
Treat Stress With Exercise And Feel Better

Have you ever attempted going to sleep after a long day only to find yourself staring at the ceiling?  Exercise can help you sleep better and smile more by reducing stress.  Keep reading to find out how.

Fight or Flight - When you encounter a stressful situation, your body goes into “fight or flight” mode.  Hormones such as adrenaline start to flow and the most primitive part of your brain is deciding whether to make a break for it (which requires a lot of energy) or channel your inner karate kid (also a lot of energy).  However, we rarely encounter situations where we actually have to fight or run.  It is more likely that the stressful situation is finding a document for your boss that you haven’t seen in months.  Despite not being in real danger, your body provides the chemicals and they will linger in your system.  Exercise is a great way to release these chemicals. 

Endorphins - You have probably heard that exercise increases endorphins, which enhances your mood.  This can help with mild depression and increases your overall sense of well-being.  Some exercises such as cycling and running create a rhythm which soothes the body.  When you focus on exercising, it becomes difficult to focus on the stressful situations that took place during the day.  This can help you remain calm and ready to take on the day.

Improved Sleep - It’s hard to have sleep issues after a hard workout.  Your body is ready to recharge and your sleeping will become more regular (i.e.: you will sleep like a rock).  A good night of sleep will help you keep your energy levels up and increase your productivity throughout the day.  This creates a positive cycle where you get more work done and have less to stress about.  

Increased Self-Confidence - As your health improves and your body changes for the better, your self-confidence will likely increase.  This is a common source of anxiety for many people.  When you have less to worry about, you have less to stress about.  

All in all, exercise is good for your body and your mind.  St. Thomas Aquinas wrote: “Exercise is play and recreation; when your body is busy, your mind will be distracted from the worries of daily life and will be free to think creatively.”  Exercising 30min a day will help reduce stress and make life more fun.  Remember to start slow and slowly increase the intensity as you get stronger. 

Kia Edwards is a certified personal trainer and nutrition specialist who lives in New York City. She studied French and Economics at Colgate University, spent 15 years as a high-level competitive gymnast and 6 years as a gymnastics coach.  Her business, La Fortesse At Home Fitness Training, helps clients get healthy with simple at home exercises and nutrition counseling. 


Editorial - An Observation on December Town Work Session

T’was the rare Town work session,

when all through the town,

Vecchio was determined

to bring Creighton down.


How hard was it you may ask?

not hard at all, Creighton was up to the task!


$100,000 is what we will get , Creighton announced,

it was at that moment that Vecchio pounced!

Really, he said, do you think that’s enough 

to take everyone’s waste  and let Smithtown live with this stuff?

The site is already blighted, is this the best we can do?

I don’t think it’s a good idea Bob, how about you?


And  Councilman Wehrheim,  McCarthy, Malloy 

What would you have the residents enjoy? 

Is it “Sandy” debris from all over the place, 

is that what you would have Santilli put in his place? 


The property’s over the aquifer, in an area that’s been mined,

not to mention the number of times they’ve been fined!

Town Attorney Zollo, what do you think? 

it seems this $100,000 is starting to stink.


More rapid than coursers the councilmen flew 

to distance themselves from this latest snafu 

McCarthy was vocal in his “no” ,

said selling the zoning was the wrong way to go!

Wehrheim, concerned with environmental abuse,

didn’t seem to think this was a very good use. 


Malloy and Creighton are the remaining two,

follow Creighton to see what the dynamic duo will do!


At the close of the meeting,

with a smile on his face

Vecchio seemed to be thinking, 

let’s get on with this race. 


Happy Holidays Smithtown!




There's Money In Those Polluted, "Sandy" Damaged Vehicles  

There is a proposal before the Town Board to house cars damaged during “Sandy” on the Santilli property on Old Northport Rd., in Kings Park.  At the Town’s work session on Tuesday, December 11, Town Attorney, John Zollo explained the proposal to Town Board members.  The proposal garnered skepticism from Supervisor Vecchio, Councilmen McCarthy and Wehrheim. Councilman Malloy was quiet and Councilman Creighton seemed to be in favor of the project calling it an opportunity for the Smithtown to help with the problems created by “Sandy”. 

