that didn’t take the cake, John Harvard’s and Wolffer Vineyards were present for a tasting.  Prefer not to drink wine?  Frosae wine sorbae was there for the eating. 

On Site Body WorksThe above represents a small bite of the people and business that participated in last night’s event.  If all this seems overwhelming, guests did take a time out getting a chair massage from On Site Body Works. 

 See you there next year?


Thomas Trozzo Wins Veterans Essay Contest - "Why I'm Optimistic About Our Nation's Future"

Thomas TrozzoThomas Trozzo  a junior at Smithtown HSE was one of 200+ high school students who participated in the VFW’s Essay Contest.  Tom took first place in the contest with the following essay which he read to attendees at Smithtown’s Veterans Day Ceremony. The audience listened and many nodded in agreement as he spoke “… we all believe that it is our duty to better the world and ensure that all people have access to freedom and rights. It is our pride and perseverance for the freedoms and rights we believe in that sets us apart from any other country in the world and ensures our nation’s success in the future.”          

“Why I’m Optimistic About our Nation’s Future?”

Our nation’s 44th and current president, Barrack Obama, once said, “There is, of course, no way of knowing what new challenges and new possibilities will emerge over the next forty years.”  Obama recognizes that the future of our country is indefinite and that history can change its course at any time.  However, he also recognizes the possibility of significant advancement in the next forty years.  Because we have been a well-established and proud country since July 4th, 1776, we have many reasons to believe that our nation’s future is positive.  Looking at our history, we have many reasons to remain optimistic for our future.  Our country wields great power that enables us to overcome our obstacles and we have continuously grown as a power over the 237 years we’ve been established.  Not only have we accomplished many things as a country, but we are Americans.  We are a special country in that American people consist of all different ages, nationalities, genders, religions and cultures.  However, our people contain one major similarity; we all believe that it is our duty to better the world and ensure that all people have access to freedom and rights. It is our pride and perseverance for the freedoms and rights we believe in that sets us apart from any other country in the world and ensures our nation’s success in the future. 

Our country contains both the physical and moral power to defend itself and what it stands for.  First off, the physical power that our country contains in our Armed Forces is immense.  Our Army has approximately 3 million enlisted members.  Our Air Force contains over 15,000 aircraft.  Our navy consists of over 290 ships including 61 destroyers.  Our Military contains over 25,000 armored vehicles.  On top of that, our defense budget of approximately 700 billion dollars is richer than many nations’ total wealth.  However, what truly differentiates our military from the militaries of other powers is our determination to help others.  For example, the United States Armed Forces has intervened in many world problems in order to ensure that all humans are being given their basic freedoms and rights.  We have aided the citizens of Somalia, Haiti, Iraq, Yemen, Poland, Nicaragua, Libya, and many more.  It is our moral objective to do good that ensures our country’s success for many years to come.  By persistently fighting for what we believe in, our country is unstoppable because we contain the power to keep fighting despite tragedies and obstacles.  For example, on the tragic day of September 11th, 2001, our nation had its first major terror crisis.  Although it set us back emotionally by the deaths of loved ones and physically by the destruction of the World Trade Centers, we have rebounded since then and ensured that such a tragedy does not happen again.  We have replaced the two towers that symbolize the freedom and power of our country as well as heightened security to prevent future attacks.  Although our nation is still saddened by the evils of some people to cause harm to innocent others, we are constantly working to create a more peaceful world.  Through the power of our nation’s Armed Forces and the drive of our morals to do good, it is easy to remain optimistic about our future. 

Since the adoption of the Constitution in 1787, we have grown and developed as a country to meet the needs of our ever changing society.  For example, when it was necessary to amend our constitution because the majority of Americans felt the need for a document that guaranteed their rights, the Bill of Rights was proposed in 1789 and ratified in 1791.  This is just one example of how America was able to change over time in order to keep people happy and fulfill people’s needs in the ever changing world.  The ability of the American government to adapt to its environment makes a very promising argument that we can overcome the obstacles that may be thrown at us in the future.  Another reason why Americans should remain optimistic about our future is the fact that our technology and scientific knowledge is expanding rapidly every day.  From the creation of small things like the iPhone to major military weapons such as the B-2 Spirit Stealth Bomber, from the discovery of vaccines to the creation of atomic weapons, our knowledge is rapidly expanding.  As long as we keep up with our findings, which we will due to the increased importance of education and the expanding technology and science fields, our country will remain a prominent world power.  Our country’s ability to adapt to change and our research in the fields of technology and science give us a lot to be optimistic about in the future.

While some may be pessimistic about the future of America because it is simply unknown, there are many great reasons to be optimistic about our nation’s future.  America is special in that it holds great power to promote change, it can constantly adapt to its surroundings, and our researchers are always learning more about the world around us as well as creating new technologies to improve our lives.  Despite our different backgrounds, all true Americans fight strongly for what they believe in and accept nothing less than success.  Believing in our future success and hard work to achieve our goals will ensure our nations prosperity.