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What To Do With Former Bavarian Inn Site? Make It A Destination Point Says SC Legislator Candidate Jacobs

Site of the former Bavarian Inn in RonkonkomaThe Bavarian Inn is no more. The boarded up, graffiti laden building has been demolished. A few more weeks and all traces of the former restaurant/catering facility will be gone. People who live around the blighted site are relieved. Legislator John Kennedy held a press conference on the day the demolition began attended by many local officials. Pats on the back all around as the elected officials enthusiastically announced their support for the demolition and their relief that the blighted and dangerous building would no longer negatively impact on the community. 

Legislator Kennedy advocates the reuse of the property as a park.

“Not so fast”, says Gary Jacobs candidate in the 12th legislative district. Jacobs is looking to unseat Kennedy in November and he points to the Bavarian Inn as an example of what is wrong with government. “The boarded up Bavarian Inn was not just blight it was dangerous. It was dangerous for kids who went there and it was dangerous to the fire fighters and police who were called to the site. Someone could have been seriously hurt. It took over six years for the county to act on removing a danger from the community. If I lived there and my kids had to walk past it I would have been angry.”  

Jacobs responded to an open invitation from Smithtown Matters to comment on the future use of the site which is located in the Town of Smithtown. “I would very much like to see the property used as parkland with boat rentals. We can make Lake Ronkonkoma a destination this would bring visitors to the area spending money and visiting business in the area. I would really like to see a clam bar at the site.  I understand the issues with septic systems, but there are ways to make it work.” 

Undeterred by people who suggest that a clam bar is impossible, Jacobs talks about new technology for septic systems. He points out that the site housed a full blown restaurant and there is a bar within feet of the site. Paper dishes and plastic utensils could be used eliminating the need for huge dishwashers. 

“It can be done.” said Jacobs. 

Reader Comments (4)

Our elected officials lack common sense, we need regular people to run for office and bring common sense to our lawmaking decisions.

Mon, October 21, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterEddie Haeffer

So basically he agrees with my suggestion and plan for a passive park with floating fishing portable peer, canoe, rowboat and paddleboat rentals and no permanent structures! The bill has been in for over a month. It's the administration that wants building! Grandfathering of any septic system has long expired and strict Environmental constraints are in place. Yes, it was a danger, that's why I put the County on notice once it was under our ownership. Let's get the facts straight! Honesty and integrity is essential! John Kennedy ( from lk's iPhone)

Mon, October 21, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterJohn M. Kennedy Jr.

Does Mr. Kennedy's opponent have any concept of this issue? It hasn't been a restaurant for years and with no real septic system, from the article is he saying he wants people to defecate on paper plates and use plastic forks to pick it up? Of course he doesn't have to worry about living near it or his kids walking by the site, he lives in Jersey and who knows where his children live...he might not even know.

Kennedy has done right by us in his district...he's a real person and who will really talk to anyone...I know I have. He doesn't drive around in a truck with his picture on it that can be used for dock or float after Election Day.

Mon, October 21, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterJoseph Jay

Where does Jacobs get his information, honestly, Where did you get all your information Mr. Jacobs.

Tue, October 22, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterJuanPablo Andrade

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