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Editorial - Missed Opportunity

The recent appointment of John Zollo as Smithtown’s Town Attorney has left a lot of Smithtown residents shaking their heads in disbelief.  Throughout the town, people are saying enough with the arrogance and cronyism.  What is most interesting is that much of the unhappiness is coming from Councilmen Wehrheim and Creighton’s home base, Kings Park.

Many people in the audience at the Kings Park Civic Association meeting last week were questioning Councilmen Wehrheim, Creighton and Malloy’s commitment to resolving the zoning issues in the “Industrial Area. ” The appointment of the former town attorney, John Zollo (1992 -2002), evoked memories of the Izzo v Smithtown lawsuit which ended up costing taxpayers $1.3 million dollars. 

It is anticipated by many at last week’s KPCA meeting that zoning issues will take up a great deal of the Town Attorney’s time and resources.  “We have complained countless times with no response. And applications are coming in for more housing projects, asphalt plants and mining operations. Who is going to represent our interests?” Said one attendee.   

The retirement of Town Attorney Yvonne Lieffrig provided the new majority, Councilmen Wehrheim, Creighton and Malloy, the opportunity to do something new and bold.  It was an opportunity to appoint someone without baggage, someone new, who wasn’t part of the old regime.  The Councilmen instead went behind closed doors and came out with the former Town Attorney John Zollo.   The new majority also increased the town attorney’s Salary by $13,000.

Couldn’t find one with better credentials or found just what they were looking for? Either way the new majority is looking a lot like the old regime.


Reader Comments (1)

Great editorial but let me mention in case you didn't realize one more thing about the recent appointment of Town Attorney John Zollo.In addition to his part-time appointment ( with an increase of $13,000 ) he has a private practice in the Town of Smithtown and as such he represents clients that have dealings with the Town and speaks for these clients regarding their issues with the Town. Is this not a conflict of interest? Is this not craziness?

Thu, February 16, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterlenore cernitz

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