





Smithtown Invests $600K In Infrastructure At Business Park


HAUPPAUGE, NY – JULY 18, 2020: The Town of Smithtown recently completed reconstruction of several main entryways into the Long Island Innovation Park (LI-IPH) at Hauppauge.  The $600,000 roadway enhancement project is aimed at improving egress and ingress to the Park where more than 55,000 workers travel to every day.

The project included the widening of both New Highway and Adams Avenue. New Highway has been widened from one lane to two through lanes along with dual left turn lanes at Adams Avenue. It also includes sidewalk repairs and replacements, modern mast arm traffic signals, new street lighting, landscaping, and signage.

“This was a much-needed project in a heavily traveled area,” commented Terri Alessi-Miceli, President and CEO of HIA-LI, the Park’s steward and number-one advocate. “These improvements now offer safer roads for bicyclists, runners, and pedestrians in addition to motor vehicle traffic. Thank you to the Town of Smithtown for understanding how important sustainability is to the 1,350 companies and organizations that call the Long Island Innovation Park at Hauppauge home.”

The LI-IPH is the largest business park in the east, second nationally only to Silicon Valley.  For more information, go to www.LI-IPH.org or call HIA-LI at 631-543-5355.


Suffolk County Heading For Financial Cliff


By Karl Grossman

Suffolk County government—like governments all over—is heading for a financial cliff because of the Covid-19 pandemic.

County Comptroller John M. Kennedy, Jr. projects “a shortfall” of $400 to $500 million in county finances this year. Suffolk County government’s 2020 budget is $3.2 billion.

A report by the county’s Covid-19 Fiscal Impact Task Force, assembled by County Executive Steve Bellone, estimates a deficit of $469 to $590 million for this year and a three-year deficit through 2022 of $1.1 to $1.5 billion. 

A key issue for Suffolk government is having become increasingly dependent on money from the sales tax to operate. Almost 50 percent of county finances are now drawn from the sales tax. Sales tax receipts are significantly down because of Covid-19. The most recent figures released by State Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli show a 33.5% percent decrease in sales tax receipts in Suffolk in May—from $109.7 million last year to $72.9 million. In April, the drop was 26.7 percent, from $111.4 million last year to $81.6 million. 

The problem with depending on the sales tax to run government is that it is unreliable. In good economic times, sales tax receipts are flush. But with economic downturns, sales tax collections suffer a corresponding decline. 

In 1965 New York State began a sales tax—initially 2 percent. The state share is now 4 percent. In 1969 the state allowed counties and cities to also have sales taxes. Suffolk’s sales tax started in 1969, also at 2 percent and now it’s 4.25 percent. An additional .375 percent paid in downstate counties, including Suffolk, goes to the MTA. So, the combined sales tax total today in Suffolk is 8.625 percent. 

Suffolk is among the leading counties in the state with high utilization of the sales tax. Before the sales tax, the principal tax base here was the property tax. Elected county officials have described to me how increasing the property tax is politically problematic—residents don’t like opening their tax bill and seeing a large increase. But using the sales tax is less an affront—with relatively small amounts taken little by little. 

With the financial havoc caused by Covid-19, “the only effective way to deal with this is for the federal government to step up and do what it is supposed to do in national emergencies and provide relief,” Mr. Bellone told WCBS 880 radio.

The problem with this is that many governments across the United States struck financially by the pandemic are looking for the federal government for relief, too.

Mr. Bellone has put forth two bills before the Suffolk Legislature to raise some money to help with the deficit. One would divert for three years money from the county’s Environmental Programs Trust Fund which includes its Drinking Water Protection Program. Another would take from its Sewer Assessment Stabilization Fund. Both bills have the declaration that “for the county to provide necessary services, decisive action is required to address the shortfall in revenues…pending recovery of the regional economy.”

Comptroller Kennedy describes the county’s Drinking Water Protection Program as “the Mother Teresa of county programs—safeguarding the aquifer on which we depend.” Mr. Kennedy, in an interview, emphasized that the program is highly popular with voters and vital. The Sewer Assessment Stabilization Fund is also important, he said.

Suffolk Legislator Al Krupski of Cutchogue issued a statement critical of taking from the Environmental Programs Trust Fund. Regarding its land preservation component, “The public has long supported taxing themselves for land preservation; they know the benefits of preserving farmland and protecting our productive soils, and preserving them for food production forever,” he said. The move would cause “losing land forever to development, especially now with all of the development pressure on Long Island….Land preservation helps us today and is our real legacy to future generations.”

