







Accompsett Students Are Growing Lettuce In School's Hydroponic Garden

Something’s growing at Accompsett Middle School 

Accompsett Middle School students are learning about science and environmental responsibility through the school’s new hydroponic garden.Accompsett Middle School students are enjoying the progress of the school’s first hydroponic garden, generously donated by Scott Weinstein and his company, Harvest 365, a local business in the Smithtown community. Donated to improve science education and STEM initiatives at AMS, the hydroponic garden has become a valuable teaching tool and resource.

“We are growing many different types of lettuce with many different flavors,” said Accompsett teacher, Ms. Fitzpatrick.

“It’s inspiring to witness our students actively engaged in the care of our new hydroponic garden,” Principal McNeil said. “Ms. Fitzpatrick’s Garden Club members are diligently monitoring the plants, ensuring they receive the perfect balance of water and light. This initiative not only ensures a steady supply of vegetables and herbs for the FCCLA Club’s culinary endeavors but also teaches our students about sustainable agriculture and environmental responsibility. We’re proud to support this project that benefits our school community in so many ways.” Photo courtesy of Smithtown CSD


Smithtown-Hauppauge Swim Team Brings Home The Gold

Smithtown-Hauppauge swim team brings home the gold

The Smithtown-Hauppauge Swim and Dive won the state swim championships on Nov. 23 at the Webster Aquatic Center.For the second time in three seasons, the Smithtown-Hauppauge swim and dive team can call itself state champs.

The girls brought home the gold on Nov. 23, taking first in the 200 medley relay and 200 freestyle relay with swimmers, Sara and Julia Lucca, Mary Schroeder and Olivia Chiofolo.

Individually, High School West’s Sara Lucca placed first in the 50 freestyle and 100 butterfly, setting the new pool record in the butterfly.

High School West’s Julia Lucca placed second in the 50 freestyle and third in the 100 backstroke.

 Photo courtesy of Smithtown CSD


Smithtown Students Hit The Beach To Help Clean Up

The Smithtown Central School district’s “Green Team” worked with Atlantic Marine Conservation Society for a beach cleanup at Sunken

About 155 people came out, representing every school in the district, to help clean up the beach.  The students and community members collected over 120 pounds of trash — mostly the small and easily ingested plastic pieces that are most dangerous for marine life. 



Photos courtesy of Smithtown CSD


SHSW Sr. Charlotte Muratore Wins Essay Contest On WWI


Smithtown High School West senior wins essay contest on World War I 

Smithtown High School West senior Charlotte Muratore won an essay on Smithtown’s role on the home front during World War I.Smithtown High School West senior Charlotte Muratore’s essay on Smithtown’s role on the home front during World War I has been chosen as the winner of the Mildred Smith Scholarship Essay Contest.

Charlotte receives a $2000 scholarship as well as two free tickets to the Smithtown Historical Society’s Heritage Ball this November at the Watermill Restaurant in Smithtown.

“I truly enjoyed using the Long Island Room over the summer at the Smithtown Library to research the efforts of Smithtown citizens during World War I,” Charlotte exclaimed.  “Additionally, including pictures from books and newspapers in my essay really painted a picture of what life was like during a time of patriotism. I was extremely appreciative of this opportunity from the Smithtown Historical Society and honored to be selected as the winner!”

In Charlotte’s essay, she discussed the efforts of the Smithtown’s Chapter of the American Red Cross as well as the National Bank of Smithtown, which collected over $316,000 to help.

On a personal level, Charlotte’s great-grandfather Rocco Muratore fought during World War I. He arrived at Ellis Island in 1921 and resided in Brooklyn, New York. Eventually, he made his way to Smithtown where he lived on Terry Road until he passed away in 1983. 

 Photos courtesy of Smithtown CSD


SHSE Science Students Collect Data At Nissequogue River

Smithtown High School East science students take a trip to the Nissequogue River

Smithtown High School East science students visited the Nissequogue River as part of a STEM activity. Think Discovery Science Research students from Smithtown High School East, coordinated by East Science Research Coordinator, Maria Zeitlin, recently returned to conduct citizen science along the Nissequogue River. Part of a multi-school collaboration with Brookhaven National Laboratory, the Central Pine Barren Commission, and the NYS DEC, this annual STEM activity takes a longitudinal look at the health of the local estuary. 

Students worked in teams to collect data. One group used a seine net to catch and release fish, crabs and any organisms present in the water. Another group recorded physical measurements such as tidal movement, wind speed, and air and water temperatures. A site description was done by students who recorded GPS location values and collected a core sample of sand to be later analyzed at BNL for microplastics. Finally, a group of students conducted a chemical analysis for salinity, cloudiness, and contaminants such as nitrates and phosphates. 

According to Smithtown Central School District Director of Science, Dr. Stephanie O’Brien, this type of science activity helps “to create a culture that has benefits that extend well beyond the school walls.”


