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LI Fed & AFL-CIO Set to Endorse Congressman Bishop and Congressman Israel

The Long Island Federation of Labor, AFL-CIO will announce the AFL-CIO endorsement for Representatives Tim Bishop and Steve Israel at its 18th Constitutional Convention on Wednesday.  Both Long Island Congressmen will be on hand to address the Federation’s delegates in the Student Center’s Multi-Purpose Room.

John R. Durso, President of the Long Island Federation of Labor, cited the leadership of both Congressmen in getting our economy moving and creating jobs.  “Both Tim Bishop and Steve Israel have been creative in their sponsorship of legislation which will get our members back to work,” Durso said.

Congressmen Bishop and Israel have a record of fighting for middle class Americans.  Both supported extensions of unemployment compensation and jobs programs which will keep teachers in the classroom next fall.  Both members have shown strong support for rebuilding our infrastructure and increased investment for the development of green jobs on Long Island.

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