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Editorial - An Observation on December Town Work Session

T’was the rare Town work session,

when all through the town,

Vecchio was determined

to bring Creighton down.


How hard was it you may ask?

not hard at all, Creighton was up to the task!


$100,000 is what we will get , Creighton announced,

it was at that moment that Vecchio pounced!

Really, he said, do you think that’s enough 

to take everyone’s waste  and let Smithtown live with this stuff?

The site is already blighted, is this the best we can do?

I don’t think it’s a good idea Bob, how about you?


And  Councilman Wehrheim,  McCarthy, Malloy 

What would you have the residents enjoy? 

Is it “Sandy” debris from all over the place, 

is that what you would have Santilli put in his place? 


The property’s over the aquifer, in an area that’s been mined,

not to mention the number of times they’ve been fined!

Town Attorney Zollo, what do you think? 

it seems this $100,000 is starting to stink.


More rapid than coursers the councilmen flew 

to distance themselves from this latest snafu 

McCarthy was vocal in his “no” ,

said selling the zoning was the wrong way to go!

Wehrheim, concerned with environmental abuse,

didn’t seem to think this was a very good use. 


Malloy and Creighton are the remaining two,

follow Creighton to see what the dynamic duo will do!


At the close of the meeting,

with a smile on his face

Vecchio seemed to be thinking, 

let’s get on with this race. 


Happy Holidays Smithtown!



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