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Suffolk County Police To Target
Red Light Violators


Department will participate in national program during August

Suffolk County Police will be participating in the 2010 National Stop on Red Week, stepping up enforcement on drivers who run red lights. The campaign runs from August 1 through August 7.

The National Campaign to Stop Red Light Running is dedicated to reducing the number of drivers who run red lights and the fatalities and injuries that occur as a result. The campaign aims to inform the public about the seriousness of running red lights and educate drivers on law enforcement practices that can make roadways safer.

Suffolk Police will utilize officers from the Highway Patrol Bureau, including the Motorcycle Section, the Community Oriented Police Enforcement (COPE) units, as well as precinct patrol units, in both marked and unmarked cars, during this national campaign to catch drivers who run red lights.

Drivers who run red lights create a danger to everyone on the road, said Suffolk County Executive Steve Levy. Those who violate this law, endangering others on our roadways, will be ticketed. 

Studies show that nearly 1,000 people are killed and more than 165,000 are injured annually in red light crashes throughout the United States, said Police Commissioner Richard Dormer. The Suffolk County Police Department is committed to reducing that number to ensure the safety of Suffolk residents.

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