WRONG! Sloppy Or Deliberate? SC Republican Chair LaValle Sends Email Blast With Wrong Information

Suffolk County Republican Chairman John J. LaValle sent out an email blast asking people to vote for “designated candidates”. The problem with the email is that it is not correct and many Smithtown Republicans are angry.
Patrick Vecchio is the Republican designee. LaValle’s email incorrectly identifies Councilman Creighton as the designee. However, at the Town convention Patrick Vecchio was the candidate of choice. Also, mysteriously, Vecchio running mate Councilman McCarthy’s (a party designee) name was left out of the email. At the convention McCarthy and Malloy became the nominees.
Smithtown Matters has received the following copy of the LaValle email and response. The LaValle email was sent to Smithtown Republicans.
(A call to SC Republican Headquarters was made but no one answered the call and there was no voice mail. A call was also placed to Smithtown Republican Headquarters for Chairman Bill Ellis and a message was left.)
Below please find an e-mail sent by Suffolk County Chairman John J. LaValle. I can’t speak for the other towns on the lists, but as far as Smithtown is concerned, this is a total lie. I am a Republican committeewoman in Smithtown and Supervisor Patrick Vecchio and Councilmen Thomas McCarthy and Kevin Malloy are the designees according to the vote at our annual convention. He is deliberately omitting the names of Patrick Vecchio and Thomas McCarthy and misleading whomever this e-mail is addressed to.
At the very least, I believe Chairman LaValle should send out a retraction and an apology. I also think he should be sanctioned for this outrageous offense.
Marlene Wolke
Committeeman, Smithtown E.D.78
Reader Comments (1)
LaValle should be removed from office immediately PENDING AN INVESTIGATION, multiple people have called his office, each call the secretary acted as though she didn't know what is going on and had a different reply, "he is not here", he is in a meeting", he is goine for the day" all within 15 minutes. Creighton also violating election polling rules by having campaigning material within the site should be sent to ethics! This is disgusting!
It stinks UNETHICAL!