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Editorial - Suffolk County Ballot Proposals

There are two Suffolk County Proposals on Tuesday’s Ballot - Ballot Proposal #4 (Suffolk County Proposal #1) and Ballot Proposal #5 (Suffolk County Proposal #2)

Ballot Proposal #4 - Suffolk County Proposal Number One - A Charter Law to Consolidate Financial Management Functions in The County Department of Audit and Control. Enactment of this proposed Charter Law would abolish the office of the Suffolk County Treasurer.  The Department of Finance and Taxation, which is currently headed by the Treasurer, would also be eliminated. The message from the County Executive is that the consolidation of these two departments would lead to savings of more than $800,000. There are 62 counties in New York State and Suffolk County is the only one that has two separate departments headed by elected officials.  Those opposing this consolidation claim that the savings from consolidation would be much less and losing an elected position diminishes the publics right to have a say in county government. 

Smithtown Matters Urges a YES to Ballot Proposal #4.


Ballot Proposal #5 - Suffolk County Proposal Number 2 - A Charter Law Amending the 1/4% Suffolk County Drinking Water Protection Program (DWPP) for Enhanced Water Quality Protection, Wastewater Infrastructure and General Property Fund Tax Relief for Suffolk County….Resolution No. 579-2014 is a Charter Law that extends the sunset period found in Local Law No. 44-2011 from 2013 to 2017 to allow the use of excess Assessment Stabilization Reserve Fund balance for deposits to reserve funds for the payment of County bonds or retirement contributions to provide general property tax relief; mandates, commencing in County Fiscal Year 2018 and continuing   through Fiscal Year 2029, the restoration of funds allocated from the Assessment Stabilization Reserve Fund in 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017;(LWV)

Diverting money from our Drinking Water Protection Program is unacceptable. Paying that money back by bonding is making taxpayers pay twice without getting the service they paid for in the first place.  Additionally, we shouldn’t burden our children and grandchildren with debt due to retirement costs payable in 2014-2017.  

Smithtown Matters encourages voters to vote NO on ballot proposal #5


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