Photos courtesy of Smithtown CSD


Smithtown High School Musicians Perform At Yankee Stadium 

Smithtown High School musicians perform at Yankee Stadium 

Student musicians from Smithtown High School East and High School West sang the National Anthem at the Yankees game on Sept. 28 Talk about a home run! On Sept. 28, Smithtown High School East Chamber Choir and Smithtown High School West Jazz Choir, under the direction of Mark Hegreness and James Brosnan, wowed the crowd at Yankee Stadium with a beautiful rendition of the National Anthem. 

The students combined to form the “Smithtown Select Choir” and made the SCSD extremely proud. Many members of the district were in attendance to watch the choir and the game. 


Photos courtesy of Smithtown CSD


Special Ed Teacher Dennis Wickes Jr. Honored For Creating 'Safe Space' 

Smithtown High School West teacher honored for creating ‘safe space’ environment 

Dennis Wickes Jr., a special education/English teacher at Smithtown High School West, has been recognized by The Long Island Coalition Against Bullying for demonstrating “exceptional commitment” to creating a safe and inclusive school environment.  

“Dr. Secaur let me know and I was in awe for a minute,” Wickes Jr. said. “I try and treat the kids the way I’d want my kids to be treated. I try and create an environment where they know I generally care, I have their best interests and it’s a safe environment.  

Wickes said he was “shocked” when he first found out, particularly because he still does not know who nominated him.  

“It’s cool not knowing who nominated me because it leaves the door open that it could be anyone that I had an impact on. Someone who felt safe, heard and respected in the classroom.” 

 Smithtown High School West teacher Dennis Wickes Jr., pictured with student Ronald Munoz, was recognized by The Long Island Coalition Against Bullying for demonstrating “exceptional commitment” to creating a safe and inclusive school environment. Ronald Munoz, a sophomore at High School West, had Mr. Wickes as an English teacher last year. Munoz’s father serves in the armed forces, and while he was deployed overseas, Munoz said Wickes made an impact. 

“I felt he was just there for me,” Munoz said.  “He was more like another father figure, more than just a teacher.” 

Mr. Wickes is one of 21 Long Island educators who are being recognized and will be celebrated Oct. 21 at a Long Island School Hero Awards reception at the Stonebridge Golf & Country Club in Hauppauge.

“I’m humbled and appreciative that my work is being recognized. The students see I have a mutual respect for them,” Wickes said. “Their success is my success.” 




Smithtown High School East's Homecoming Weekend

Smithtown High School East’s homecoming weekend a smash hit

From the pep rally to the homecoming parade to Smithtown High School East’s 30-27 win over Copiague, homecoming weekend was a smash for the Bulls.

Students, families, staff and community members turned out on a beautiful, sunny afternoon on Sept. 21 to watch the parade and cheer on the East football team as the Bulls defeated the Eagles.

The parade was led down Lake Avenue by the marching band, followed by East junior varsity and varsity cheerleaders, the East Whisperettes kickline and several sports teams. Carloads of high school students rounded out the procession into the high school stadium.

 The halftime show featured performances by the varsity cheerleaders and the National Champion Whisperettes.

Finally, the homecoming court took the field to announce the 2024 king and queen – Steven Ciraolo and Sofia Puleo.


Photo caption: Smithtown High School East held it’s homecoming game against Copiague High School on Sept. 21.


Photos courtesy of Smithtown CSD



SHSW Students Raise $95,000 At Relay For Life Event

Smithtown High School Relay for Life teams raise nearly $100,000

The Relay For Life team at Smithtown High School West raised more than $95,000 in donations at their Relay for Life event held on June 1, at Smithtown High School West. 

The fundraising event, which for the first time included a team from Smithtown High School East, featured team members taking turns walking around the track for a total of 12 hours. Each team was asked to have a member on the track at all times to signify that cancer never sleeps.  

Each team continued its fundraising efforts by collecting donations for food, goods, games and activities that go to the American Cancer Society. This money counted toward their overall team fundraising goal. 

 New York State Senator Mario Mattera was also on hand and awarded Certificates of Merit to students for their hard work and dedication throughout the year.

“The passion our students show for our Relay For Life and the fight against cancer is truly amazing to watch,” Smithtown High School West social studies teacher, Dillon Archer said.
As a result of their fundraising efforts, the Smithtown High School West team has finished as the number one youth relay event on Long Island.




Mt. Pleasant 2nd Grader Gabriella Stanco To Play Piano At Carnegie Hall

Mt. Pleasant Elementary student punches ticket to Carnegie Hall

Mt. Pleasant Elementary second grade student, Gabriella Stanco, will play at Carnegie Hall in April. A round of applause to Mt. Pleasant Elementary second grade student, Gabriella Stanco, who will be playing at Carnegie Hall next month

Gabriella won the silver award for her submission, M. Clementi - Sonata Op. 36, No. 3: Spiritoso. She was among several students chosen out of more than 500 nominees to play at the Golden Key Music Festival. 

Part of the judge’s comments to Gabriella were, “I enjoyed your performance. It’s obvious that you like this music and play it with a full understanding of its character and structure.”


Photo courtesy of Smithtown CSD