Insurance Auto Auctions, Inc. (IAAI) is proposing to bring damaged cars from areas outside of Smithtown to the Santilli  property where they will be stored outdoors until such time as they are sold at auction.  Outside storage is not a permitted use at the site. The proposal, as explained by Zollo, would permit the storage of damaged vehicles on the property until the titles are clear for auction, which can take as long as one year.  In an apparent exchange for granting a “dispensation” for the use of the property, the town would receive $100,000. Supervisor Vecchio questioned the $100,000 asking if it was worth it?

According to Planning Director Frank DeRubeis the property in question is zoned Light Industry(LI).  Although outdoor storage of vehicles is not a permitted use in a LI zoned area DeRubeis explained that there is a nine step process the Town could undertake if the Board felt that there was a compelling municipal interest to override the zoning. The process would be undertaken by the Town Attorney’s office ( John Zollo served as legal council for Santilli in its 2004 proposal to the DEC to permit deeper mining of its site and may have to recuse himself).  DeRubeis also explained that the proposed site is in a groundwater recharge zone and that the property has been mined which may create additional problems for the proposal.  

Members of the Board questioned why they should consider this proposal. Councilman McCarthy asked if there was an application for a special use permit, Zollo said “the applicants do not intend to apply for a special use permit” stating that this was a one-shot deal. Councilman Wehrheim expressed concern for environmental problems that could arise from storing so many damaged cars in one place. Wehrheim pointed out the environmental issues that have risen in Riverhead as a result of the storage of damaged vehicles. Vecchio asked  the rhetorical question “If the property owner had been a good neighbor.” Board members were all apparently aware of the property’s history. Councilman McCarthy went on record, “the proposal does not comply with zoning code” , he is not willing to “sell the zoning” ,and “no” the property owner was not a good neighbor. The Board has requested a review of the proposal by Director of Environment and Waterways, Russ Barnett.

Councilman Creighton, asked for a decision on the project within two weeks. Board members agreed.


The DEC, last week announced policy and procedures for vehicle storage including the necessary DEC reviews required in environmentally sensitive areas. 

In 2010 The NYS Department Of Environmental Conservation fined Kings Park sand mine owner Anthony Santilli $200,000 for operating a landfill inside a deep-flow recharge area without a permit and unlawful disposal of solid waste.

In 2008 DEC fined Santilli $275,000 - encroaching a buffer between property and residential neighbors.

In 2004 John Zollo represented Santilli’s Application to the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) to mine 25 feet deeper than authorized at the Northport-Kings Park Road Site.



West Main Street Gets Sweeter!

What’s Cookin’? – Smithtown

 By Nancy Vallarella

Sweet Lucille’s Desserts of Smithtown is a welcome addition to Smithtown’s culinary repertoire.   Recently celebrating with a ribbon cutting ceremony, the community gathered to wish this partnership of local friends and neighbors good fortune as they launch their bakery/café in the space formally occupied by Country Rotisserie – 264 West Main Street. 

Although the business’s location is new, the quality products have been enjoyed throughout Smithtown for almost two decades.   Executive Pastry Chef and Smithtown resident, Lucille Kelley has been baking her sweet treats first from home and then at Butera’s restaurant for over 16 years.   Lucille explained, “It started with baking a variety of cookies as gifts for our family doctor, dentist, auto repair person, neighbors and friends.  The response was so positive, I was inspired to explore different desserts and commit to formal training at the Star Career Academy of Long Island.”  

Carrot Cake is the iconic crown jewel of Sweet Lucille’s products. The recipe was passed down from Lucille’s Aunt Annette and has made believers out of carrot cake naysayers.   It is the foundation from which all products are produced - using wholesome ingredients and made the old fashion way.  The commitment to quality ingredients combined with unique presentations and a variety of flavors make Sweet Lucille’s products a refreshing contribution unlike standard bakery items.

Sweet Lucille’s Mini Bites and Mini Cakes are popular products. They are small indulgences that are calorie worthy with only a fraction of guilt. The variety may overwhelm but the good news is there is a flavor available to make everyone happy.  Mini bites and mini cakes are a great option for entertaining guests.  Of course there is carrot, red velvet,  banana bites and cakes with cream cheese frosting but there are also chocolate cake varieties with frostings such as mint chocolate chip, peanut butter , cookies and cream; yellow cake varieties with cannoli cream, chocolate buttercream, coconut cream cheese frosting and much more. 

