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Buy A Machine And Lose Tummy Fat - Is Spot Reduction Possible?

By Kia Edwards

“Buy this machine and you can kiss that tummy fat goodbye in no time!”  How often have you heard some variation of this phrase in an infomercial?  Whenever I hear it, I have to remember just how much I paid for my television so I don’t throw something at it.  The idea that you can do a million reps of one exercise to reduce the circumference of any body part is called spot reduction.  It’s also called a myth and I wish it would disappear.  

You may be asking yourself “if it doesn’t work, why are there so many spot reducing products out there?”  Here’s the answer: profit-seeking people who don’t care about results and seek to prey on a general desire for a quick and easy fix.  It may seem harsh, but it’s true.  Spot reduction does not work because the body does not use fat from a specific area.  Stored body fat serves as a source of back-up energy.  When the situation calls for the back up energy to be used (such as a famine), the body will not care where the source of energy comes from, as long as it’s available to keep you alive.  Hips?  Arms?  Buttocks?  It’s all the same energy source no matter where it is.  

The next question in you head is likely “what’s the point of doing all of those sit-ups then?  Is it all for nothing?”  The answer is: no, it’s not for nothing!  Doing exercises such as sit-ups and bicep curls help the body by increasing muscle size.  However, it does not reduce the amount of fat in that area, which is resting on top of the muscle.  Don’t worry.  There’s a way to reduce body fat from your stomach and all other places  Shh…it’s a secret.

I lied- it’s actually well known and quite straightforward.  If you expend (read: exercise) more calories than you take in (read: eat), your fat content will decrease.  You will eventually see a reduction in fat all over your body from your legs to your hips and even your stomach.  Cardio is a great way to burn calories, but don’t discount the importance of weight training, which will build muscle and increase your metabolism.  The most difficult part of this process is being patient since fat reduction can take some time.

The next time you see an infomercial promising everything from spot reduction to the ability to become faster than a speeding bullet, you’ll know the truth and save your money.  You’ll also think of me and hope that I haven’t seen it for the sake of my television.   

Kia Edwards is a certified personal trainer and nutrition specialist who lives in New York City. She studied French and Economics at Colgate University, spent 15 years as a high-level competitive gymnast and 6 years as a gymnastics coach.  Her business, La Fortesse At Home Fitness Training, helps clients get healthy with simple at home exercises and nutrition counseling. www.LaFortesse.com 

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