




Death Notice / Obituary


Obituary - Rose DeFilippo

DeFilippo, Rose- passed away on May 11, 2019. Long time resident of Smithtown. Beloved wife of The Late Joseph DeFilippo. Loving and caring mother of Marlene, Denise (Skip) Theiss, and Renard. Cherished grandma of Keith, Derek, and Dustin. Visitation was held at St. James Funeral Home, Inc. 829 Middle Country Rd., Rt. 25. on Monday May 13 and Tuesday May 14 2-4 and 7-9 PM. Funeral Mass Wednesday May 15, 2019 10 AM Sts. Philip and James RCC, St. James. Entombment followed at St. John’s Cemetery. Mrs. DeFilippo’s funeral arrangements were professionally supervised while the DeFilippo Family was lovingly cared for during their bereavement by The Maher Family & Staff of the St. James Funeral Home.


Obituary - John Patello

PATELLO, John M. 64,  passed away on May 7, 2019. Long time resident of Nesconset. Beloved Husband of Laura. Cherished Father of Jennifer, Kimberly, Danielle and Suzanne. Devoted Grandfather of Isabella, Ryan, Dominic and Gianna. Visitation was held at St. James Funeral Home, Inc. 829 Middle Country Rd., Rt. 25. on May 9, 2019 2-4 and 7-9 PM. Funeral Mass Friday May 10, 2019 10:30 AM Parish of The Holy Cross RCC, Nesconset. Mr. Patello’s funeral arrangements were professionally supervised while the Patello Family was lovingly cared for during their bereavement by The Maher Family & Staff of the St. James Funeral Home.


Obituary - Theresa A Stramiello

Stramiello, Theresa A.- 79, Long time resident of Smithtown, NY, passed away on April 29, 2019. Beloved mother of Diane (Henry), Carolyn (Sean), Lisa (Rich), Ron (Gloria). Loving grandma of Brian, Daniel, Morgan, Amanda, Kayla, and Aaron. Visitation was held at St. James Funeral Home, Inc., 829 Middle Country Rd., St. James on May 2 & 3, 2019 from 2-4 & -9PM. Funeral Mass was held at Sts. Philip and James RCC, St. James, NY on May 4, 2019 10 AM. Interment followed at St. James Episcopal Cemetery. Mrs. Stramiello’s funeral arrangements were professionally supervised while the Stramiello Family was lovingly cared for during their bereavement by the Maher Family & Staff of the St. James Funeral Home.


Obituary - Maria Suski

Suski, Maria- 94, passed away on April 29, 2019, long time resident of Stony Brook, NY. Loving wife of the Late John Suski. Beloved mother of Michael (Gisela), Edward (Cindy), Krys (Joe) Baumgartner, Peter (Cathy). Cherished grandmother and great grandmother. Friends may call at St. James Funeral Home, Inc., 829 Middle Country Road, Rt. 25, on Thursday April 2, 2019 2-4 and 7-9 PM. Funeral Mass Friday April 3, 2019 9:30 AM at St. James R.C.C, Setauket, NY. Interment followed at Nassau Knolls Cemetery. Mrs. Suski’s funeral arrangements were professionally supervised while the Suski Family was lovingly cared for during their bereavement by the Maher Family & Staff of the St. James Funeral Home.


Obituary - Emil V Masotto II

Masotto, II, Emil V. age 47 of Nesconset, NY passed on April 14, 2019. He was the beloved husband of Kristen Masotto.Cherished father of Isabel and William. Loving son of Emil and Patricia. Dear brother of Kimberly. Religious Service was celebrated at the Branch Funeral Home. Cremation was private. Arrangements entrusted to the professional care of Branch Funeral Home of Smithtown and Vigliante family. Online guest book at www.branchfh.com