One item sure to wow your guests this holiday is Sweet Lucille’s Chocolate Peppermint Layer Cake.  It is a fact, that upon eating a slice of this cake while dining at Butera’s, recently reelected Senator John Flanagan immediately  ordered  an entire cake for his staff to enjoy.   – Was this the secret to winning reelection? We will never know for sure but I can vouch for the Senator’s palate being on point!

If you are more of a pie person, Sweet Lucille’s is taking orders for the holidays. Apple, Pumpkin, Chocolate Cream and Banana Cream are available. This banana cream pie is apparently awesome, light and airy. Unfortunately, falling victim to a short tryptophan coma on Thanksgiving, I can only determine this to be the truth through observation. Of the dozen or more desserts at the buffet, there was only one empty pie dish among them - the one that held Sweet Lucille’s Banana Cream Pie

Having a birthday this time of year is always over shadowed by the holidays.  Need to make that special day stand out?  - Sweet Lucille’s Custom Cakes to the rescue!

Sweet Lucille’s has seating for 30 and serves coffees making it ideal to get together for dessert! They are open until 9 pm on Friday and Saturday.  Stop in and try one of the dozens of goodies available! Here’s a tip for those who are intimidated by making a left into Sweet Lucille’s  parking lot while traveling west on Main Street:  Make left onto Brookside Drive and a right in back of La Famiglia to access side parking.

On Saturday, January 19th from 6:00 – 8:30 pm Sweet Lucille’s will be participating in the 5th annual St. Patrick School Restaurant Showcase located on Middle Country Road in Smithtown.  



This year Give YOURSELF The Gift Of Health - Think "Core"

Being as healthy as you can be is the first step to enjoying the holiday season. Seeing your physician, good nutrition and listening to your body are ways to ensure that you maintain a healthy body and mind. 

The benefits that come with exercise are extensive. According to the Mayo Clinic exercise can boost your mood, control weight, combat health conditions and disease, boost energy and help you sleep better. Exercise makes you feel better both mentally and physically. 

Take care of yourself and you will be better able to take care of the important people in your life.

Think “Core” by Kia Edwards

You’ve been hearing about core exercises and core strength for quite some time.  Let’ start off by defining what “core strength” is and why it’s important.  So here it is.  Core muscles are important because you need to look good in your bathing suit.  That’s probably what you’ve been hearing at least, but there’s a lot more to core strength than looking good (just think of that as a great side effect).  Core muscles are the muscles that support your spine.  Most people tend to think of the abdominals when they think of core strength, but that’s just one area that provides support.  The other two areas are the oblique muscles, and the deep muscle tissue which provides most of the support for the spine.

The core muscles help you out in another way: they help maintain posture.  Social implications aside, good posture is a useful little thing to have because it helps to keep your organs in place, which allows them to operate with maximum efficiency.  Here’s an example: if you slouch, the lungs’ ability to fully expand is compromised.  This keeps the lungs from processing oxygen in the most effective manner.  A weak core can lead to two undesirable things- back pain and people thinking you’re somebody to avoid (I’ve yet to have somebody tell me that slouching would greatly improve my chances of being recognized as a confident person).  Bad posture puts pressure on your back and the stress can cause back pain.  

So how do you keep your core strong?  Most people do sit ups, but that just works out the upper abdominal area.  You also have to strengthen the lower abs and the obliques.  Reverse crunches, planks and side planks are a good start.  Try a few reps of each and make an honest effort to keep good posture.  Here’s a way to test yourself:  Stand with your heels against a wall.  Your calves, buttocks, upper back, shoulders and head should be able to comfortably touch the wall.  All this will help keep your spine healthy…and your efficient lungs will help you run away from throngs of admirers when bathing suit season starts.  

Kia Edwards is a certified personal trainer and nutrition specialist who lives in New York City. She studied French and Economics at Colgate University, spent 15 years as a high-level competitive gymnast and 6 years as a gymnastics coach.  Her business, La Fortesse At Home Fitness Training, helps clients get healthy with simple at home exercises and nutrition counseling.