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A Primary Responsibility 

A Primary Responsibility.

The upcoming Republican and Conservative Primary Election on Tuesday, September 10 is going to decide who will face the Democratic candidates in the November 5 General Elections.That’s Civics Lesson 101. 

But what is a Primary Election? The reasons that a potential candidate challenges their political party’s designated candidate or an incumbent public office holder varies.  The fact is that one side thinks that the other side is not or will not do a good job. That’s Politics Lesson 101.

Primary elections, enable the enrolled party voter, to select their political party’s candidate based on their stand on the current issues of the day.  By actively participating (voting) in your party’s primary election, you are choosing someone to run in a general election.  Demand that your party’s candidates’ actions are effective, transparent and forthright.  That’s Democracy 101.

Finally, become a more informed voter. The Information Age continues to mature.  Social networking, Google searches, electronic media and Facebook accounts, gives you the opportunity to find out about a candidate’s views, plans and promises, instantaneously.  You should review the candidate’s voting record (if they are incumbents) or visit their web sites? Read their campaign literature, newspaper reports and editorials, pay attention to their endorsements (political, union and civic leaders) attend public meetings and ask questions at primary and general election debates or forums. That Information 101.

These activities should help educate and assist you in electing the candidate, who will best represent your interest and concerns?   That’s right, these elected officials or public servants’

PRIMARY RESPONSIBILITY is to you, the voter.  They are government workers who ensure that the government works and serves you, the public.  That’s the American Way of Life.

Thank you.

Richard S. Macellaro* 

*Richard S. Macellaro is a Democratic Candidate For Smithtown Town Council

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