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It's Election Day - Set The Bar High When You Vote

It’s Election Day - Set The Bar High When You Vote

“Set the bar high. Set the bar too low and you lose the incentive to be creative and to make positive change.”

It is Election Day…Will you vote?  Too many people will not take the time to educate themselves about the positions of the candidates. Too many candidates will not articulate their positions.  Generalities are the norm.  Cut taxes, reduce fraud, pro-business, get tough on labor… we’ve heard these statements from candidates across the political spectrum.

But elections are not only about candidates.  Elections are about the future, elections are about quality of life, elections are about vision, and most importantly elections are about voters. 

When you vote, focus on issues that have impacted on your life.   Issues like traffic, safety on Main Street, and are roads falling apart.  Has Smithtown received its share of grants from the federal government, the state, and the county?  Is there a master plan for the town, or is development haphazard?  

These are challenging economic times and raising taxes is not an option.  So how does the candidate propose to ensure that Smithtown is positioned to survive and thrive in the future?  

Elected officials are better when the electorate is committed to making office holders accountable.

Set the bar high and you have a stake in the future. Set the bar too low and you will get exactly what you are shooting for.

Pat Biancaniello

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