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Editorial - McCarthy + Malloy + Creighton = The MMC Hess Express

Don’t worry Commack we know what’s best for you! And It is a Hess Express 12 pump gas station and convenience store on the corner of Harned Rd and Rte. 25. REALLY? As a matter of fact we are so certain it is good for you we are going to move mountains to welcome this filling station which will be joining the many other Commack stations along Gasoline Row. We will grant a zone change, we will grant variances and if we need to do more, they will let us know. Because after all we are only thinking of you. You can thank us now or later. That is the message from the MMC team of Councilmen McCarthy, Malloy and Creighton.

In a Newsday article (November 7, 2013) Councilman Robert Creighton said the Hess Express proposal for a convenience store and 12-pump gas station was “a very good project” and statistics of the site show it is “not a terribly dangerous intersection. It is like every other intersection — when people violate the law it becomes a dangerous intersection.” Duh! 

The MMC threesome have been advocating this project for a long time and as election day approached, when the signs indicated that there might be a change in the composition of the board, they voted and gave Hess the go ahead. No worries according to Creighton it’s when people violate the law that it becomes a dangerous intersection. Newsflash, people violate traffic laws all the time, think of how many auto body repair shops are located throughout Smithtown.  Some of these violations are keeping Suffolk County afloat. 

The location of the project on the corner of Harned Road and Rte 25 where Sunken Meadow Parkway exits can not be considered to be like “any other intersection”. There is a tremendous amount of traffic at the location exiting the parkway is confusing.  Indian Head Rd. traffic heading east must make a left turn from Indian Head Road onto Jericho (RTE. 25). Drivers are often accelerating to catch the green light and seldom if ever pull entirely into the appropriate lane. These motor vehicle (mv) operators in cars, busses and trucks will be meeting up with vehicles exiting the MMC Hess Express. 

On Harned Road you will have mv’s crossing the lanes of traffic to exit and enter the MMC Hess Express. Creating traffic jams and creating a scenario for a real serious traffic accident.  

The role of our elected officials is not to act as a rubber stamp for commercial interests it is to protect the safety, interests and well being of residents. The decision made to approve the “MMC” Hess Express fails to do this.

Opponents of the proposal, Supervisor Vecchio and Councilman Wehrheim, could have tabled the vote on this application which would have allowed Councilwoman Elect Lynn Nowick the opportunity to review the plan and vote. But that didn’t happen. And now all that’s left are the legal challenges being made by Rudy Massa owner of Gasoline Heaven. I suspect that a judge will see Town Board approval and prefer not to get involved. After all who has the responsiblity to look after residents interest.

Don’t worry Commack - The MMC team was only thinking of you.




Reader Comments (3)

So true. This might be the most complex intersection in Suffolk.
If the town spent even a little effort to stop the blight in our town, there would be no need for this approval.
We need less time knit-picking whether store signs are a little too big and more reality The mindless zoning boards are a travesty. Let's get some new blood on these boards.

Michael ,
Kings Park

Fri, November 8, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterMichael

MMG are the same guys that pushed the hike & bike extension right
through my backyard. all the bids where to high but they made sure
before we voted them out of offic the a fence went up that's 12 feet
from my back door. they didn't take into consideration what matters
to the people that have to live with it. The same goes for the KPCA
and nqrspf they should be ashamed. it's all politics to them.

Wed, November 13, 2013 | Unregistered Commenterjohn molloy

While we're at it, how about a discussion begins regarding the number of 7-11's along Smithtown Blvd? Another one just got approved, because apparently it's not convenient enough to have a 7-11 location more than a mile apart from the next. According to a neighbor who spoke with a police officer, the 7-11 that was snuck in on the corner of Smithtown Blvd and Brooks has been the subject of increased police surveillance due to drug activity. I'd like to point out that there was no drug activity at that location when it was a wooded lot before the 24/7 operation was built. As usual, Nesconset residents have to take it on the chin all in the name of a mismanaged tax base.

Tue, November 19, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterEdward P. Gary

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