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Town Clerk Vinny Puleo "I was never looking to disenfranchise the public's vote..."

Exclusive with Town Clerk Vinny Puleo

I Was Never Looking To Disenfranchise the Public’s Vote

by Maureen Ledden Rossi

Smithtown Matters spoke with Smithtown Town Clerk Vinny Puleo in his office today as he was readying for tonight’s special Town Board meeting.  Puleo was out of town until yesterday but has kept on top of all the media both written and broadcast.   “The Supervisor is telling the media that I always bring the paperwork to him, that’s simply not true,” he explained.  Puleo was first elected in 2006 and said the program that year included the Swearing Inn Ceremony and was followed immediately by Judge Toomey and all the elected officials going into his office.  The Judge first signed all the Oaths of Office, then the elected officials followed suit.    He said the exact same scenario played out in 2010 when Supervisor Vecchio was re-elected once again.  Smithtown Matters viewed the Oath’s of Office for Supervisor Vecchio for both 2006 and 2010 at the Town Clerk’s office earlier this week and in both circumstances; they were indeed signed on January 1st.

Puleo despite much criticism is saying that he had no idea the Oaths of Offices were not signed and said the situation was the result of a very bad political climate between he and the Supervisor for the last two years.  “He’s the Supervisor, we are supposed to work together,” said Puleo.  However he said that the Supervisor has not uttered a single word to him in two years; that the Supervisor only deals with his First Deputy, Maureen Sussillo.   “He doesn’t even deal with me on my budget, he refuses to deal with me,” he explained.   “He doesn’t like me because I supported Creighton, big deal, the election is over.”

Puleo said that back in November right after the election he had all the Oaths of Office typed up and put into a book.   Puleo said that Judge Toomey was scheduled to come in to sign the Oaths sometime after the January 1st Swearing Inn Ceremony.  Toomey had a slight scheduling conflict the day he was due to come in because of a court date so Puleo met him earlier so he could sign every single document. 

“Everything was printed up and ready to go, McCarthy came on January 10th and asked where they were and I told him in the book,” he shared.   “McCarthy came in my office and I swore him in, then he signed the book and left,” he added.  Puleo said McCarthy had to get sworn in two times, once for Town Councilman and once for his appointed role as Deputy Supervisor (he was appointed such at the January 8th organizational meeting hence the need for the 2nd swearing in).

Puleo said that he never thought twice about the possibility that the Supervisor wouldn’t sign the book.  “He has three secretaries, a Deputy Supervisor and a Town Attorney,” he said.  Puleo said he is sincerely disheartened about the entire situation.  “It’s very unfortunate, I feel horrible that this happened,” he added.   However, The Town Clerk feels like he is being made the fall guy.   “Vecchio’s blaming everyone except himself, it’s everyone’s fault except his,” he lamented.   The seasoned elected official claims it’s a tactic the Town Supervisor uses to incite people.  “He’s tainting people, saying this is going to cost more money for a special election, but it’s not going to be a special election, there is one scheduled for a Congressional seat and for a Senate and Assembly seat,” he explained.    Municipal attorney Paul Sabatino, II corroborated that saying it’s only considered a special election when it doesn’t take place on Election Day. 

“As far as Lynne Nowick, I never thought about it, she got sworn in by Judge Sgroi, I thought she would take care of it herself,” he added.  He said it’s not customary for him to check the book.    He said after 20 years in public service he thought she would know that a paper had to be signed. 

“I was never looking to disenfranchise the public’s vote, it disturbs me that my fellow residents might feel that way and it disturbs me that my fellow residents have to go through such a debacle,” he explained.  Puleo plans on reading a statement at tonight’s special Town Board meeting called by Deputy Supervisor Tom McCarthy.  Puleo said that he took an Oath of Office and had to by law report the missing signatures.  “It would have been a dereliction of my duties to fail to report the lack of signatures,” he ended.   

The Town Clerk’s office is essentially the Secretary to the Town Board.  They deal with death and birth certificates, they do marriages in the office.  Puleo call it’s a bustling office, a hub of Town Hall.  They also handle multiple types of licensing, for boats, mooring, commercial garbage trucks, etc.  Puleo says Section 30 Subdivision 8 of the town law reads:    An office becomes vacant upon the refusal or neglect of the incumbents to file his Oath of Office with the Town Clerk.    Did Vecchio and Nowick neglect their duties, some say yes, many say no.   Did Puleo fail to do his job?   Many say yes, some say no.  Is this an archaic law that should be overturned?   Senator Flanagan and Assemblyman Fitzpatrick think so and are publicly calling for the over one-hundred old law to be overturned and they will be bringing their lofty desire to Albany. 

