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Honoring Our Veterans

by Stephanie Healion

Nick Albanese at 2010 Memorial Day Parade
“As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.” – John F. Kennedy

Every year, November 11th is a day we dedicate to the honor and memory of those who have served our country.  Veterans Day, then known as Armistice Day, was originally set as a legal holiday in 1938 to honor those who fought in World War I.  Today, we honor the men and women that fight for our country, serve our country, protect our country, and allow us the freedoms we enjoy every day.

This year on Veterans Day, the Veterans Plaza in Smithtown will be the venue for a Veterans Day Ceremony.  During this ceremony, there will be a dedication of the waterfall in Veteran’s Plaza to a veteran who not only served our country, but has worked tirelessly over the years with other veterans, Nicholas Albanese.

Nick Albanese, who passed away just recently, was not only a proud veteran of the Korean War, serving in the Marines for four years, but the Commander of the Smithtown American Legion Hall for over 20 years.  His son, Nick Albanese Jr., fondly remembers his father as a hardworking man, dedicated to his country and the veterans.  

“He was very proud to be a Marine and serve our country.  He cared so much about the seniors too.  He was at that Hall seven days a week, and he never wanted a thank you.  He was always strong with the military.  Instead of going to college with a football scholarship, he joined the Marines.”

The waterfall in Veterans Plaza was donated by the Smithtown American Legion in 2010.  The dedication of the waterfall is an honor pressed upon Albanese, his son saying that he neither wanted it nor expected it.  “He set it up, he got the politicians to okay it, and he was involved from start to finish.  When I went to him and told him that they were going to name it after him, he said “Why are they going to do that?  It’s for everyone, don’t name it after me.”  But the American Legion insisted, and went to the politicians with it and got the okay, and when we told him that it would always be there and that his kids and grandkids would see it, he finally got it and was okay with it.”

Tom Mooney, a service officer in the Smithtown American Legion and the Master of Ceremonies in Friday’s ceremony, believes that it’s important for the community to support their veterans.  “There is pride in being a veteran.  Personally, I feel a sense of obligation to the community and to the other veterans.  We try to make it easy for the community to help.  On Friday we will be selling phone cards to send over to the troops.  It’s important for the community to get involved, help or make a donation.”

A veteran of the Vietnam War, having served two years in the army, Mooney understands full well what it means to be a veteran.  “There’s camaraderie among veterans.  We know what they went through, how they feel, and we try to help them.  At Christmas we are going over to Northport Hospital to give a Christmas meal to the homeless veterans at the shelter there.  We try to help in any way we can.”

Veteran’s Day was created to honor all those who have served our country, whether it be home or away, in the army, navy, marines or air force.  Find a way to get involved, to donate time, money, food or goods to those serving who need them.  On November 11, please remember to keep these men and women in your thoughts, your prayers and your hearts, not just on this day but every day.

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