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The New Ugly!

Cleaning up blighted sites was supposed to be a priority for Councilmen Creighton and Malloy. Blight is obviously in the eyes of the beholder. This political campaign sign is located on Indian Head Road. Makes one wonder if this is the “better” in campaign slogan “We can do better”

Reader Comments (4)

This is so true. Councilman Creighton is violating the zoning laws that we elected him to uphold. How rude and arrogant of him! When a local reported from the Smithtown News asked him about the size of the sign and how it violates the law, Councilman Creighton told the reporter to make a complaint with the ethics committee. When the reporter corrected him and stated it has nothing to do with the ethics board, but the department of buildings, he suggested to them to make a complaint. Nice way to be a role model for the residents of Smithtown and a great way to waste our town's tax dollars. What a bum!

Mon, July 15, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterKings Park Resident

Some people are so transparent. I have seen that side of Creighton many times with dealings of the industries. It doesn't surprise me in the least about the sgn or the comments. I hope people realize this when elections are here.

Mon, July 15, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterAnother Kings Park Resident

I find it very amusing that the sign issue has been raised. In past elections, when the Supervisor had his oversized signs out (corner of Terry Road and Middle Country Rd is one location I recall) no one said a word. Now there is a threat to the king and his court jester and alarms are going off that these signs are a violation of town code. Where was this concern when Vecchio, McCarthy et al committed the same sin? That's right, there was none.

As for dealings with the Smithtown News, I will give any story dealing with the election credence when it is written and editorialized by someone other than David Ambro. Ambro is nothing more than a mouthpiece for Vecchio. Whatever happened to the press being an impartial arbiter of the news?

When election day rolls around, I will be voting for Creighton because this town needs to break away from the Vecchio era (error?) I don't want to hear how he 'has kept taxes low' when the town crumbles around us so that he can sit there and make that inane claim. Creighton understands that there has to be progress in this town and there has to be a balance between the business sector and the residential sector. It is not all or nothing. It is a fine balance where all interests need to be weighed and not what will garner the most votes come election day.

Tue, July 16, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterPerry

I am very familiar with Creighton's idea of balance between the business sector and the residential sector. My quality of life and that of my family and neighbors have been horribly affected by it. It is because of this Vecchio will have my vote and not because he has kept taxes low.

Wed, July 17, 2013 | Unregistered Commenteranother Kings Park Resident

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