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Suffolk County Conservative Party First Exec Chair Endorses Cox

SMITHTOWN, NY — Today, the Suffolk County Conservative Party’s First Executive Chairman declared that “Our once proud Conservative Party has lost its way.”

Fries, whose lifelong conservative principles were inspired by his grandfather’s love for America, refused to sacrifice his core values. He was the only executive committee member to reject Randolph Altschuler as the party’s designee in the First Congressional district.

“It was clear to me then, and it’s even clearer now: Altschuler is not a Conservative, nor is he even a Republican,” said Fries. “It was insulting for the other members of the Executive Committee to completely ignore the letter from highly respected, former New Jersey State Republican Chair, Virginia Littell. In it, she detailed a 2008 meeting where Altschuler informed her that he would be running as a pro-choice candidate because he was not pro-life.”

“The fact that Executive Committee members completely ignored her letter and still picked Altschuler is outrageous!” said Fries. “What’s especially disappointing are the elected officials who blindly jumped to an uninformed endorsement.”

“I have not gone public before today out of respect for my position as an officer, but I can no longer sit back and watch my beloved Conservative Party be destroyed by a few misguided individuals. The endless stream of distortions and repulsive lies by Altschuler and his dishonorable gang must stop now!” he declared.

Fries described in detail Altschuler’s lifetime of liberal lapses, including his district-shopping, his Marxist Green Party membership, and his history of outsourcing our American jobs overseas.

After learning that Altschuler had only voted once in his entire adult life, Fries said, “It angers me that someone who did not care enough about his country to even vote, would be begging our beloved veterans to vote for him. It’s an insult to all American heroes, past and present, who continue to risk their lives protecting our freedoms.”

Fries said, “I fully expect to be the latest member of the Conservative Party to be attacked and shunned for standing up for my beliefs. To paraphrase our great former President Ronald Reagan, “I have not left the Suffolk Conservative Party; the Conservative Party has left me.”

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