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Maple Avenue Sidewalks Not Walkable?

By Erica Jackson

Anyone who has attempted to drive down Maple Avenue in Smithtown recently, realized very quickly to avoid the road in the future:  The Town of Smithtown is in the process of not only resurfacing the street, but adding new crosswalks and sidewalks.  When complete, the thoroughfare will be revitalized with one glitch — the new sidewalks will feature oak trees and telephone poles smack in the middle of them.

“What mindless, middling, mid-management level bureaucratic planner decided to preserve the old, outdated, rotting wood telephone poles and maintain them smack-dab in the middle of the brand spanking new, masterfully graded and expertly installed sidewalks?” asked Kings Park resident and Democratic candidate for state assembly Richard Macellaro in a letter to SmithtownMatters.com

“These newly installed sidewalks are impassable and where necessary, must be ripped-up, redone and replaced. What a waste of scarce government resources while causing further and unexpected delays to the project’s overdue completion.”

To respond, Mitchell Crowley, director of traffic safety for the Town of Smithtown said, “It was something that we couldn’t avoid. It just wasn’t feasible to wait for the utility companies to relocate the poles.”  And “yes,” he said, “it doesn’t look the best,” but he said, “there will be sufficient access around the poles.”
That includes he said, the poles that have tether’s attached.  Those tie-downs, he said will be removed before the project is complete.  However, the poles will have to stay put for a while.  As will the numerous, large oak trees that line Maple Avenue.“The existing road has some unfortunate features that we can’t straighten out.  The oak trees are not in our budget to rip out and plant new ones. But, it will be easy to walk around them.”

Crowley noted that the sidewalks will be in line with American Disabilities Act guidelines which, according to Glen Donnelly, education coordinator for Suffolk County Handicapped Services, require a 36 inch clearance for wheel-chairs and scooters.  If there isn’t sufficient access, Donnelly said the sidewalks will have to be adjusted.

This all isn’t to say, said Councilman Ed Wehrheim, that the poles can’t be moved in the near future. He said, “The way the project was designed there were a couple issues with the utility poles. Rather than hold up the work, we decided to go around the poles. It is not a huge problem or expense to repair the sidewalk once the poles are moved.”
According to Crowley, the town contacted Verizon and the Long Island Power Authority, asking them to relocate their poles, but he said due to the companies’ time constraints, the poles would not be able to be moved in time for the commencement of Maple project.
LIPA, however, says it has determined after an inspection this week, that none of the poles belong to them.  Verizon representatives did not return phone calls as of press time. 

The $2 million Maple Avenue Project was made possible via a $1.2 Million grant from the Federal Highway Administration(FHWA) several years ago. Those funds were threatened to be taken away in 2008, unless the town got the project underway. At the time, Congressman Tim Bishop and Suffolk County Legislator John Kennedy worked with the FHWA to dissuade the agency from re-appropriating the monies.

Kennedy confirmed that there are strict time constraints when it comes to using the federal funding, but he said he was disappointed to learn that the poles were not able to be moved in time. He said, “I don’t understand why they [the town] did what they did. I am mystified.”
Kennedy said he plans to contact the town and find what happened.  “As I have with many other types of ventures, I will be happy to assist and work with the town to make this project beneficial and safe.”
Congressman Bishop did not return calls as of press time.

Once the funding was safe, Crowley said plans were drawn up and the town hired J. Anthony Enterprises of Bohemia via request for proposal process to expedite the project.  Rendered in the project plans are drainage upgrades; a drainage structure at Miller’s Pond to treat water before it enters the waterway; new concrete sidewalks; the repaving and re-grading of Maple Avenue; decorative crosswalks at Millers Pond; driveway aprons for all driveways on Maple Avenue, and curb repair.

The town has also, said Crowley, applied for additional grant monies to help ease the remaining 20 percent of the bill that the town must foot. He said the town is expected to receive at least 15 percent of the town’s share though a state Marchaselli grant.  The town is also working with the Suffolk County to “dress-up” Millers Pond, which it owns, with a concrete apron and some gravel so it looks “aesthetically better.”

Looking on the bright side,” Maple Avenue resident Helen Ammann said. “I appreciate that this is going to be nice and new when it is finished.” 

Reader Comments (7)

We read about Maple Ave. with some concern. One item not mentioned is the danger now existing for individuals with limited or no sight. (I didn't say vision because that is obviously lacking in the Smithtown
"structure".) Not every person identified as "blind" uses a long cane, or walks with a guide dog. Also, people with poor depth perception or certain visual field problems may be injured when the exact distance and/or position to or around a pole (or tree) is not correctly
judged.---- They could wind up in the street or even under a car! The impact for this one group of our citizens goes beyond calling it an "inconvenience". It is a hazard and will result in injuries and added expenses.