From the environmental movement, Katie Muether Brown, deputy director of the Long Island Pine Barrens Society, in a letter to Newsday, scored the Bellone move and its impact on the Drinking Water Protection Program. “Long Island has the most contaminated water in the state…Our groundwater quality impacts every one of Suffolk’s 1.5 million residents,” she wrote. 

Newsday itself came out strongly against the move in an editorial headed “Hands Off Suffolk’s Environmental Funds.” It stated, “One thing that should not be on the table is the latest attempt by County Executive Steve Bellone’s administration to play hanky-panky with environmental funding…Suffolk’s voters have repeatedly shown their willingness to vote for funding for clean water.” 

Karl Grossman is a veteran investigative reporter and columnist, the winner of numerous awards for his work and a member of the L.I. Journalism Hall of Fame. He is a professor of journalism at SUNY/College at Old Westbury and the author of six books. 


Suffolk Closeup - Robert Moses Statue Keep Or Remove ?


By Karl Grossman

There’s been an effort to have a statue of Robert Moses removed from in front of Babylon Village Hall. Nearly 100 protesters calling for that action marched down Babylon’s Main Street last month to the site of the 1,500-pound, seven-foot high statute. They held signs reading “Robert Moses Was a Racist” and chanted “Hey Hey, Ho, Ho, Robert Moses has to go.” 

Suffolk County taxpayers contributed $190,000 to the Babylon Village Arts Commission for the statute which was unveiled in 2003 to honor the Babylon resident who died in 1981.

The protest June 20 was among the demonstrations held on Long Island and elsewhere in the United States protesting racism since African-American George Floyd was killed by a policeman in Minneapolis in May. 

Last year, a Commack native, New York State Assemblyman Daniel O’Donnell of Manhattan, introduced legislation to change the name of Robert Moses Park on western Fire Island because of racial bias of Mr. Moses. The measure by Mr. O’Donnell—which has not advanced in the state legislature—declares that “Robert Moses repeatedly abused his power to entrench racial and economic segregation.” Among examples cited was how when Moses built Jones Beach State Park “he intentionally ordered the overpasses of the connected parkway too low for buses, so that poor people, particularly African-American families, could not access the beach.” 

Relating how Mr. Moses had bridges built low on his Southern State and Northern State Parkways to prevent buses carrying African-Americans and Latinos from New York City getting to his Jones Beach park are both Robert Caro in his Pulitzer Prize-winning biography of Mr. Moses, The Power Broker, and Christopher Verga, author of Civil Rights on Long Island and also Saving Fire Island From Robert Moses: The Fight For a National Seashore.

Mr. Caro, of East Hampton, who interviewed Mr. Moses at length for his book, has described Mr. Moses as “the most racist human being I have ever really encountered.”

Mr. Verga, of Bay Shore, who teaches Long Island history at Suffolk County Community College, says of Mr. Moses: “He was very biased.”

Jason Haber, who has taught public policy as a professor at John Jay College in Manhattan, wrote a piece in the New York Daily News published last year headlined: “Robert Moses’ name should be mud: New York State should remove the racist man’s name from public works.” In his article, Mr. Haber wrote that “the man responsible for the largest segregation and degradation of African Americans in the 20th century is still regularly lauded as a genius, an innovator and a master builder. Instead, he should be remembered another way, as a racist who inflicted generational suffering on African Americans across our city and state….Unelected, his power drawn from up to 12 concurrent city, state and federal appointments, he used his unparalleled control of public authorities with impunity.”

Mr. Moses ran for public office once, for governor of New York in 1934, and lost in a landslide. So he chose instead to exercise power as head of commissions and authorities throughout New York State. His Long Island base was the headquarters of the Long Island State Park Commission in North Babylon. 

A flyer for the protest last month said the Moses statue memorialized Long Island’s “history of segregation, racism and racial violence.”

Anthony Torres of Babylon, 25, a leader of last month’s protest, told the New York website Gothamist: “What we’re seeing in towns like mine—which…because of the legacy of people like Robert Moses is a very predominantly white community—is that people have had enough of the current system of inequality of white supremacy.” Mr. Moses symbolizes, he said, an “abusive and authoritarian figure who designed Long Island purposefully to benefit folks like himself and segregate folks based on the color of our skin, to whom we prayed, and where we came from.” 

Mr. Moses has defenders. Wayne Horsley of Babylon, a former Suffolk County legislator and until last year general manager of the Long Island State Park Commission, “argued that Moses’ work helped transform Long Island” into a place “that was more accessible to a much wider swath of New Yorkers,” reported Newsday in a story on the statute protest. 

