Smithtown is hosting a Household Hazardous Waste Collection event on Saturday, April 24th. This free event will be held at the Smithtown Municipal Services Facility, located at 85 Old Northport Road in Kings Park, from 7:00 AM through 3:00 PM. Residents are asked to wear face masks and not to leave their cars, to protect everyone’s wellbeing amid the coronavirus pandemic. This event is for Smithtown Township residents only. Proof of residency is strictly enforced.
Approximately 490 Smithtown households participated at the October 2020 event. Collected waste included waste oil based paints/ flammable paints, gasoline, paint thinners, waste gases, petroleum distillates, flammable solids, oxidizers liquids and solids, sodium/potassium nitrates, acids, corrosives, pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers, misc. toxic liquids (i.e. Chlordane, etc.) and solids, lacquers, lithium batteries, battery acids and various other toxic compounds.
New York State DEC is expected to reimburse the Town for 50% of the contractor expense for this event. Materials are collected and manifested for disposal by Care Environmental Corp.