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Editorial - Happy New Year! Goodbye 2012 - Welcome 2013


The year 2012 may go out as the year that left America exhausted. Not beaten, not broken and not demoralized - just plain old exhausted. 2012 was like a bad dream in which you are on a never-ending roller coaster ride. The ride just keeps going on and on and even though you may get used to the path, its highs and the gut dropping lows, your inner self starts to tell you that it was never meant to be like this. Your heart tells you the ride is about to break-down and unless something happens immediately, life as you know it is over. That kind of exhausting. You can’t sleep it off, you can’t even vacation it away, all you can do is go about your life and hope that time will take care of you. 

2012 was not all that bad, I’m sure each of us have had moments that were special and warm and comforting. Children were born, some became parents and grandparents. Elections were won, Olympics medals won, jobs were found, careers started, and college acceptance letters were received. Engagements, marriages, pets, family and faith kept America going when things got really bad.

There were some awful moments: Sandy Hook, Aurora, tornado outbreaks in the Southern United States, super-storm “Sandy”, fires in Western United States, and here we are on December 31, 2012  still dealing with the “fiscal cliff”! An event created to be so horrific that it would force those in office to take action. “They” have not taken action, and “they” are still pointing fingers, and “they” are responsible. How can we not be exhausted?

2012 was exhausting for many, but there were those who spoke through their actions and deeds doing anything and everything they could to make a difference and to let those suffering know that they were not alone. 2012 may be remembered as the year that left America exhausted, but it should be remembered as the year that people showed their humanity over, and over and over again.

Smithtown Residents, like others throughout the United States, reached out to help wherever and whenever it was needed. There were food drives, blood drives and clothing drives. Students in each of our school districts solicited necessities for families affected by “Sandy” and did it without the benefit of electricity and heat in their own homes. Young children gave their allowances and holiday presents to children who were without.  Families shared their homes, food, generators, computers and phones. A family in Hauppauge collected shoes for children and a woman from St. James stood outside Stop and Shop alone collecting food. The Fealgood Foundation collected toys and food. They then opened their doors for a three-day event allowing every parent or guardian who showed up to leave with toys and food to make the holiday a little brighter. No one was left out. 

Throughout Smithtown people were involved in helping others and it felt good. The crisis’ of 2012 were horrible, the memories will last forever, and yet let us not forget the good that was done and that special feeling that comes with the knowledge that we made a difference.


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