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Commack - Kings Park Rotary Club's "Students Of The Year"

The Commack - Kings Park Rotary Club recognized the contributions of six local students from the Commack and Kings Park School districts. The students are incredible representatives of their generation. They have each dedicated a good portion of their free time to making life a little bit better for others. Congratulations to all of the honorees!

Meet the Honorees:

Kings Park

Gianna Gambale – Gianna volunteered to assist in a coat drive at St. Joseph’s Church, and worked with the Pre-K students at the Vacation Bible School at Abiding Presence Church.  In addition, as a member of the National Junior Honor Society, Gianna volunteered her time to cook for the residents of the Ronald McDonald House, took part in a fundraiser at Barnes and Noble by assisting patrons, and collected $100 in gift cards for a holiday raffle fundraiser to help families in need in Kings Park.  As a band member, Gianna has also played her instrument at community events and parades.  Gianna is a very active member of the WTR and Kings Park communities and is a role model for her peers.

 Samantha Nathan – As an active member of the youth organization in her church, Samantha hasparticipated in Suffolk County’s Habitat for Humanity, and collected, prepared, and packaged food and meals for those in need.  In addition, she has assisted in collecting shoes, eye glasses, and prom dresses for those less fortunate, and participated in fundraisers for charitable organizations.  She helps to decorate the church during the Christmas season, collects birthday gifts and supplies for local children in need, and has helped create care packages for soldiers in Afghanistan.  Samantha has a huge heart and loves to lend a hand whenever she can.

Allyson Yuditsky –  Allyson is dedicated to helping others in her school and in her community.  She takes part in Healthy Sundays through St. Catherine’s Hospital, where her mother works.  On these days, she travels to communities and assists her mother and the volunteers of St. Catherine’s to bring medical attention and food to those who may not be able to afford it.  For example, she helps to direct people as they seek free flu shots and blood sugar tests after they attend a weekly mass.  As a member of the National Junior Honor Society, Allyson volunteered at the Ronald McDonald House to make and serve food for the residents of the home.  In addition, she is a member of both the 7th and 8th grade band and chorus at WTRMS and has volunteered her time by marching in parades and playing at various community events.  As a member of the youth group at her church, she has taken part in car washes, food and clothing drives, and also made bracelets to be sold as a fundraiser for children in Haiti.  Lastly, Allyson danced for an event through her dance company, Encore, and raised funds for a charity with her troupe. 


Shannon Burns is a seventh grader and Girl Scout since she was in Kindergarten. She is involved in many service projects to benefit those in both her community and abroad. Through recycling efforts, she helps to raise funds to provide a better life to a child in Columbia. Shannon earned a bronze award by fundraising, shopping and cooking desserts for the residents of the Ronald McDonald House. This hard-working young lady also works as a dance assistant in her local dance studio, and has done so for the past three years. An active member of her community, Shannon has also volunteered through her church to help prepare children for their First Holy Communion. Additionally, Shannon is a member of two school clubs—the Best of Buddies club, which promotes friendships between students with disabilities and their non-disabled peers, and the Pay-it-Forward Club, which focuses on making a difference in school and the community.
Shannon has truly helped so many with her kind deeds and outstanding service.

Kim Siegel is an eager, dedicated 8th grade student who started a club to make scarves and donate them to people who are homeless or financially challenged. Kim and a friend went to a scarf knotting demonstration and then she was inspired a club to make scarves for those in need. She wanted to recruit people for her club so she distributed flyers around school. The scarves are knotted at Kim’s house, and she is in charge of scheduling the time and making sure there are enough supplies on hand. Kim is a Girl Scout who also teaches younger troops how to knot scarves. With her efforts, she was able to donate about 100 scarves to a soup kitchen she volunteers at for the 2011 holiday season. Kim is warmed by the thought that those in need can stay a bit warmer in the cold seasons, and it shows to the community that kids really do care. She knows, by all of her efforts, that if you put your mind to do something, you can accomplish anything.

Ryan von Hof is an 8th grade, well-rounded student who has been a member of student council since the 3rd grade. Ryan has volunteered and served in a leadership role in numerous charitable projects. He always has a desire to help others and was influenced by his late grandmother, who worked tirelessly to help others in her life. In honor of his grandmother, he has helped people through his efforts volunteering at coat drives, food drives, making food for food pantries, and raising funds to help children with cancer.

Ryan was recently asked to take on a leadership role through student government to serve on their Executive Committee, in which he leads a dedicated group of about 120 students. The committee’s many efforts have included: raising $500 to donate to a local animal shelter, donating two tons of food to a food pantry, and donating twelve “Welcome Home baskets” for recipients of Habitat for Humanity homes.

In addition to his numerous volunteer and charitable works, he also tutors students after school. Ryan is aware of the work and effort to make a difference in peoples lives, but he knows his efforts are honorable. He also is involved in motivating students to take action to help others, and firmly believes that, Together, we can accomplish great things. Ryan has recently qualified for the Presidents Volunteer Service Award, based on the number of volunteer hours he has completed.

The Commack - Kings Park Rotary Club is part of Rotary International. The club meets for a lunch meeting every Tuesday at the Bonwit Inn in Commack at 12:15. If you would like to learn more about the Rotary or are interesed in becoming a member stop by or check out the website Rotary Club of Commack-Kings Park.

Rotary International’s Mission & Core Values

“We provide service to others, promote integrity, and advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through our fellowship of business, professional, and community leaders.”  - Rotary International’s Strategic Plan. Our Core Values include: Service, Fellowship, Diversity, Integrity and Leadership. 

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