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Editorial - Say No To Committee For Land Use

 “For God so loved the world that he didn’t send a committee.” (Christian quotes)

On the surface Councilman McCarthy’s March 4th proposal to create a 15 member panel to examine, draw conclusions and to make recommendations on land use issues in the Old Northport Road/Lawrence Road/ Town Line Road area sounds like a positive step; the reality is that it is not. People who are elected to office are PAID to make decisions. These paid officials  have staff, experts and legal counsel to assist them. Interested stakeholders including business owners and constituents have a role providing comments and opinions.

There are too many interested parties in this area to suggest that five business owners and five community members (with the assistance of five appointed department representatives) can speak for all of the interested parties. This ignores the reality of the complexity of the area. This is a situation which screams for leadership.

It is time for Town Board members to step up to the plate and provide that leadership. It is time for the Town Board to take ownership of the area’s problems and to take responsibility for finding a resolution.

Today, there seems to be agreement that the situation has become intolerable. The area has been put under a magnifying glass, there is finger pointing, there is stagnation, there is blame  ad nauseam and there are code violations enough to fill a land fill. Homeowners want the TOWN’S CODE enforced, business owners want it amended. Many of the businesses have been operating successfully and illegally for years and now they want their operations to be legitimized by creating a new zone for the area. 

Businesses in the area need to pay their fair share of taxes. They are not. Changes in the code must not diminish the value of the property and its ability to generate tax revenue. Outdoor storage increases the intensity of the land use and benefits the property owner, but it is not a pancea for the area. Development of commercial interests in the area is not a bad thing, but residents have for too long heard that this or that action will bring in tax dollars. Residents are wary of rhetoric. It is time to be specific how much revenue will be generated.

Homeowners need to have assurance that health and quality of life issues are the priority. Boundaries need to be established separating  business operations and homes. Hours of operation, traffic, odors, noise and dust are some of the legitimate concerns homeowners have expressed and need to be addressed.  Business owners need to have a reasonable understanding of what is to be permitted and what will not be permitted. Everyone needs to know that violations will have immediate and significant consequences. 

The first step to finding a soulution to the land use issues in the area is for the Supervisor or a council person or persons to take ownership of the issue. Councilman McCarthy has shown an interest.  McCarthy is a businessowner and was supported by many of the area’s residents in the last election. It is logical that he get the ball rolling on finding a resolution for the Old Northport Rd/Lawrence Rd/Town Line Rd area. The positions of the interested parties have been made clear. All that is lacking is the resolve of the electeds to come up with a plan. 

The time to move on this is now!





Reader Comments (4)

I agree with you. This committee is not a good idea. Issues notoriously die a slow death in committees and nothing ever gets accomplished. You're also correct to point out that a group comprised of a few self-serving business owners and laypeople can accurately and without bias represent the interests of the larger community.

Additionally, business owners that have operated illegally for years, and profited handsomely while the law-abiding homeowners suffer, should not have a seat at any table until they bring their businesses into compliance with the present zoning. Since when do we welcome the input from criminals? Let them follow the rules set forth in the town zoning codes like the rest of us have to and let them pay their fair share into the tax base just like the residents do. Then, and only then, they would be entitled to have input.

Yes, the time is now for the Town Board to use the resources they possess to bring these rogue criminal business owners into compliance with the Town of Smithtown zoning codes. Unfortunately, a few of the Councilmen have a vested interest in continuing the status quo so that their criminal cronies who own businesses in the Old Northport Rd. area (yeah the ones that contributed handsomely to fund the campaigns of those Council members) can continue to do whatever they want and continue to make those very handsome profits while the rest of us suffer.

Tue, March 11, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterAlan Kerner

"People who are elected to office are PAID to make decisions."

As Newsday reported, Mr.Trotta is compensated quite handsomely - over 200k per year between his legislative salary and police pension.

I am curious as to why you do not hold Legislator Trotta to the same standard as stated above?

Tue, March 11, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterCurious

Legislator Trotta is irrelevant to this discussion.
Town Council should make a decision.
We have countless hours of citizens and business people giving testimony and more lengthy discussions on this matter by the Planning Director.
Yes, this is a difficult issue but we pay office holders to make tough calls. Set a firm deadline and decide.

Tue, March 11, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterMichael

Mr. Trotta abstained from a vote involving the police yet this page did not criticize him for neglecting to make a decision. That was my point. Why does he get a pass?

Wed, March 12, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterCurious

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