“They (the state) can carve out a special exception for this situation or change the statute going forward,” explained Sabatino.  He said given the fact that the law has been on the books for a one hundred years, if they are going to do it they should do it across the board.  Is it likely the law will be changed?   “There have been numerous occasions for the state to change the law, one of the cases the court specifically said, this is a matter that has been sacrosanct,” he explained.   He added that it would be an extraordinary event if they did change the law. He says the real question is once you open up the door, how far do you open up the door?    He questioned will they do it for this one case or with they do it for Suffolk County or will it be statewide.   “Under the present penalty under the law Vecchio and Nowick would have to run again in the general election and according to the Court of Appeals they would have to give back their salary from January to whatever the date of their valid appointment, he ended. 

Reader Comments (11)

May we assume that an apology was offered Mr Puleo. He has been unfairly criticized in an editorial here. He is deserving of a public apology from Ms Rossi.

Thu, February 13, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterTimothy Fleming

Puleo will not and cannot admit that his silence about Vecchio and Nowick was not politically motivated. Puleo should be voted out of office for incompetence. It was a dirty trick.

Thu, February 13, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterMary

I don't believe a word of what he says here. Ms Rossi is sounds like you are getting a bit soft here and giving him a way out. Puleo knew what he was doing and allowed this to happen. The entire situation is a DISGRACE to our town. We don't want Creighton and his cronies, hopefully they will all be voted out of office at the next election.

Thu, February 13, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterAnn

Puleo has given part of the story. He states in his letter, " ln 2005 & 2010 the oaths were signed in my office after the swearing in on the steps of Town Hall." He neglects to say what happened this year. Did the elected officials go into his office after the swearing on the steps of Town Hall? If they did, why would Lynn Nowick and Pat Vecchio not go into his office? Was there a change to this routine? Let Puleo tell what happened this year after the oaths were taken on the steps of Town Hall. I would like to see the dates and times on the signed oaths from other politicians elected to office from the November election.

Fri, February 14, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterAngieKP

Mr. Puleo you had 30 days to give a friendly reminder to your colleagues. THIRTY DAYS! It totally would have been the decent, I'm a team player kind of thing to do but all you did was sit and wait to drop the bomb and head out on vacation. Yeah Vecchio and Nowick made a mistake. A mistake that you had within your power to easily correct and you chose not to do so. That is just plain mean-spirited and slimy. I bet if your pal Mr. Creighton won the election you would have presented him the paperwork at the earliest moment available. Say what you want but the voters know that this was nothing more than a creepy way of getting back at Vecchio for beating your pal Creighton. Unfortunately you hurt more than Mr. Vecchio and Ms. Nowick - you hurt the reputation of Smithtown and you put the voters will at jeopardy. Don't you worry - WE WILL REMEMBER. Enjoy your cushy town clerk job while it lasts.

Fri, February 14, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterAlan Kerner

The Vecchioites seem to forget that Mr Puleo was also elected. The people elected him! Mr Puleo was not elected to wait on Mr Vecchio of to run errands for the Town Board. This is such a classic case of shoot the messenger and then smear and destroy his good name. Where is Mr Vecchio's campaign manager in all of this? I'll tell you where he is. He's out there looking to change the law so his candidate no longer looks like a fool. This campaign manager knows that it was not the people who made Mr Vecchio supervisor. That task fell to three Town Board members who didn't have the stones to do the right thing.

Fri, February 14, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterTimothy Fleming

Mr. Fleming - I do not owe Mr. Puleo an apology - I felt and still feel his was a moral dereliction of duty. He is the Secretary for the Town Board, the keeper of records. "Ann" I am not getting soft on Mr. Puleo - this was not an opinion piece but a news story. I asked questions, he provided answers. It is no reflection on how I feel. How do I feel - I feel Puleo Vecchio and Nowick all owe the people of Smithtown an apology. No one is innocent, no one wins - this DEBACLE has merely shined a bright light on the dysfunction in Town Hall. I hope all the elected officials reflect on the last week and vow to put egos aside and work together.

Sat, February 15, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterMaureen Rossi

Ms. Rossi does not owe the town clerk an apology. It is the town clerk who owes the residents of Smithtown, along with Mr. Vecchio and Ms. Nowick an apology. Oh and let's not leave out those who he has blamed instead of taking it on the chin where it belonged. I hope there is a good payout for him taking this one since it is obvious that he did not act alone. Don't just blame Creighton.

Tue, February 18, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterJustMe

All i can say is "sour Grapes" the residents are owed an apology, Ether admit you were wrong or resign.

Thu, February 20, 2014 | Unregistered Commenterrjk

I am a long time Smithtown Republican voter. I would like to know if the Republican leadership will endorse Mr. Puleo when he is up for re-election after all the unnecessary turmoil he has caused here as they have endorsed him in the past. I know this will not come up for several years, but I have a major problem with any such endorsement and would have to consider voting for another candidate, even if they are a Democrat if this happens. I know a lot of my friends and neighbors feel the same way.

Fri, February 21, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterAngry Republican

Smithtown Republican leadership? Are you serious?

Fri, February 21, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterEd P.

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