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Town Board Meeting - Starts Calmly Ends In Uproar

By Taylor Fleming

The Smithtown Town Board meeting on Thursday June 20, 2013 started calmly but ended in uproar. The Board unanimously voted “yes” to most resolutions, and personnel matters, except for two resolutions both to which Supervisor Patrick Vecchio voted “no.” The first resolution to which Supervisor Vecchio did not support Town Board Voted 4-1 in favor of the resolution (Supervisor Vecchio voted “no”)was for the Board to approve Zoning Petition #2012-06 by Bolla LI Operating Corp, changing a zone adjacent to the intersection of Route 111 and Route 347 from residential to Neighborhood Business.  The second was to authorize the waiver of fees, for a six-month period, for façade renovations and fees for site plan exemptions related to façade renovations for all buildings within the Central Business zoning district. Resolution 3-K was withdrawn.

Following the call to order, correspondences, resolutions and personnel matters the Town Board heard from five members of the community. All five speakers addressed opposition towards the proposal of St. Johnland Nursing Center to build a 50-acre complex on Sunken Meadow Road. 

Michael Chicvak of Kings Park quoted the oath of allegiance, which each board member must swear to before entering office. He reminded the Board of the duties and responsibilities they each promised to uphold for the town of Smithtown. “Now,” said Chicvack, “everyone of you must act.” He stated that 100% of the households in the neighboring Uplands areas, which he received signatures from, opposed the project. He then advised that the Board of Ethics look into this matter. “[The Town Board should] abide by the wishes of its residents,” Chicvack warned, “or we will vote you out of office.”

Next, Margaret Lewis of Kings Park took to the podium to express her opposition to the project. She stressed environmental protection and noted that the high prices of the proposed townhouses directly contradict the prospect of this unit as a place for senior citizens. “How can the town council support [this project] on environmentally sensitive lands?” Lewis asked the Board, adding her own warning to “please think of the long term consequences.” 

Sean Lehmann, president of the Kings Park Civic Association, presented a stack of numerous signatures in his hand to show the Board. He said he was “holding out,” however, as he discovered there were more to get. “This project should have been dead on arrival,” Lehmann contended. “Dead on arrival.” 

Following Lehmann’s remarks, Supervisor Vecchio and Councilman Thomas McCarthy addressed him, the other speakers, the Board and members of the community. “We do not have a zone hearing scheduled,” Vecchio said. He added that if they did he would have agreed with Lehmann. Councilman McCarthy said, “I’m voting no to scheduling it.” 

The next community spokesman was Rich Gorbecki who cited a letter from a New York State Park Official written in September 2012 which voiced concerns over the increased traffic, noise pollution, light pollution and negative impacts of St. Johnland’s project. “Please tell Greenbrier Corporation to take the Uplands project back to Texas,” he said. 

Christopher Borrella, who also addressed the Board, said that the project “doesn’t seem to me to make sense.” He stated that the Uplands project would lead to more police and fire department calls to service costing the community more money while depleting the value of houses in the neighboring areas. 

Finally, David Fennes asked the Board to give a show of hands for who supported the Uplands project. Smithtown Town Attorney John Zollo responded by stating that this gesture was inappropriate, as the zoning hearing has not been scheduled. 

After his response was met with much resistance from community members, Supervisor Vecchio said, “I choose to say to you I am opposed.” Councilman McCarthy followed suit, stating, “I already told you. I will not vote. I am against this project.” Councilman Malloy, however, questioned Fennes’ approach. “To cut it short,” said Malloy, “[and] say vote yes or no…then why have a public hearing?” He then told Fennes that he was jumping to conclusions regarding the Board’s opinions and that he did not support the project but rather, “we are in support for the concept of this project.” 

Fennes concluded his address by asking the Board a question: “Why put it here?” 

Following the last speaker, the Board moved to adjourn the meeting just past 7:30pm. 

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