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Senator John Flanagan (2nd Senate District) recently received a top score on the job creation scorecard released by the Business Council of NewYork State. The Business Council recognized Senator Flanagan for consistently voting to protect small businesses across the state from increased taxes and out of control state spending that were proposed and passed by Senate Democrats.

“Small business is the very lifeblood of our state and our state should be doing all we can to help them grow so they can create sorely needed jobs. I am certainly honored that the Business Council has recognized my efforts and look forward to working with them in the future to make sure that our state respects the needs of small business owners.

The reality is that when they succeed, our entire state succeeds and that is good for all of our residents,” stated Senator Flanagan.

The Business Council lauded Senator Flanagan for voting against bills passed by Senate Democrats that imposed costly new regulations and mandates on small and large businesses, including the downstate MTA payroll tax and bills that significantly increased costs for things such as energy and insurance coverage for employees.

Ken Adams, President of the Business Council said: “Republicans really have a much higher score and did much better in supporting pro-economic legislation. The scorecard will remind voters that the
economy is what really matters.”

Senator Flanagan also received high scores for job creation from the National Federation of Independent Businesses (NFIB).

Mike Elmendorf, NFIB State Director said: “There’s no question that because of the state’s dire fiscal crisis, small businesses became a target this session for lawmakers looking for quick fixes. Job creators need to know which legislators stood with small business and which legislators voted against their interests.”

This year, as part of his efforts to protect and grow small businesses in the state, Senator Flanagan proposed a job creation plan that included new tax credits for businesses that create jobs, consistently
fought for much-needed property tax relief, advocated for the repeal of all state regulations that merely inhibit business growth and fought for state spending cuts including reduced Medicaid spending and more government consolidation.

“There is a real need to provide our small businesses with effective programs that stimulate economic growth and create jobs. The tax and spend policies of the current Democrat majority in Albany is killing small business. We need to provide greater tax incentives and credits to
encourage small business to grow and thrive,” concluded Senator Flanagan.

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