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Editorial - Councilman McCarthy's "Yes" Vote Should Have Been An Abstention  

Without discussion the Smithtown Town Board approved a 600* percent increase in the salary of Smithtown’s Deputy Supervisor.  The resolution was on the agenda as  item  O.  The resolution was read along with other agenda items unceremoniously and without discussion.  The votes were called, Councilwoman Nowick “yes”, Councilman Creighton, “no on O and yes on the rest”,, Councilman Wehrheim, “no on O and yes on the rest”, Councilman McCarthy, “yes”, Supervisor Vecchio, “yes”. 

So it is that the Deputy Supervisor’s salary went from $5,000 to $35,000.  As surprising as a 600* percent increase is, it is not nearly as interesting as the fact that Councilman McCarthy is the Deputy Supervisor and he was a deciding vote to increase his own salary.  Another fact that wasn’t mentioned at the meeting was that the resolution increasing the deputy supervisor’s salary called for a $35,000 per annum salary which means Tuesday’s vote becomes effective immediately and according to Councilman Wehrheim that includes 2014. 

The merit of increasing the salary of the Deputy Supervisor should have been part of a discussion somewhere in public, but never was.  In August, Supervisor Vecchio sent a memo requesting the support of a salary increase for the Deputy Supervisor/Councilman. According to both Councilmen Wehrheim and Creighton they rejected the proposal as a resolution and suggested that the proposal become part of the budget discussion process.  Supervisor Vecchio, in a phone conversation,  acknowledged  the memo and provided a copy to Smithtown Matters.  The proposal seemed dead. Without the support of the two Councilmen and with an anticipated abstention by Deputy Supervisor/Councilman McCarthy at best, the vote if Councilwoman Nowick supported it would be 2-2. 

At Tuesday’s Board meeting Deputy Supervisor/Councilman McCarthy did not abstain and voted to give himself a whopping 600 percent increase in the Deputy Supervisor portion of his salary.  Mr. McCarthy’s salary in 2014 will be more than $90,000 and does not include benefits and pension costs taxpayers will be responsible for. Smithtown Matters is requesting a legal opinion as to whether or not Mr. McCarthy’s vote was a violation of New York State’s and Smithtown’s Ethic Code.  

Smithtown residents deserve a discussion on the merits of raising the salary of the Deputy Supervisor. Residents should have confidence that salary increases for elected officials are part of a budget process and not arbitrarily negotiated between three like-minded board members.  Lastly, transparency is not negotiable. If Mr. McCarthy’s raise was important why not discuss it? The Town Board should rescind this resolution and let the discussion begin.


* The article has been amended to reflect the correct percentage increase as 600 percent not the 700 percent as mentioned in the article. I should have double checked my math before posting. I apologize for the error. Pat

Reader Comments (13)

A raise is not egregious, the process is. I can't believe it's legal for McCarthy to vote for his own raise. Perhaps he deserves a modest raise, but it should be part of the budgetary process. Wake up Smithtown, this is back-handed, shame on all YES votes. The public should be able to weigh in on a raise of this magnitude.

Thu, September 11, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterMaureen Rossi

Councilman McCarthy's vote places a blemish on his record that seemed to be pretty straight. Every vote he makes will raise the question, what's in it for him. McCarthy should resign as Deputy Supervisor. Smithtown (email)

Thu, September 11, 2014 | Registered Commenter.

Welcome to Smithtown - whiney people who only whine louder when they vote for the same people over and over. Voters get what they deserve your not watching and they know that. BTW - when did the Councilman get back from Fl. Smithtown (email)

Thu, September 11, 2014 | Registered Commenter.

Found this interesting:
N.Y. TWN. LAW ยง 42 : NY Code - Section 42: Deputy supervisor - The town board of any town may at any time establish the office of deputy supervisor. The deputy supervisor shall be appointed by the supervisor to serve at the pleasure of the supervisor - See more at: http://codes.lp.findlaw.com/nycode/TWN/3/42#sthash.YhKYW9Mo.dpuf
Apparently McCarthy has been such a great pleasure to have around, Vecchio thought he deserved such a big raise. But what was done to deserve such an increase? I am sick and tired of having these clowns doing what they want and flaunting it, like they can't be stopped. But until people of this town come together as a unified mass, and speak up. They will continue to blow our hard earned dollars.

I think McCarthy has the right idea though, maybe I should go into my bosses office tomorrow and ask if we can take a vote to see if I can get a substantial raise. Of course I will be sure to bring a couple of buddies to sway the vote in my favor. Know what would happen, I would probably be laughed at then maybe fired. Because its stupid, and nobody would do that. Except you, you sly dog you.

Thu, September 11, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterJoe Resident

"A raise of that amount for the Deputy Supervisor is outrageous and unheard of and should not have been approved or permitted...furthermore, no member of the town board should be in a position to vote on their own salary increase. This yes vote should get them all fired and replaced with town officials looking out for our towns welfare not their own personal gains". "The memory of this will not be forgotten in forthcoming elections". Resident Of Smithtown For Many Long Years, EB

Thu, September 11, 2014 | Registered Commenter.

I'm in agreement with the editorial ... but find it preferable that commentators include their names ... as the Editor obviously did.

Thu, September 11, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterJeb Ladouceur

I agree with Jeb

Fri, September 12, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterJeb

I agree wholeheartedly with this editorial. However, I am not surprised about the issue. Smithtown has certainly come up with some outlandish, outrageously stupid votes lately. Who will ever forget the ridiculousness of the town clerk earlier this year. What's next?

Fri, September 12, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterCarole Paquette

Clear and simple... This is a conflict of interest and an outrage. The ethics board should review this vote. There must be a law to prevent this from happening. This would not have passed without McCarthy voting for his own raise.

Fri, September 12, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterAnn Strehy

Smithtowners recently crucified a Clerk who did his job by making public the fact that two Town officials had not signed required paperwork after an election, Now they ???? and moan that a guy with a cushy job gets a 600% raise. Memo to all Smithtowners: Be careful what you pray for. You might get it.

edited wording

Fri, September 12, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterTim Fleming

Can't say that I am shocked, but I am surprised that Tom McCarthy would make this kind of mistake! Does he really need this raise??? What was Vecchio's point in all of this??

Mon, September 15, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterEGF

Is this payback for McCarthy staying with Vecchio and Nowick?

Wed, September 17, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterNT

Mr. McCarthy- very disappointing and surprised that you would see nothing wrong with this. Mr. Vecchio- time to go.

Sun, September 21, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterFrank

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