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Politics Or Illegal? Councilman Creighton Wants To Know

On August 16, 2012, after a scathing article about a campaign donation solicited by the Bishop for Congress campaign appeared in POLITICO, opponent Randy Altschuler challenged Bishop to call for an ethics investigation. Altschuler stated “I challenge you to publicly call for an official ethics investigation into the activities of you and your staff in regards to the fundraising email solicitation sent to Mr. Semler while his fireworks permits hung in the balance.”

Congressman Tim BishopIt was no surprise that Congressman Bishop declined to do so.  What was a surprise wasCouncilman Robert Creighton Smithtown Town Councilman Robert Creighton’s letter to the Office of Congressional Ethics asking them to investigate Congressman Bishop and his staff’s behavior.

“I think it was wrong for Congressman Bishop’s staff to solicit a donation from a constituent Bishop was helping.  The law is very clear on this.” Said Creighton after Tuesday’s Town Board meeting.  “If you read my letter of August 28 it is spelled out in the last two paragraphs.  According to the House Ethics Manual a Member or employee may not accept any contribution that the donor links to any official action that the Member or employee has taken, or is being asked to take.”

According to POLITICO Bishop was helping Mr. Semler get permits for a fireworks display at his home when he was solicited by Bishop’s campaign for a hefty $10,000 campaign donation. Subsequent to the solicitation Bishop’s campaigned received a $5,000 donation and Mr. Semler received his permits.

“I feel very strongly that Bishop’s solicitation was wrong.  Fundraising for campaigns is difficult but there are rules.  In this case the rules are clear, political solicitations may not be linked with an official action taken or to be taken by a House Member or employee, and a Member may not accept any contribution that is linked with an action that the Member has taken or is being asked to take.” Mr. Bishop was helping the guy get permits; he sends a letter out asking for as much as $10,000 in a campaign donation? That sounds too much like a quid pro quo to me.”

According to Mr. Creighton he has not yet heard back from the Office of Congressional Ethics and he is not sure he will.  “I’m not certain this will go anywhere. I don’t know how they handle these things in Washington. Sure, I’ve been asked if this is a political move. It’s not, I am a supporter of Randy Altschuler but that has nothing to do with my writing the letter. There are rules that we must live by and Tim Bishop violated those rules. No, I don’t regret calling for an investigation.” 

On September 5, 2012 Altschuler’s campaign once again challenged Bishop, “ I urge you to use your power as a United States Congressman to request that the Office of Congressional Ethics open a formal review of your actions and produce an expedited ruling on their findings……”.

Political or critical you get to decide on November 6, 2012.

(Congressman Bishop could not be reached for comment)

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