Rebecca C. Lewis of the cityandstateny.com website has written that it is “understandable” that Mr. Moses’ “legacy…has been tarnished by revelations of racist views and exclusionary policies….But no one better reflects the history of the island—racist, segregated, car-dependent, but blessed with beautiful public beaches—than Robert Moses.”

The statue memorializing him should be removed.

Karl Grossman is a veteran investigative reporter and columnist, the winner of numerous awards for his work and a member of the L.I. Journalism Hall of Fame. He is a professor of journalism at SUNY/College at Old Westbury and the author of six books. 


Suffolk Closeup - "May You Never Be Afraid Again"


By Karl Grossman 

A leading figure in religion and social justice in Suffolk County, Rabbi Dr. Steven Moss, has written an inspiring book, “God Is With Me; I Have No Fear! The Spiritual Life of a Rabbi and Its Meaning for You.”

Rabbi Moss was chairman of the Suffolk County Human Rights Commission for 28 years and for 20 years co-chair of the Suffolk County Interfaith Anti-Bias Task Force. As spiritual leader for 47 years of B’Nai Israel Reform Temple in Oakdale, he was the longest serving rabbi at the same pulpit in Suffolk. He served three terms as president of the Suffolk County Board of Rabbis. He is chair of the Suffolk County Community College-based Center for Social Justice and Human Understanding. He’s been chief of chaplains of the Suffolk County Police Department and a chaplain at hospitals and nursing homes in Suffolk—and for 30 years a chaplain at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in Manhattan.

He says in his just published book: “I share with you the moments in my life when I had experienced God’s Presence…My sharing of these spiritual encounters…is not to put me in a more spiritual place than you. Quite the contrary, it is my most humble prayer that by my sharing these experiences, you will allow the descriptions to either awaken you to recall experiences you have had or be open to similar experiences with God when they occur in the future.”

He writes of the voice of God causing him to become a rabbi. In a chapter titled “God In The Backyard,” he relates: “That day. The day I heard the voice of God. There I was, twelve years old, raking leaves in my family’s backyard. We lived in Rockaway Beach…just a few short blocks from the Atlantic Ocean. Even though it was fall, the smell of the summertime’s surf and sand were still in the air. I will never forget that day when I heard a voice, the voice of God, speaking to me.” He applied to Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion. “The school replied. The admissions office thanked me for my interest and told me that I needed to graduate from college first.” Nine years later, he re-applied. “The amazing thing was that when I went for my interview for admission, they showed me they had kept my letter on file, awaiting my coming of age to be eligible.”

“I know this is presumptuous, but I am pretty sure you, too, have heard the voice of God,” writes Rabbi Moss. “It might be the voice speaking to you through your conscience telling you what to do, which is guiding you to do the right thing and stay away from the wrong. It might be the voice of God speaking to you through the voice of a loved one who has passed away, speaking to you in a dream or at moments during the day when you actually turn around thinking that a loved one is behind you, calling out to you. It might also be the voice of God aiding you in the decisions that you have to make in your life…”

Many of his reflections about God’s presence come from his serving as a chaplain at Sloan-Kettering, ministering to patients including those dying. He tells of his own experience with death, as an avid cyclist struck hard by a car. Laying there, “I saw my head, with helmet on, hitting the ground twice. It was an image of my accident seen from outside myself.” He recovered. “I truly believe I was saved by God from death.”

There is much more including his visits to Israel and also to what were Nazi concentration camps.

“A person feels alone after a great loss or after an important decision, and suddenly that feeling of aloneness is gone,” he relates. “A person survives a difficult surgery or an accident and then realizes that his or her survival cannot be explained by natural or logical explanations. A person has an important and decisive decision that must be made, and, after some time, the decision just rises in the mind and that person knows this is the correct one. At these moments, a feeling of awe comes over that person. There is a realization that something greater than himself or herself has just helped that person get through this most difficult and stressful experience. Just when he or she thought there was no exit, suddenly there was. At that moment of awareness that he or she has survived, there is an epiphany that it was God who brought them through. Once this awareness occurs, there can be an overwhelming expression of gratitude to God that all went well.”

“I believe in the ever-present Presence of God that opens for me that sense of wonder in the events and people I experience in my life,” says Rabbi Moss of Holbrook. “The voice of God…is strong, but it can be heard only when we open our hearts and souls to its tone: to its sweet tone, to the ‘still small voice’ within us and within all. God is here, I have no fear!”

He writes: “I pray: May God be with you and may you know this. May you never be afraid again. Amen.”

