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Happy 106th Birthday To St. Johnland Resident Ann Sayer 

St. Johnland Resident Turns 106

Ann SayerAnn Virginia Sayer celebrated her 106th birthday at St. Johnland Nursing Center on May 6th of this year.  Cognizant of family and friends, Ann enjoyed two parties with her loved ones.

When Ann Sayer needed to be hospitalized for a blood clot in her leg in January of this year, her doctor suggested rehabilitation. Her only son Scott and his wife Ann Marie wanted mom to receive care near their home and to be sure she would be administered to properly. A good friend recommended St. Johnland Nursing Center. However, Ann had lived in her own home for 99 years and the family was fearful of the transition. After a meeting with staff and a tour of the facility Scott and his wife agreed this would be the right place for his mom.

Within a few days of being at St. Johnland, Ann began to thrive. She started lifting little weights, walking with assistance and talking with more lucidity than the family had noticed in many months and was receiving better care and more stimulation.

Ann Sayer Ann Sayer was born in New York City in 1908. Her parents and brother moved to Pelham in Westchester in 1915. Ann was seven years old at the time. Still today she can easily recall the main street with trolley cars rolling by. She remembers dirt side streets and woods and ponds, running into the backyard and looking up to see the rare sight of an airplane “with propellers, of course”. She remembers the night sky- brilliant with stars before the lights of the city dimmed the view.

Ann grew up climbing nut trees and fruit trees with her brother and neighbor children.  The family had a big garden and chickens. Winter and summer Ann cooked and canned, dried herbs, made sausages and homemade breads and cakes-every meal was served with fresh ingredients- many from her garden.

Ann attended New Rochelle College, but she decided not to stay. She had a head for business and managed household accounts. (Ann got her first credit card at age 80).

At age 38 Ann married Bud Sayer, a man she admired for his knowledge of history and interest in everything. Bud was an avid reader and adventurer.

Through the years Ann worked at Bloomingdales in the fine jewelry department a few evenings a week. Ann had elegant fashion sense. She loved the work. Bloomingdale’s offered to promote her to management, but by that time Ann was in her early 70s and declined the position.

Ann was active at the Pelham Senior Center for years. She did volunteer work in town making clothing and blankets for the needy. Ann was quite a seamstress and made many of her own stylish clothes.

At age 101 Ann Sayer could be found 2-3 times a week shopping in local stores and playing bridge at “the seniors”. She often drove friends who needed a ride. She always had a smile and a bit of cheer for friends who were low. Although she never disclosed her age, stage whispers continually leaked it out. No one could have guessed it otherwise. Ann’s complexion is still beautiful with few wrinkles.

Until age 102 Ann still managed her house and gardens, hung laundry out to dry and did all her own “Italian Style” cooking. Her secrets to good health- “Everyday use the four: garlic, fresh lemon, extra virgin olive oil and Italian style parsley.

At 106, Ann Sayer is in remarkable condition and enjoys a hearty appetite. She has all her hair, teeth, and suffers no pain except for a bit of arthritis. Due to heat stroke suffered four summers ago, her short term memory is nearly non-existent. But she knows all her family and friends and still remembers the old days!


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