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NY League of Conservation Voters & Conservation Voters Action Fund Endorse Tim Bishop 

FARMINGVILLE, NY – Congressman Tim Bishop is proud to receive the endorsements of the New York League of Conservation Voters (NYLCV) and the national League of Conservation Voters Action Fund, two non-partisan organizations that support elected officials with proven records of protecting our country’s environmental resources.

NYLCV held a news conference today at Ammann Riverfront Park in Riverhead to officially announce their endorsement of Congressman Bishop.

This endorsement recognizes Congressman Bishop’s ongoing fight to win federal support for projects that help preserve and renew Long Island’s diverse ecosystem. NYLCV President Marcia Bystryn praised Congressman Bishop for his record of reaching across the aisle to rally bipartisan support for environmental legislation that benefits all Long Islanders, regardless of their politics.

“Through his four terms in Congress, Tim Bishop has proven himself as a strong and steady advocate for the environment in Long Island and New York as a whole,” Bystryn said. “The League is proud to endorse him for re-election in 2010.”

This year, Congressman Bishop has helped draw federal attention and funding to environmental issues that New York’s state and local governments cannot handle on their own, like footing the costs of dredging river transportation routes or maintaining the infrastructure that keeps the Long Island Sound healthy and clean.

“Congressman Bishop has been a champion of clean energy legislation that will create jobs, curb pollution and reduce our dependence on foreign oil,” said LCV Action Fund President Gene Karpinski. “We are proud to endorse Congressman Bishop for re-election because he stands with the people of New York who need clean energy jobs now, and not with the Big Oil companies and special interests who are blocking progress in Washington.”

When environmental disasters struck Suffolk County during the past year—for example, when severe thunderstorms destroyed homes in Riverhead in March—Congressman Bishop fought tenaciously to bring home relief from FEMA. Bishop also spent months negotiating with state and local government to win permission and funding for an emergency dredging of Wading River Creek, which was made impassable by the March storms.

In July, Congressman Bishop joined forces with Congressman Peter King (R-Seaford) to bring home millions in federal funding for projects that will restore and protect the Long Island Sound next year. On the national level, Congressman Bishop sponsored the Clean Estuaries Act, which will improve the water quality of estuaries nationwide and help protect our country’s economy.

“In Long Island, the health of our environment is very much tied to the health of our people and the health of our economy,” Congressman Bishop said. “I look forward to continuing my work with the New York League of Conservation Voters and the National LCV Action Fund to ensure that New York remains a safe, clean and beautiful place to live.”

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