The book is available from Lulu Publishing.

Karl Grossman is a veteran investigative reporter and columnist, the winner of numerous awards for his work and a member of the L.I. Journalism Hall of Fame. He is a professor of journalism at SUNY/College at Old Westbury and the author of six books. 


Legislators Considering A Bill That Prohibits The Feeding Of Wild Animals

Suffolk Closeup

By Karl Grossman

A bill titled “A Local Law To Prohibit The Feeding Of Wild Animals in Suffolk County” has been introduced by Legislator Tom Cilmi. 

For concerned readers with birdfeeders: the feeding of songbirds would be exempt. And as a result of comments from the North Fork Environmental Council, said Mr. Cilmi, he also intends to have the bill exempt giving food to woodpeckers and other feathered visitors who do not sing. It already exempts hummingbirds.

The complaint that “precipitated” the measure involved seagulls and a person who on a daily basis has been feeding them causing flocks of seagulls descending on the neighborhood.

The constituent who reached out to him, said Mr. Cilmi, told of these swarms of seagulls “swooping down” into her neighborhood leaving a mess of “seagull droppings all over”—on cars, lawns, houses and in pools. Mr. Cilmi recounted her saying: “I can’t live like this.”

He said he drove from his home in Bay Shore to the East Islip neighborhood where the seagull situation was happening and saw nearly “50 seagulls sitting on top” of a house across the road from the complainant’s residence. 

Mr. Cilmi emphasizes that his bill is a “work in progress” and there might be other changes in the wording or the overall approach. He said a lawyer in the county attorney’s office said the bill infringes on state authority and there might be a way under “existing county law” to deal with the problem. A representative of the Suffolk Department of Health Services earlier visited the scene of the seagull feedings and told his constituent, said Mr. Cilmi, that the department couldn’t do anything about it.  “I’m just looking for a solution to the problem,” said Mr. Cilmi.

The bill defines wild animals as “any animal which is not normally domesticated in New York State, including but not limited to coyotes, deer, foxes, groundhogs, opossums, racoons, skunks and birds other than songbirds or hummingbirds.”

There is a declaration that “Suffolk County strives to protect both its wildlife and the interests of its residents.” The legislature “also finds and determines that the feeding of wild animals is disruptive to the natural feeding habits of those animals,” that it “creates a dependency on human interaction for sustenance making them more likely to gather in large numbers and exhibit aggressive behavior.”

Further, it says, “over a period of time, wild animals which are fed by people tend to become both a public and private nuisance and present a public health concern for the communities affected.” Thus, “This legislature…finds that it is in the best interest of both the wild animals and the residents of Suffolk County to prohibit the feeding of wildlife.”

The measure states, “No person shall purposely or knowingly feed, bait or in any manner provide access to food to any wild animals in Suffolk County” and “no person shall…leave or store any refuse, garbage, food product, pet food, forage product or supplement, salt, seed or birdseed, fruit, or grain in a manner that would attract wild animals.”

“Feeding of songbirds and other backyard birds shall be permitted outdoors provided that such feeding does not create an unreasonable disturbance that affects the rights of surrounding property owners and….such feeding does not create an excessive accumulation of droppings on the property and surrounding properties.” Bird feeders would need to be “placed at least five feet from the ground.”

The proposed law would be enforced by the county Department of Health Services and implemented “on a complaint basis.” The penalty for a violation would be “not less than $50 and not more than $500 for each offense, together with the costs of prosecution.” 

Longtime East Hampton Town Natural Resources Director Larry Penny commented that seagulls are “the least needy” of birds and do not require any intervention with food. “They don’t need any help. They’re doing fine.” The situation with other bird species can be problematic. Also, “bird numbers have plummeted,” said the naturalist. Further, said Mr. Penny from his home in Noyac, he’s heard from visitors to the nearby Elizabeth Morton National Wildlife Refuge that their feeding seeds to chickadees and other birds from their hands “made me open my eyes,” so impressed were they that “birds would trust humans.”

“There is a lot of humanity involved here. Go back to the Bible and Noah,” said Mr. Penny. “Anthropologists have found native groups have been feeding animals.” Caring for animals has “been going on forever; it’s part of the human psyche,” said Mr. Penny. “I don’t see anything wrong with people helping out wildlife. It’s so hard for them to make a living.”

Karl Grossman is a veteran investigative reporter and columnist, the winner of numerous awards for his work and a member of the L.I. Journalism Hall of Fame. He is a professor of journalism at SUNY/College at Old Westbury and the author of six books.