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Theater Review - "Mary Poppins"


Mary Poppins

Produced by: The Gateway Theater – Bellport - Reviewed by: Jeb Ladouceur

The year 1964 saw an amazing event in motion pictures. Julie Andrews (with a hefty assist from Dick Van Dyke) introduced a beloved idol to children the world over—her name, of course, is ‘Mary Poppins,’ and the magical nanny endeared herself instantly to moviegoers of all ages. It was hardly surprising, then, that London’s West End ultimately produced a stage version in 2004 … or that Broadway followed with its own rendition in November, 2006.

Now Long Island’s marvelous Gateway Theater has also adapted the Disney film for the stage … and the result at the historic Patchogue Theater is (in the unique Mary Poppins vernacular) ‘Supercali-fragilistic-expiali-docious!’

When reviewing ‘Singin’ In the Rain’ last year, we had reservations whether the famed ‘downpour’ scene of that show’s title could be convincingly done in the beautiful old Patchogue showplace where it (like this production) was presented. We needn’t have worried. The puddly, splashy segment was as well delivered on stage as it had been in the Gene Kelly film.

But could The Gateway match that torrential triumph in mystic Mary’s ‘flying’ sequence, wherein she’s borne aloft by an umbrella endowed with magic carpet capabilities? After all, surviving an artificial rain storm might be one thing—flying above a sold-out audience in Suffolk County’s largest theater is something else again!

But don’t be concerned, dear patrons. The Gateway’s Mary Poppins flies as if born to soar aloft … and one comes away from the performance convinced that there’s no theatrical special effect this production company can’t pull off when they put their minds to it.

Naturally, the gliding parasol sequence, though a cute touch in this enchanting show, is hardly the sum and substance of the iconic musical. The songs make this play what it is. Numbers like ‘A Spoonful of Sugar,’ ‘Feed The Birds,’ (Walt Disney’s favorite song) and the Academy Award winning ‘Chim Chim Cher-ee’ have become classics that spin readily from the mouths of youngsters (and yes, adults too) the world over.

Gail Bennett in this extravaganza’s title role is blessed with a lovely voice and stage presence, and she is ably supported by the multi-talented Tony Mansker. He plays Bert, her loyal chimney-sweep friend who, as the lovable cockney-voiced narrator, expertly keeps things moving along. In fact everyone in the superb cast sings, dances and (yes) flies flawlessly, making this ‘Mary Poppins’ yet another in a long list of winning Gateway spectaculars.

Kudos are in order for Director, Shaun Kerrison; Set Designer, Christine Peters, and Choreographer, Lisa Stevens. Child actors Alison Cordaro alternating with Thea Flanzer … and Ethan Eisenberg spelling Nolan Lyons … are absolutely delightful as the often-obstreperous children in the story. And of course, we mustn’t forget the folks who gave that little black umbrella so much lifting power.

Finally, this reviewer, an admitted sucker for colorful period costumes in lavishly lit musicals, was blown away by Rachel Berchtold’s stunning outfits combined with the exquisite lighting design of Kim Hanson. The overall effect is absolutely breathtaking, and a fitting 50th birthday present for the ever-young Mary Poppins.

The musical runs through July 19th. Do yourself a favor—call: 631-286-1133



Award-winning Smithtown writer Jeb Ladouceur is the author of eight novels, and his theater reviews appear in several major L.I. publications. In Ladouceur’s next thriller, “Harvest” due in late summer, an American doctor is forced to perform illegal surgeries for a gang of vital organ traffickers in The Balkans.