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Town Board To Accept Kings Park Youth Association's AED Offer

KPY Trustee John McQuaid“Acceptance of an AED from the Kings Park Youth Organization pursuant to the town’s current policy on AED equipment and to further authorize the Supervisor to execute any and all agreements, on a form approved by the Town Attorney.” Resolution 4R on Town’s agenda May 17, 2012.

In a unanimous decision (Councilman Malloy was not in attendance) the Smithtown Town Board reversed its long-standing position regarding Automated External Defibrillators (AED). Kings Park Youth (KPY) Association Trustee, John McQuaid, couldn’t be happier.  Mr. McQuaid’s twin 12-year old sons play on one of the KPY teams.  Mr. McQuaid was concerned that a piece of equipment that could possibly save the life of a child would not be available when it was needed. 

John McQuaid went to work on correcting what he felt was a no-brainer.  KPY would pay for the AED and keep it at **Kings Park Memorial Field where the kids played.  The AED would be available should anyone need it. Adults would train to use it appropriately.  There was a consensus in the KPY organization that this was something they wanted to do.  Other towns had them and there is a history of AEDs saving lives.

According to Pediatric Cardiologist, Dr. T. Biancaniello Clinical Professor of Pediatrics, Columbia Doctors- Pediatric Cardiology, “There are many studies that prove the effectiveness of AEDs in out-of-hospital arrests.  One early study, published in the New England Journal of Medicine in 2002, reported the outcomes at Chicago airports where AED’s were placed within a 60-90 second brisk walk from any location.  Of the 18 patients who developed Ventricular Fibrillation (VF), bystanders saved 11. Without the AED all would have died.  Studies have also shown that time is of the essence.  Within 3-5 minutes of an arrest, AEDs have a good chance of success.”

KPY sent a letter to the Town Board on March 20th announcing KPY’s donation of an AED. The surprise came when a letter, dated April 12th, from Deputy Town Attorney Matt Jakubowski, arrived and stated that the Town was not willing to accept the donation.  Subsequent to the letter the Board met on April 19 and Mr. McQuaid made his appeal in person.  The Town Board was still resistant calling it a liability issue. The Supervisor stated that he had coached Kings Park Little League for 12 years and couldn’t recall ever needing a defibrillator.

According to Dr. Biancaniello, “While the overwhelming numbers of victims of VF are adults, there are three conditions that occur in children and adolescents that result in death from VF during exercise.  Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (a primary cardiac muscle disorder) and anomalous origin of the left coronary artery  (a congenital birth defect where the main coronary artery comes off the wrong part of the circulatory system) are conditions that can cause sudden VF during exercise.  Without the prompt administration of defibrillator, these patients will die within minutes.  The other condition is called commotio cordis, which is a result of blunt force impact to chest.  If a young child or adolescent is struck with a hard object in the chest at a critical time in the cardiac electrical cycle (a certain part that last only 15-30 milliseconds), ventricular fibrillation results.  Again, CPR without defibrillation cannot terminate VF and prevent sudden death.”

Since the April Board meeting there have been ongoing conversations between Mr. McQuaid and Town Attorney Zollo, Supervisor Vecchio and Council members.  According to Mr. McQuaid KPY will cover the cost of the AED and its housing.  The Town is examining the liability issue, which is not expected to be a problem. There will be further discussion before the agreement between KPY and the Town is signed. 

Today, Mr. McQuaid is happy.  “If we save the life of one child it is worth it. Hopefully it won’t be vandalized or tampered with, but if it is we will replace it. That is the commitment we are happy to make to the kids.”

According to Dr. Biancaniello, “AEDs are life saving devices we cannot afford to do without.” Mr. McQuaid couldn’t agree more.  And now, it seems, Smithtown’s Town Board agrees.

 **The article was corrected - the field was incorrectly identified as Tiffany Field and has been changed to Kings Park Memorial Field. **


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