The downtown area is supposed to be more walker friendly, not less.
Verizon is right there on Maple Ave. Why aren't they a good neighbor?

Fred & Barbara

Mon, June 7, 2010 | Registered Commenter.

The Maple Avenue Sidewalk Repair Project, made possible with federal grant money, is finally underway in Smithtown. Were the town leaders who regulated the project purblind when they failed to have the telephone poles moved outside the pathway of the sidewalk pavement? Maybe they were, and maybe they were not.

On the one hand, having the poles in the middle of the newly paved sidewalk could lead to dangerous accidents by restricting pedestrian’s easy passage along the pathway. Not a good thing! But on the other hand, the project finally got underway after the town dragged its feet and put the project on hold for two years.

For some residents, the poles located in the middle of the sidewalk create an "eyesore" and spoils the visual appearance of the revitalized thoroughfare. On the other hand, garage sale signs and other advertisements that never seem to be removed from neighborhood utility poles may perhaps now be more easily removed by homeowners living close-by. This illegal practice of littering the neighborhood with such sale signs has always been unattractive.

Councilman Ed Wehrheim indicated that the poles could be moved at a later date and then the sidewalks could easily be repaired again. That would provide more job opportunities in the future. However, the monies needed would ultimately come from taxpayers who are constantly strapped for more money. The workers, on the other hand, would certainly be paid compansation or be given overtime payment for the work being done. These workers would then need to pay additional income tax, which would be a positive addition to state and federal funds.

As you can see, this sidewalk affair is somewhat of a quagmire. To be sure, it is certainly a shame that the managers of the town departments that were responsible for regulating the project did not have the foresight to plan for proper relocation of the utility poles at the very start. Grant money is taxpayer money and should always be used judiciously.
Helen - Nesconset

Mon, June 7, 2010 | Registered Commenter.

You have got to be kidding me. This is something they should show on the Jay Leno show during the segment of stupid ideas!

Mon, June 7, 2010 | Registered Commenter.

Okay first- about impassability- this town has alot of seniors with walkers and wheelchairs and scooters- I believe alot of the votes for the "elected" come from the seniors?!?!? Will this help in them being able to walk around town????

Handicapped?...What about those in wheelchairs? Can they pass by?...Or will they end up unsafely on the side of the roads- as a runner I run on the side of the road but have to be so careful- and as someone in a whellchair- do they follow the rules of the road and travel against traffic like pedestrians or go with traffic as with a cyclist?.....keeping in mind the speed of the chairs vs speed of the bike.....as a cyclist who rides in Smithtown- this would make me have to ride in the middle of traffic.....

And as far as putting trees in the center- in years to come this would be an expense- as the town would have to replace the surrounding area- the trees roots will lift the sidewalk around it- the TREE does need to grow!!....I LOVE TREES AND NATURE.....So as far as there being other expenses- YES there will be further expenses- I have worked on cases where people have filed suit against towns because they tripped on raised sidewalk- some have won some have not- is this an expense?....Maybe!.....Also in another town, a friend tripped recently and injured her foot- making it so she could not enjoy running for months (just getting back into it now after months) and having affected her job performance as well for several months- is this an added expense- she did not file suit but in the end this could have been avoided!!

What was the hurry in putting in these sidewalks?....Why couldn't the town wait?...Don't they have other things to have worked on first?.....I think so....Maybe traffic conditions on Main St- hhmmm...couldn't the money have been put into redesigning the layout- ie- lights, turning on/off Main St at areas, etc......Maybe overpasses......

Decorative driveway aprons?...WAIT- isn't this going onto people's properties?....I know the first few feet of some homes are town properties but isn't this a bit much to do?!?!?...What is the cost here?!?!?!?

Dress up Millers Pond?....What?....It looks fine- it's a natural PARK- PARK....why not look into controlling the rats there?.....I have seen rats there in the past......Or fixing up the park asthetics otherwise- trimming branches, etc.....there are trails around the park correct?....Or where?...Why not work on maintaining the trails there and at Bull Richards Park next to Blydenburgh?....I have tried to walk the trails there but everything is overgrown the foot bridges are wrecked.....and trash is all over the place.....

We should be focused on other things in this town rather than sidewalks that are just for looking at and not for proper usage- come on now....as TOWN REPRESENTATIVES YOU MUST THINK OF EVERYONE NOT JUST YOURSELVES!!......

Mon, June 7, 2010 | Registered Commenter.

“You can’t make this stuff up.” It is truly unbelievable!


Mon, June 7, 2010 | Registered Commenter.

Let's make lemonade out of lemons. If the poles can't be moved, someone should put cell-phone antennas on them, so maybe I can have a telephone conversation in the Town of Smithtown.


Mon, June 7, 2010 | Registered Commenter.

No one has ever constructed sidewalks with trees or telephone poles inside the walkway. This is a first.

Mon, June 7, 2010 | Registered Commenter.

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